Super Zoo

Chapter 521 The most urgent task

There are many ways to "make money" in the economic society, or in other words, there are many ways to raise money in a short period of time. You can crowdfund, find partners, take out loans, and use the principle of leverage. Even if Su Ming has only tens of millions of assets on hand, he can raise hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of funds in a short period of time.

Su Ming believes that with his current connections, this is not difficult.

But he doesn't want to raise money in this way and introduce other capital. Even if he buys the zoo, he can't have 100% control over the zoo. Capital is bloodthirsty. When fighting, the more you stand on your side, the more you will take away when sharing the spoils.

The privatization of the zoo is just one part of Su Ming's plan. There is no very urgent threat now, forcing him to exchange the cost of income and management rights for the support of capital. He doesn't want to waste a lot of effort and finally come up with a privatized zoo that is subject to others.

Making money is not a top priority. Before considering the privatization of the zoo, the government's consent must be obtained first.

It is true that Yangchuan Zoo has been restructured. There are many restructured enterprises in Yangchuan and even the whole country, but the restructuring does not mean that they can be privatized. If it is a pure production and operation enterprise, for example, if Yangchuan Toys is restructured, privatization is very simple. Just buy it and take over the personnel, equipment and debts of the toy, but more restructuring units involve all aspects, not just paying money.

Especially for zoos, assets are one part, animal ownership is another part, and its public welfare and popular science nature is the real meaning of its existence. The government can give up management rights, but it is impossible to allow zoos to change to other purposes. If privatization is carried out, this is difficult to guarantee from a legal point of view.

Unless the zoo is listed and directly faces the capital market, it can acquire shares with money. Of course, this is the acquisition method that Su Ming is most reluctant to carry out. In that case, the money required is too much, which is not something he can afford now.

So we have to talk to the government first, talk about the intention, or at least talk about the possibility of privatization, before we can talk about how to get money.

In the matter of zoo privatization, officials of Lao He's level have no decision-making power, and can only play the role of a middleman to pass on information.

Even Wang Jianshe's right to speak is very limited. On the one hand, the privatization of the zoo involves many departments and units. Wang Jianshe is now in charge of economic construction, and it is not up to him alone to make the decision; on the other hand, he is only an executive vice mayor and a member of the municipal party committee. The privatization of the zoo requires the entire municipal party committee to discuss it, and the province finally nods.

Although Wang Jianshe has no decision-making power, he can play a pivotal role.

So Su Ming specially found time to make an appointment with Wang Jianshe to talk.

Wang Jianshe is a busy man now, and it is not easy to meet him. It's not that he is putting on airs. When a leader reaches his level, he is often helpless. The daily work schedule is dense. Temporary adjustment of one work will have a chain reaction that affects a large number of other affairs.

Su Ming first called Wang Jianshe's secretary. The secretary recognized Su Ming's voice, hesitated for a moment, and said that Vice Mayor Wang was meeting with the municipal party committee leadership team. As soon as the meeting was over, he would report to Vice Mayor Wang and call Su Ming back as soon as possible.

When Su Ming made an appointment with Wang Jianshe, the live broadcast platform association meeting in the capital was also coming to an end.

The so-called "federation" is a general term, including the celebration ceremony for the formal establishment of the association, the closing reception, and the seminar for the formulation of the convention. The most important part is the seminar.

Fortunately, Su Ming had the foresight to not come. For the discussion alone, people from all walks of life held dozens of meetings of various sizes for more than a month before finally formulating a convention, including constraints on industry behavior, suggestions for handling and resolving disputes within the industry, and the responsibilities and obligations of members of each association. There were a total of 26 major projects and hundreds of small details. Since each detail will have a wide impact in actual implementation, and even affect the actual interests of one or more companies, the discussion at the meeting was very intense.

Let alone other things, just the membership fee was argued for a whole day.

There are two focuses.

The first is the amount of membership fees. According to common sense, for a spontaneously formed association, the membership fee is only symbolic. For a company that can open a live broadcast platform, it is not painful at all, just a drizzle.

Wang Hao suggested that the amount of the membership fee can be set higher. This money is similar to a deposit. If an enterprise violates the convention, the deposit will be deducted. If it abides by the convention, it can be returned.

In this way, the amount of this membership fee will be so large that many companies will feel a little painful.

The benefits are obvious. The association is a loose organization. Although it has formulated a convention, it has no power to enforce the law. Even if a company does not abide by the convention, the association has no good way to punish it.

Rules are not afraid of imperfections, but they are afraid of being violated repeatedly. As long as a few units fail to abide by the convention several times, this convention that took a month to develop, killed countless brain cells, and dried countless saliva will become a dead letter. In the short term, the members of the association seem to be free, but in the long term, the original intention of establishing the association will no longer exist, which is not conducive to long-term development.

With this membership fee, the association has a trump card, and the binding force of the convention on enterprises will be greatly enhanced. Once an enterprise violates the convention, deduction or a part of the deduction is enough to make the enterprise feel painful. Although it still cannot guarantee that all enterprises abide by the convention 100%, it will greatly increase the cost of violating the convention.

Where there is punishment, there is reward. Because it contains a deposit, the membership fees of all enterprises added together are quite large. If used for investment, the interests involved are too great, but for the sake of transparency, no one can move it, so it is placed in the bank to earn interest. The interest alone is enough to cover the association's annual expenses.

Doing so greatly increases the authority of the association. Since they come to participate in this meeting, it means that most companies support the original intention of the association and are willing to establish an industry group to seek cooperation opportunities with each other.

At the same time, the importance of the three vice-chairman units responsible for the daily management of the association will be greatly increased.

Although it sounds like a lot of money to pay at first glance, after Wang Hao's careful analysis, most of the participating companies quickly expressed their approval.

The first focus is how much money to pay, which is very different.

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