Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 321: Selfish

Wu Wenkai originally didn't want to disturb them when he started, but when he saw where General Qi Wei was righteously, he said that he was for the country.

Wu Wenkai couldn't bear it anymore, he just shouted at General Qi Wei, and the admiral next to him heard, his face changed immediately, they really didn't know about it,

"Wu Wenkai, you don't want to spurt people! I tell you, if you continue to make such unreasonable troubles, I will propose to take down your admiral rank!" General Qi Wei was too angry,

He also knows that the children of his family are indeed involved, but not many people know about it. If it spreads, his prestige in the army and in the country will be seriously damaged, and it will still be impossible. It doesn't have to be the post of Chief of Staff!

"My blood spurted people, and I made trouble out of nowhere? Where did Yun Jintian's money come from? It was really foreign. As for Yun Jintian, his assets have been almost rectified by Wu Yang. Who believes him?

Those foreign funds are not looking for an agent, but he is an old man now, and your family is what they are looking for, but your descendants are as sly as you are, pushing Yun Jintian out. You do n’t want to I thought no one knew, I said, people are doing it, heaven is watching, it ’s useless for you to quibble, whether to apply for a department to check! "Wu Wenkai said immediately. Alas,

"You!" Qi Wei heard and scolded Wu Wenkai angrily.

"What's wrong with me, General Qi Wei, if you want to run our family's business, just do it. Don't put yourself in the clothes of a gentleman. You are disgusting and not disgusting!" Wu Wenkai said again.

"Okay, okay, then, is there no way to talk about this, isn't it?" General Qi Wei said with great anger.

"I didn't want to talk to you originally. It was you who came to your door!" Liu Yufei said sneer, where he was sitting.

"Okay, let's go!" Qi Wei couldn't sit still at this time, and the admirals who had just looked at him weren't right, so he needed to explain to them.

"No!" Said Wu Wenkai, smiling at General Qi Wei, where he sat. When Qi Wei heard this, he stood up, and the other admirals also stood up.

"Wen Kai, is Father at home? I'll pay a visit at night!" Said one of the generals, Qi Wei heard it, and looked back fiercely at the general.

"Ha, my father went to Pengcheng to play! However, if you are free, you can go to my house for tea!" Wu Wenkai knew what it meant as soon as he heard it.

"Okay! General Qi Wei. Let's go!" The general did not care about General Qi Wei's eyes at all and took the lead directly and left.

Those generals did not want to destroy the dream technology. They also hoped that they could get those technologies. At the beginning, General Qi Wei said that if they didn't do it, they wouldn't get those technologies.

But didn't expect it. People from the Qi Wei family also participated. That's not the case!

They don't want to continue playing like this anymore! It was shameful to do this now. Wu Yang has helped their troops a lot. Now they are going to bring down their company. They are already guilty. Now things are not what Qi Wei said before. . Of course they will not accompany Qi Wei,

Everyone is a general, and there was General Fu's objection before, now he is against it, and Qi Wei has no way to take them!

"Wen Kai. I will go to your house at night and let my siblings get some good food and drinks!" Another general said.

"Okay, no problem!" Wu Wenkai said with a smile.

"Okay, we're gone, you're going to be busy, yes, little girl, you're very good, no wonder Wuyang just likes you!" Another general said, too.

"Thank you Uncle Sun!" Liu Yufei laughed and said. When they left, Wu Wenkai was also sitting there.

"Uncle, it seems that the people over the army are supporting us?" Liu Yufei asked with a smile.

"Well, we are supporting us, but this company, we do n’t know if we can keep it. Now that the funds are waiting, I guess there is no way for the people on the army to stop it. Those who can stop now, estimate It's Wuyang, hey!

However, girl, they are like this today, and I guess we can keep those interests of the Wu family. If this company can't really protect us, I will tell my father, let the Wu family share some of your own interests! Hope to compensate you! After Wu Wenkai sighed, he said to Liu Yufei,

In his eyes, Liu Yufei is really good, much better than the girls in many families, and now they are still protecting Wuyang's interests. In this regard, the Wu family must have suffered, and it must be Returned, I do n’t care what happened to Liu Yufei in the future, regardless of what Liu Jiaguan said, but the Wu family must manage it!

