Super Zoo

Chapter 517 Transformed into a Monster

‘You smell like her perfume…’

Su Ming’s mind was a little confused. He suddenly remembered the tune of this very magical song and subconsciously hummed along.

His nose twitched a few times, and the smell became stronger. There was an indescribable feeling.

The perfume sold on the market, no matter how high-end it is, inevitably has a chemical smell. If you apply too much, it will not only not have a pleasant fragrance but will be very suffocating.

But the fragrance I smelled now was not like this. Although it was strong, it did not make people feel uncomfortable.

What is going on?

“Come out, come out, don’t hide in the nest. Don’t you ask me to come every day? I’m at the door of my house. Why are you two still hiding in the nest?” You have to ask the two queen bees what the situation is. In this Hundred Flowers Valley, these two are the bosses.

Su Ming stood under the big tree, his hands rolled into a trumpet shape, and shouted loudly at the tree.

The two honeycombs above were a bit scary. At first glance, they looked like two big sleeping bags. Su Ming estimated that if the honeycomb opening was a little bigger, he could curl up and get in.

After calling out, the two beehives began to vibrate slightly one after another, as if something was about to crawl out of them.

The two queen bees finally appeared in front of him.

"Oh my... big fuck!"

Seeing these two familiar queen bees, Su Ming's eyes almost fell out, his mouth grew wide, and his expression was extremely weird.

I didn't expect you to be queen bees like this!

I haven't seen them for half a year, and these two sisters have grown amazingly! The last time I saw them, the two queen bees were only about the same size as newborn kittens and puppies. Even so, they are rare and even unheard of bees among bees!

At this time, the body length of the two queen bees is at least more than half a meter!

The round body is like a small aerial bomb, with a slender waist that can be grasped in one hand, and there are some ridiculous little wings on both sides of the body. It slowly "flew" down from the treetops and hovered in the air in front of Su Ming. The two queen bees have four pairs of compound eyes, and they look at Su Ming with big eyes.

Not only has the body become larger, but also the "appearance" has changed significantly.

The honey queen originally had some light dark stripes on her body, but now they have completely disappeared. Except for the legs and wings, most parts of the body surface are a light golden color similar to honey. At first glance, it looks like a bee made of pure gold, rich and noble;

The body of the wasp queen is just the opposite. The entire body surface is mainly dark, especially the circles of patterns on the abdomen, which are shiny black!

The black patterns on the wasp's body can most directly reflect the size of the toxicity. Seeing these patterns, Su Ming couldn't help but frowned. It is estimated that the wasp queen should have no problem poisoning an elephant alone now.

It can't be called the wasp queen anymore, just call it the poison queen.

After half a year, one has become a rich gold, and the other has become a black-bellied woman!

The smell I smelled just now was emitted from the two queens.

No... How can it fly again? Su Ming saw their two small wings fluttering at a high frequency, and then he suddenly remembered that the queen bee was too big and didn't need to collect honey, so she couldn't fly! These two guys not only grew bigger, but also had new skills?

"Buzz buzz..." The two queen bees circled around Su Ming for a while, probably because their bodies were too heavy, flying for a long time was also a big burden for them, and slowly landed on the grass on the ground.

Su Ming also sat down and looked at the two carefully. In terms of size, the queen bee is actually a little smaller, and the poison queen came later, anyway, she is bigger.

Animals that have been exposed to spiritual power will have a certain "mutation", stronger, smarter, and more human, but this mutation is generally not too obvious, and it is within the acceptable range for ordinary people.

However, the mutation of these two queen bees is very exaggerated. Su Ming felt a little scary when he saw the bees the size of mineral water bottles. Now that they have grown so big, ordinary people will probably piss on the spot.

If this trend continues, in a few years, won't these two guys become about the same size as tigers? ! What is this? Opposite sex?

The changes in body size are fine, but the changes in mental character are also speechless. Other animals are getting smarter, but they still retain the characteristics of their species. For example, wolves are very arrogant, tigers are very domineering, and pandas are very stupid. They will not become like humans just because they have more contact with spiritual power;

These two queen bees are developing in the direction of "humanization". At the beginning, when there was no poison queen, the honey queen obviously developed a sense of dependence on human women, and even had the idea of ​​"competing for hegemony", establishing an organized gang to annex other bee colonies in Baihua Valley...

Now, the two queen bees clearly have a very resentful mood. As for why they are resentful, everyone knows it tacitly. They are unhappy because they haven't been visited for so long.

"If this continues, will they start to love and hate each other?" Su Ming slapped his forehead in frustration. The plot was completely wrong. Half of the animals in the zoo were female, and many were single. There were tigresses, lionesses, monkeys, sows... Those animals had never been like this before.

Why did these two queen bees, who rarely met, become like resentful women?

It was probably because of the food. The food of these two guys was royal jelly, and royal jelly had the effect of improving mental strength, which might have some strange side effects on animals.

Two queens, one person, and three guys sat there staring at each other for a while. No one spoke first, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Fortunately, Su Ming was very experienced in dealing with creatures of the opposite sex. He coughed and used his skills to change the subject.

"What's the matter with the fragrance on you two? It smells so good!"

Su Ming said as he picked up the honey queen and smelled it... Now that they are both big, it is definitely not possible to hold them in the palm of your hand. He can only hold them in his arms.

Seeing Su Ming holding the honey queen, the poison queen was not satisfied. A black, long, and frighteningly sharp stinger suddenly emerged from the back of her body. She shook it at Su Ming as a protest, and looked at him coldly with her compound eyes.

The honey queen was not to be outdone. She opened her mouth, and there were actually two jaws that looked very sharp, like a sickle, snapping.

Well, the two of them are getting further and further on the road to the monster.

"If you keep making trouble, I'll leave!"

Su Ming was completely speechless, glared at them fiercely, held the Honey Queen in his right hand, and then held the Poison Queen in his left hand, and also sniffed them.

The fragrance came from the two of them. If you smell it carefully, there are some subtle differences in the smell.

————Dividing line————

I have been too busy with work recently, so I have adjusted the update time. Starting from tomorrow, it will be updated at 8 pm.

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