Super Supreme System

Chapter 200: :Hey! My woman

After killing the zombie dinosaur, Yang Chen took Claire Redfield and quickly came to the Dinosaur Park Information Center.

Here, Yang Chen could see many zombies and zombies dinosaurs at the door were shot and killed. Obviously, the armed forces here had fought here.

And the surrounding area seemed to have been cleared, and there were no other living zombies or zombie dinosaurs.

In the information center building in front of him, the door below was already destroyed and destroyed, but at this time there was a large amount of debris piled up at the door. In front of the door, there were piles of corpses of zombies and zombie dinosaurs.

At a glance, you can know that after the people inside blocked the door with debris, the zombies and zombie dinosaurs outside were still trying to hit the inside, but unfortunately they didn't succeed in the end!

"Fortunately, it seems that the people here are not dead!"

When Yang Chen saw this situation, he was relieved immediately, proving that the people in the information center building were holding on, so Claire, as the supervisor, should be fine.

"Great, there should be people alive inside!"

Claire Redfield also discovered the situation at the entrance of the information center building, and immediately said out of joy, and was about to walk over!


It was only Claire Redfield who was about to walk over, and was pulled by Yang Chen, and quickly hid him aside.

"Walk through this way, you are not afraid of being killed as a zombie by the people inside?"

After Yang Chen grabbed Claire Redfield, he spoke.


"I almost forgot..."

Claire Redfield heard this and suddenly exclaimed in fear.

After speaking, Claire Redfield gave Yang Chen a startled look, as if he didn't expect Yang Chen to be so delicate.

The other party is obviously younger than her!

Even if she is strong, her mind is so keen, her performance is a bit unsightly in comparison.

"Didn't you say that your girlfriend is here, then you should call her quickly!"

Later, Claire quickly changed the subject in order to conceal his unbearableness.


"I lost my phone and forgot her number!"

When Yang Chen heard the words, he was embarrassed, and he had not remembered Claire's mobile phone number.

Otherwise, after landing on the island, he would have called to ask if it was safe!

Fortunately, Claire Redfield didn't suspect that he was there, and thought Yang Chen really had his phone dropped: "Then what should we do now? Shall we just call each other loudly? That will attract the zombies in the distance! "

"It's okay, there are so many stores here, just find one, the phone inside should have the number inside the call information center!"

Yang Chen smiled and turned to Claire Redfield and pointed to a storefront next to him. Through the glass window, he could directly see the phone inside.

"Damn umbrella company, it turns out that what they have been studying is actually a biochemical virus..."

"Also experiment with the dinosaurs on the island..."

In the Dinosaur Park Information Center, the director Claire looked angry. She had never known what the umbrella company people were studying here. Now that she knows it, it is better to not know!

"Why am I so unlucky?"

"If you knew it, don't insist on staying, just leave the dinosaur park directly..."

Claire sat in her office boredly, muttering to herself somewhat regretfully.

After the dinosaur park that the umbrella company took over, she herself was reluctant to leave here, so she and the umbrella company nominated herself and continued to stay here as a supervisor.

The people in the umbrella company might also have fancy that Claire is familiar with everything on the island, so he stayed as Claire!

Then Claire was depressed to realize that she was continuing to be a supervisor, but she couldn't get involved in many things.

After the tyrannical tyrannical incident, she cared very much about the research on dinosaurs by the researchers on the island, and was afraid that there would be any dangerous species. So she always wanted to intervene, but she could not intervene. She was quite depressed.

Now, she realized how correct her premonition was. Although no new dangerous dinosaur species had been produced, the people from the umbrella company were even more frantically devised biochemical viruses, and they were able to give zombies a powerful dinosaur. It becomes more dangerous.

Half a year ago, the tyrannical dragon incident resulted in a tyrannical dragon, but this time most of the dinosaurs on the island have been infected, and the people on the island are almost extinct!

Claire can be said to be crying without tears!

"I don't know where the **** has gone, he said I am his woman, and I haven't seen any figure for half a year..."

Then, Claire couldn't help thinking of Yang Chen who could tame the tyrannical dragon, Yang Chen who had taken her for the first time.

Although she is still full of resentment towards Yang Chen, what I have to say is that in the past six months, she still often thinks of Yang Chen!

Although every time I think of Yang Chen, my teeth are itchy, I can't wait to bite Yang Chen.

But Claire still couldn't stop thinking of Yang Chen, who made that **** be her first man? Moreover, after taking her over, she did not allow her to find another man, and still used threats. It was a shameless bastard!

"Director Claire, there is your phone number, and someone named Yang Chen is looking for you!"

Just as Claire thought of Yang Chen, there was a knock on the door of her office, as well as the voice of her assistant.


Claire stood up immediately after hearing the words.

She never expected that Yang Chen would look for her at this time!

Immediately, Claire asked the assistant to transfer the call in, and at the same time she picked up the handset with some anxiety and excitement.


Claire spoke, and then stopped, because she didn't know how to call the **** on the other end.

"Hey, my woman, you really are not dead!"

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