"This is not necessary, I believe Dream Technology can keep it!" Liu Yufei said with a smile.

"Okay, just have confidence, I won't bother you, I'll take a rest next to it! It will be fine if you ask someone to come to me!" Wu Wenkai stood up and said,

However, in the farm of Yu family, except for the grandfather Wu, the other grandfathers have already reached their anger, and there are also some people, who are some of the business groups, and some gold masters! Those families don't have much money. If they want to compete for Wuyang's dream technology, they must cooperate with other people, and those rich people who are not very pedestrian are the partners they need!

"I said, Mr. Liu, you should make a phone call to that girl in your family. Don't hold it down. She can't keep it. Besides, she has now opened those people and opened the ones in Wuyang School. Students have also caused a lot of trouble for those of us,

You are his grandpa, you call, I think she still wants to listen! Father Lu said, sitting there.

"Yes, our strength is the weakest now. If your girl joins in, I think we can control most of the shares of Dream Technology. If she knows where those technologies in Wuyang are hidden, Then our families are expected to be able to completely control Dream Technology! "Father Ding also persuaded.

"It didn't work. I did n’t answer her when I called. His father did n’t answer. I did n’t dare to catch her now. If I tried to catch her, it would be that the Wu family would desperately fight with me. I can watch her like this, and then, the girl in my family, I ca n’t tell you, she just followed Wuyang desperately, hey! ”Father Liu sighed.

"What's the use with Wuyang, now it's all a vegetative, you can't still keep him, I see, it's no use to find another one for President Liu. It's useless to follow Wuyang!" Where did you say that this is the first time that he has participated in such a meeting, but for this meeting, he took out more than 12 billion!

"Well, Xiao Wang is right, you really need to find a new one for your girl!" Father Lu also said with a smile.

"Okay, don't talk about this, now that girl won't help us, let's talk about our plan now. Now we have prepared 150 billion. For other people, I guess we have prepared more cash. Waiting, our strength should not be the most powerful! "Father Liu said aside from the topic.

"This is that our economic strength may not be the most powerful, but our comprehensive strength should be the strongest. Now we can form an opponent with us, that is, the other four shares.

The others are small, and the children of General Qi Wei's children use the foreign capital, and there is also the Shencheng Consortium! The other is a group of emerging entrepreneurs from Pengcheng. They are led by the people in the Executive Yuan, and there are people in Baogang. The relationship is very complicated. People in that place have , Their strength is also the smallest!

However, they are also estimated to be the richest. I estimate that they have prepared at least 250 billion yuan! "Father Yu said,

"Well, more money is useless, Wuyang is rich, and the Wu family can't keep it, isn't it!" Father Liu said with a laugh, his grandson Liu Suquan was killed.

He was counted on the heads of Wuyang and Wujia, and now he is able to divide up Wuyang's assets. He is very interested!

"However, one thing is very strange. The Wu family actually died this time. All the members of their family were scattered in the branches of Wuyang. So it would be difficult for everyone to do it.

I estimate that no one wants to do it first, in case something goes wrong ~ ~, then it will offend Wujia! Father Lu said immediately.

"Aren't you waiting for the troops to do something?" Father Liu asked.

"They are stubborn enough to do it. Now many people are against it. We are all against it. If we do n’t do it, we will continue to be able to share a lot of benefits. Once we ca n’t find those technical information, we will do it. In the future, the assets of the company that received Wuyang will be useless. In a few years, Dream Technology will go out of business. Counting on, we are the most loser! "Mr. Liu followed.

"Well, now there are indeed many people opposing the army, and the meaning of the commander-in-chief has also swayed. The people below are waiting!" Master Cai nodded and said.

"Then we'll wait? They won't do it, we won't do it?" Father Sun asked.

"Yes, let's do it last, and watch them fight with Wujia!" Father Yu nodded and said, and the others nodded.

In another small courtyard in Beijing, the family members of the Shencheng Consortium who had had a fight with Wuyang that year had already done one! (To be continued ...)

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