Super Zoo

Chapter 310 Gold Shop Robbery? ?

The group got off the plane and took the shuttle bus to the exit. The local travel agency guide had been waiting here for a long time. He greeted them from a distance, waving a small flag in his hand, and led everyone to the tourist bus waiting outside the airport.

Before leaving the airport, Su Ming saw from a distance a woman wearing the same exaggerated sunglasses as Nangong, holding a big sign in her hand to pick people up outside. The sign read: "Vice Director Su of Yangchuan Zoo".

"It's Julia!" Nangong recognized the person who came to pick up the airport at a glance. It was Jacky's female assistant. Julia also saw Nangong, put down the sign and ran over.

Su Ming was also convinced. If he remembered correctly, the two women had only met once. When he helped Jacky plan his concert, they went shopping together once.

After half a year, the two were so far away and both wore super big sunglasses, but they could recognize each other.

"Guide Zhang, please get on the bus and wait for me. I'm going to meet a friend over there." Su Ming greeted the tour guide, then walked towards Julia with Nangong.

After the two women met, they hugged each other very intimately and chatted a lot, praising each other for being young again, wow, this dress suits you very well, etc., and then Julia took out a light golden card from her purse and handed it to Su Ming.

"Mr. Su, the charity dinner will be held at the Peninsula Hotel at 7pm three days later. This is the invitation card. You can bring one lady."

"Thank you." Su Ming put the light gold card into his bag and said to Julia, "Say hello to Jacky for me."

"Jacky asked me to apologize to you on his behalf. He is promoting his new film and is too busy to pick you up. If he can make it, he may also attend the charity dinner. Nangong, if you want to go shopping these days, just call me to accompany you. Their men only know how to make money. You just need to help them spend more."

Nangong smiled with his lips pursed, and Su Ming rolled his eyes in his heart. What kind of logic is this?

Before Su Ming was about to come to Hong Kong, he learned from a casual chat with Zhao Yun that Sotheby's would co-organize a small charity dinner in May, which is simply a charity auction.

However, this kind of charity dinner is not something that can be attended by spending 50 yuan to buy a ticket. The attendees are either rich or noble, and they are all celebrities, directly invited by the organizer.

Of course, you can also buy an invitation card with money, such as the gold card in Su Ming's arms. If you buy it, it costs 400,000 Hong Kong dollars. In other words, as long as you attend the dinner, even if you don't buy anything or sell anything, you have to pay 400,000 first, which is equivalent to spending 400,000 for a meal.

All the proceeds from the auction of the dinner will be donated to charity in the end, so the price will not soar too high under normal circumstances.

Although the things are not expensive, there are often some very interesting and commemorative gadgets, such as the beloved pocket watch of a certain governor, the antiques collected by a certain rich man, etc. Su Ming was quite interested, so he got an invitation card through Jacky, and then he would bring Nangong to attend, which would be regarded as adding a special "attraction" to this trip.

After chatting briefly with Julia and leaving a contact number in Hong Kong, Su Ming and Nangong followed the zoo's tourist double-decker bus and left the outlying island area with the large group. After the bus entered the relatively prosperous Hong Kong Island, at the entrance of the famous Hennessy Avenue, Su Ming asked the driver to stop the car and took Nangong out of the car.

"We two will go and play by ourselves, you guys play your own things, and meet at the hotel the night before we leave!"

The zoo staff on the bus all nodded with a smile, but Su Meng squeezed his head out of the window, pointed at his nose, and shouted anxiously.

Su Ming winked at the nurse Xiao Hu who was sitting in the same row with him, then waved to Su Meng and said, "Su Meng, don't follow us, go shopping with everyone, buy whatever you want, don't be afraid to spend money."

After that, he turned around and took Nangong's hand, and the two ran into Hennessy Avenue, and disappeared in the crowd in a blink of an eye.


Hennessy Road is located in the central area of ​​Causeway Bay, connecting Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. It is less than two kilometers long, but it is the most prosperous and lively area in Hong Kong. Jacky once filmed a movie "Moon Full Hennessy", which was shot here.

Su Ming and Nangong Yan walked hand in hand in the endless stream of people. They saw gold jewelry streets everywhere on both sides of the road, as well as many cheap snacks and tea restaurants with traditional Hong Kong characteristics. Looking up, you can see one of Hong Kong's most famous shopping malls: Sogo Department Store not far away.

The high-priced shopping places and cheap and distinctive restaurants interweave to form the unique characteristics of Hennessy Avenue.

Su Ming used to think that this Hennessy Avenue was named after the "Hennessy" wine, but was ridiculed by Nangong mercilessly. Only then did he know that this road was named in memory of the former Governor of Hong Kong, the British Sir Hennessy.

Just like the May House and May House, the Hong Kong Royal Police Headquarters Building, are named in memory of Sir Charles Mayley, the first police captain of Hong Kong; the famous Tianjing Lide Village is named after Michael Wrigh, the former Director of Works of the Hong Kong British Government. In Hong Kong, this modern city of luxury, there are too many colonial traces left by the British.

