Super Shinto Master

Five hundred and seventy-seven fusion of martial arts, powerful forces other than Yunmiao Mountain (

In the wild land, the wind is raging, and the eyes are full of wildness!

A flat boat sailed against the wind, and a tall and straight figure stood leisurely.

Yu Guihai showed a faint joy on his face, and this time he came to the Valley of Wronged Souls was indeed the right thing to do.

Harvesting many treasures will benefit him a lot in his subsequent improvement.

However, there is also a pity, that is, the auxiliary spiritual material of the Demon Heart Seed Embryo Pill was missing one and could not be found.

I inquired about it from True Monarch Huoyang. This kind of spiritual material is really hard to find. At least he has never heard of this kind of spiritual material appearing in the Valley of Wronged Souls for decades, not even Huolinguan. .

"It's a little troublesome."

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai muttered to himself.

This spiritual material is called Soul Tears and Tears. It is a special Yin material. Legend has it that it is the tears produced by some special ghost.

This kind of ghosts and creatures are twins, and they are naturally intertwined and dependent on each other. Once one dies, the other will be sad and unbearable, leaving tears.

Tears for the soul.

The strength of this kind of ghost is uncertain, it may be a low-level ghost, or it may be a high-level ghost, so the rank of Soul Tears is also different.

The soul tears and tears that Yu Guihai needs must be at least produced by congenital ghosts.

However, ghosts with one twin are rare, and even among twin ghosts, there are very few who can produce tears.

This situation is difficult to find without clear information.

So Yu Guihai gave up his plan to find it himself.

He had the intention to replace Soul Tears with other spiritual waters, but with his alchemy skills, he soon discovered that it was irreplaceable.

This soul tears has a unique effect of washing and neutralizing bloody demonic energy. Although it is an auxiliary medicinal material, it is indispensable when refining the demon heart seed pill.

Other similar spiritual waters do not have this effect.

Yu Guihai returned to Huolin Pass and canceled all other tasks, leaving only the tasks of searching for Soul Tears and the clues of ghosts in the extreme land, and the rewards were doubled.

Then, he returned to Lianyin Peak, took time to visit his old friends, communicated and exchanged feelings with senior people in the sect, and also went to the Zongmen library to check the collection of books and search for some information.

When I come back at night, I will upgrade my diving.

He doesn't have anything special to upgrade now, so he upgrades those Guiyuan Realm martial arts and martial skills that he secretly learned from the Fa Chuantang, which can be regarded as increasing the martial arts background.

And he still has some plans that he wants to carry out.

Such as creating a powerful martial art.

Now, in his hand, the most powerful martial skill is the Demon Demon King Circle, which can support him to kill powerful enemies. Other martial arts are very general, no special power.

Of course, it doesn't mean that other martial arts are not good. He stealthily learned a total of twenty-one, among which there are five exercises in the Yuanyuan realm and sixteen martial arts in the Yuanyuan realm.

Each of these Guiyuan Realm martial arts are very powerful, but they cannot be compared with the Demon-Fufu King Kong Circle.

For example, in a fight with people, if you use other martial arts of the Yuanyuan Realm, you may have to fight for a while, but as soon as the Demon Demon King comes out, you can instantly control the enemy.

In this way, what is the use of Yu Guihai learning those exercises?

But only this martial skill is too little after all.

Therefore, Yu Guihai decided to gather many martial skills and fuse them into a martial skill that could rival or even surpass the Demon Demon King Circle.

Furthermore, he is also preparing to learn all the five martial arts of the Yuanyuan Realm, and integrate them into the six-pole golden body to make it even more powerful.

Even, he has a hint of ambition. If all these exercises are integrated, is it possible that the six-pole golden body can be promoted to the supernatural power?


The fusion function of the system was originally very tasteless, and it could only be fused to perfect martial skills, and it had to be similar and similar in order to have fusion value.

