Super Zoo

Chapter 28 Superstar

After Robben called out the starting price of 100,000 US dollars, there was a brief gap in the audience.

Many people participating in the auction began to whisper among themselves, probably discussing something.

"One hundred thousand!" Finally the first person raised the sign.

"One hundred twenty thousand!"

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"One hundred and eighty thousand!"

After several bids, the price was finally settled at US$220,000.

"Thanks to Earl Downton, this bottle of mysterious red wine belongs to you!" Robben bowed slightly to the middle-aged British gentleman who made the last bid.

The Earl of Downton stood up and returned the favor to Robben with the same traditional British classical aristocratic etiquette.

"Is this okay? What if it's really fake wine?" Su Ming was speechless. Maybe this is a real rich man.

Zhao Yun explained to Su Ming: "Mystery and the unknown are also a huge attraction. Sometimes what you pay for is a thrill, especially this group of old nobles who were kicked out in the power struggle. They especially like to use It’s a way to show presence.”

He took a sip of red wine and said calmly: "Actually, there are many factors that affect the final price. Some are simply hype or secret bribery, but there are also real miracles. After all, there are still many people in this world who take money instead of money. "

The second auction item is a bottle of champagne called 'Pycnoir Champagne'.

The history of this bottle of wine is not too long, at least compared to the previous sweet white wine. The 1907 vintage is like a little brother compared to 1787, and the winery produced is not too famous. It is nothing more than The royal winery of Russian Czar Nicholas II.

The royal winery is mysterious and noble in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of real connoisseurs, it is only better than mass-produced products. In the eyes of traditional European aristocrats, the royal winery of the tsar is completely out of the world of ice and snow. Barbarian insists on pretending to be elegant and builds a second-rate winery. How can there be any treasures there?

Then this bottle of wine has a legendary background story. In 1916, a German submarine sank a Russian ship. One of the ships contained a box of 2,000 bottles of Snowy Champagne.

This box of Snowy champagne was buried at the bottom of the sea together with the sunken ship for 82 years. It was not until 1998 that it was salvaged and brought to light.

Since Tsarist Russia was replaced by the Soviet Union in 1922, and the Royal Chateau was transformed into Comrade Stalin’s private holiday villa, the Piper-Peux Champagne has since been called the swan song, also known as the ‘last royal dinner’.

"I'm not sure whether this bottle of wine can still be drunk, but even if it can be drunk, with my meager income, I would never bear to drink such history!"

Robben made a little joke, and a few chuckles came from below, before he continued: "These two thousand bottles of wine, the starting price of any bottle is the same, 150,000 US dollars."

There were many more people bidding this time than for the mysterious red wine just now. There was almost an endless stream of people raising placards, and the price was also rising rapidly.

"Third bid, $350,000! Deal!" Robben's hammer hit hard, "Congratulations, Jacky!"

Jacky in the photo seems to have a good personal relationship with Robben. He raised the wine glass in front of him and gave Robben a slight smile.

"It's actually him?" Su Ming then noticed that this Xiangjiang man named 'Jacky' was actually a very famous figure in the entertainment industry. Su Ming had grown up listening to his songs.

Zhao Yun whispered on the side: "This is Xiangjiang. You can often see celebrities from all walks of life. If you have collections such as clocks, you might even see Dr. He."

Dr. He is the gambling king He Hongshen. He loves to collect clocks. Although he is famous for his gambling, this old gentleman likes to be called "Doctor".

Of the next few auction items, one failed to sell, and the remaining items all ranged in price from 300,000 to 600,000. They were all US dollars, not Chinese coins as Su Ming had always thought.

The auction scene did not appear as Su Ming imagined, with tense situations and slaps in the face. On the contrary, the people who came to participate in the auction were all people with a certain status, and collecting was just a hobby. They would not form enemies over hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's what children do.

"The following piece of collection is the first time it has been auctioned by Sotheby's and even auction houses around the world."