"Hey, hey, hey, it has been more than ten years since the liberation. The majestic and powerful troops loading the port are just a few kilometers away. And you are obviously an evil capitalist. Don't act like a proletarian fighter who is worried about the country and the people. Doesn’t it look good?”

Nangong's eyes were gleaming all the way, he was like a greedy mouse that fell into the kitchen behind the Manchu banquet. Faced with countless delicacies, he didn't know where to start his mouth. Hearing Su Ming sigh with emotion on the side, he looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Why can't I worry about the country and the people? I am a party member!" Su Ming's stance was quite stable.

"Okay, okay, comrade party member! I am not as firm as you. Now I have to accept the corruption of capitalism! Hahaha!" Nangong Yan winked, dragged Su Ming and rushed into a roadside restaurant. Zhou Shengsheng.

Comrade Su Ming, a party member, was immediately defeated by the temptation of beauty. After Nangong Yan's flirtatious look, his party spirit completely flowed into the sea along the Pearl River, and he followed Nangong into the gold shop.

There were people everywhere in the gold shop. Nangong squeezed to the counter, pointed to a row of golden jewelry under the counter, and asked the waiter to try them on while looking in the mirror with a blind eye.

Su Ming looked around curiously. It was also a Chow Sang Sang gold shop. The one in Xiangjiang was no different from the one in Yangchuan City.

The only difference is that there are more people.

The Chow Sang Sang restaurant in Yangchuan City has more waiters than customers. The Chow Sang Sang restaurant on Hennessy Road is just the opposite. It is almost overcrowded with customers. Most of them are mainland tourists wearing uniform vests and speaking Mandarin. It seems that they are traveling Group booking.

The imagined situation where tour guides and merchants suddenly closed their doors and forced shopping did not happen. The atmosphere in the store was quite harmonious. The beautiful waitress spoke Mandarin with a Cantonese accent, and the tourists chatted with each other in Mandarin with a local accent.

Nangong finally chose a pair of exaggerated large gold earrings, which looked like those worn by female singers wearing bat shirts in the 1980s.

"You are so out of date. This is called retro. Fashion trends come around every twelve years. Haven't you seen that many girls are now wearing small pants again? Clothes with big earrings are so sexy!"

The waiter also wore a very professional but never annoying smile, and said with a smile to the group: "This lady is not only beautiful, but also has first-class vision..."

Sometimes when a woman buys something, the quality of the thing is secondary. The key is to buy in a good mood. Even if she knew that the waitress meant to flatter her, Nangong still smiled sweetly and was about to take out her card to pay.

Unexpectedly, the waitress didn't finish her words. Seeing Nangong taking out the card, she continued with a smile: "The style of these earrings is very grand. If it is worn by a young girl, it will only look too exaggerated. It is suitable for a truly mature and attractive woman." , such as you, Miss."

Nangong was about to hand over the card. When he heard this, he shrank his hand, raised his head and glared at the waitress: "What did you say? Do I look old?"

Su Ming almost burst out laughing. Of course Nangong is not old, he is not even twenty-five years old. The only fault is that she dresses too mature and international, with a big sun hat and a pair of big sunglasses that can cover half of her face. She was also wearing a patterned silk scarf. If it was a business dinner, she would look glamorous, but in a shopping mall where people were coming and going, she looked like a mature lady, not a girl in her early twenties.

"Let's go, let's go, don't buy it, don't buy it!" Nangong stomped his feet angrily, pulling Su Ming to leave.

"Buy, buy, buy!" Su Ming said while holding back a smile.

Seeing Su Ming trying to laugh but trying to hold it back, Nangong became even more depressed: "I don't wear those things that old people wear!"

"If you don't want to wear it for your mother, why don't you take it back to my mother and wear it." Su Ming couldn't bear it anymore. He took out the card and handed it to the dumbfounded waiter beside him, winking at her: "Wrap up the earrings."

When the waitress saw the flying duck flying back, she was stunned for a moment, then cast a grateful look at Su Ming, took the card, and swiped the card quickly to pack it away.

In the end, he bought it for 4,200 Hong Kong dollars. Su Ming didn't ask for a tax refund, so he walked out of Chow Sang Sang with Nangong Yan and his small bag.

As soon as Su Ming left the gold shop and walked less than ten meters, he saw several people wearing masks suddenly appeared on the other side of the road. Each of them was carrying a big schoolbag behind them. The eyes exposed from behind the masks were cold and cold. With a cold light, he walked toward Jinpu with murderous intent.

"Huh?! What's going on! It's not like you're robbing a gold shop, right?

Su Ming suddenly became excited. It was so exciting. The gold shop robbery, the most commonly used classic plot in Hong Kong police and gangster movies, actually happened to him!

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