However, after the system upgrade, the fusion function has become much more powerful, and the martial arts and martial arts, whether they are cultivated or not, and whether they are similar or not, can all be removed and merged into a more powerful martial arts.

Before, he focused on improving his realm and learning important immortal arts and arts.

Now, as soon as he uses it, he sees the effect immediately.

There are hundreds of martial arts he has learned, of course most of them are low-level. If all of them are integrated, it will take too long, and we can only wait until there is free time in the future.

Now what he has merged is only the powerful martial arts and martial arts of the Yuanyuan Realm.

Batian Soulless Sword, Extinguishing Starlight Sword, Pin Golden Palm, Unicorn Arm...  

Yu Guihai directly packaged all the martial arts of the Guiyuan Realm together and fused them together at the same time.

The final fusion of sixteen powerful martial arts requires forty-eight upgrade points, and it takes forty-eight days to complete the fusion.

Except for adding some points every day, Yu Guihai doesn't care about the rest.

He was looking forward to the emergence of an extremely powerful super martial art after the fusion.

As for the Demon Demon King Circle, he did not join the fusion ranks, just because he was afraid that it would not be available until the fusion was completed, and it would be troublesome if he needed to fight.

Anyway, until the sixteen martial arts are integrated, it will not be too late to integrate this one.


The library building is located in Yunmiao Peak. It is a quaint small building. There are many ancient books hidden in it, and many little-known ancient secrets are recorded.

Only the powerhouses above the primordial stage can read at will, and the real person of the Zifu period can only apply, and only with permission can they come to borrow a certain aspect of the material. As for the disciples in the qi refining stage, they are not qualified to come.

Yu Guihai came every day when he was free, and spent more than a month soaking in it. For such a long time, he had a very comprehensive understanding of the history, geography, and humanities of this world.

In particular, some secret information has benefited him a lot. For the secular, for the wild, have a deeper understanding.

For example, in the depths of the wild, the extreme north is the source of all monsters and monsters.

And Tian Zhanya is a protective wall opened up by the ancient human beings in order to save the common people, using the supernatural power.

However, even in the oldest books of the sect, the things about Tian Zhanya are only speculations, and there is no real and accurate record.

To Yu Guihai's surprise, here he also saw records about the Black Lotus Sect and the Insect God Sect.

There are very few materials on the Black Lotus Sect, and they are all the ones that have been passed around in other materials. It seems that someone has specially erased them.

However, Yu Guihai still judged that the Black Lotus Sect and Lianyin Peak seemed to have a close relationship, and even until the period of Wunian Ghost Master, the Black Lotus Sect still received the protection of Lianyin Peak.

This is also the reason why he does evil things in the world, but the Dasheng royal family, who is backed by Yunmiao Mountain, has nothing to do with him.

As for the Insect Religion, it is quite special.

It turned out to be an independent force that was not governed by Yunmiao Mountain.

The country of Xituo where it is located is hidden in the big swamp in the western part of the Dasheng Empire. Although it has disputes with the Dasheng Empire, it has never really occupied Dasheng's territory.

The strongest person behind it is a god-turning powerhouse. It is said that he used to be a monk of Yunmiao Mountain. Because he was excluded from the sect, he rebelled in anger, entered the western great swamp, and became the sect of the insect gods in the city.

Yunmiao Mountain once sent two great experts of the God Transformation stage to go there, but they returned in a bad way, and then they turned a blind eye to them.

These secrets are of great help to Yu Guihai. For example, the Black Lotus Sect, since he has become the peak master of Refining Yin Peak, he can completely subdue it or exterminate it.

Another example is the Insect God Cult. He once planned to go deep into the Great Swamp to meet the powerful Insect God Cult for a while, but now it's okay.

The time is not up, the time is not ripe!


Yu Guihai flipped through a book of ancient travel journals absentmindedly. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he looked closely with excitement on his face, as if he had found some incredible news.

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