Robben's words immediately aroused a small discussion. Sotheby's has been established for more than two hundred years. What has it not sold? Not to mention the first time in the world!

It is said that during a period of war, a famous auction house even auctioned the sovereignty of a small country!

"Most of you live in Xiangjiang, so you must have a certain understanding of Chinese culture. Some of the friends here are close friends with Mr. Jin from Xiangjiang Ming Pao..."

Everyone was a little strange. They didn't know why they mentioned the golden hero Mr. Jin who shot the white deer in the snow.

However, in view of their trust in Robben's professionalism, everyone listened patiently to what he had to say, and many people became even more curious.

Hearing this, Su Ming knew that his monkey wine was about to come on stage!

Robben spoke Chinese very fluently. If he closed his eyes and didn't look at his appearance, Su Ming would have thought he was an innocent Chinese.

"In Mr. Jin's book, there is a hero called Linghu. This hero is addicted to alcohol. He drinks countless wines in his life. If the wine he drinks is made by nature, it gathers the essence of heaven and earth. There is nothing more interesting than the monkey wine made from the fruits of monkeys. The auction item below is a bottle of monkey wine accidentally discovered in the Qinling Mountains of mainland China! "

There was an uproar in the auction hall. Many Chinese people even stood up directly. The king-level superstar even asked directly: "Robben, you are so ridiculous. Is there really monkey wine in this world?"

"Oh, Jacky mentioned a very critical question, and I really can't give you an accurate answer."

Robben shrugged and said with a smile: "Because there has been no monkey wine before, there is no real sample to compare. At the same time, it is impossible to catch the monkey who made the wine and interrogate it to make him admit it." Is this bottle of monkey wine from him?”

Robben's humor aroused a burst of good-natured laughter, and he continued: "However, we asked several experts to identify it, and they all agreed that the brewing process and raw materials of this bottle of wine are indeed different from any known brewing method. Different, at the same time, this bottle of wine has a unique flavor and extremely high nutritional value. In terms of quality, it should have been fermented at least three times. In addition, although we did not catch the smart monkey, we found the tree where the wine was made, and after comparison. It was discovered that this bottle of wine was indeed brewed from the heart of the tree.”

As he spoke, the projection of the big hollow tree was projected on the big screen behind him.

"So, unless a monkey makes wine for everyone to see, we will never be sure whether it is monkey wine! I think, except for Tarzan, no other person in the world will have the opportunity to see a monkey making wine with his own eyes.

If this is a real bottle of monkey wine, then it may be the only bottle of monkey wine discovered by humans. I don’t need to elaborate on its value! Of course, everything has another possibility. Maybe this is a bottle of strange fruit wine that is inexplicable, but tastes heartbreakingly good. "

Robben pressed his hands down: "Okay, everyone, the starting price for this equally mysterious bottle of monkey wine is US$180,000!"

Jacky gathered the signs without hesitation: "Two hundred thousand!"

"220 thousand and dollars!" Earl Downton, who had just photographed the wine, held up a sign.

Before Jacky could raise his sign again, another Chinese businessman bid a price of 250,000.

A Taiwanese guy directly raised his sign: 300,000.

Jacky spread his hands and smiled at the Taiwanese guy, indicating that he was unable to compete. Then he turned around and whispered to the assistant next to him with a smile, "If I had known better, I wouldn't have bought that champagne."

The assistant shrugged helplessly.

The first time monkey wine appeared in front of the world, it was something that could be found but not sought. Unlike other wines, no matter how rare it is, there are always a few bottles in the world, but this monkey wine may be just like Robben said, There would never be one again, so the asking price quickly reached the $400,000 mark.

As for the possibility that it is fake, these rich people don't care too much. They can still afford hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a hope.

What's more, even Sotheby's prefers to think that it is real monkey wine, so who can say that this is not monkey wine?

After 400,000 US dollars, the number of people raising placards finally started to decrease. It's just a bottle of wine after all.

On the scene, the three people still raising signs were all Asians.

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