Super Zoo

Chapter 53 Bighead, run!

With the first underwater channel running through, the opposite Huating Reservoir of Shuijun Lake was finally connected, and the lake water on both sides slowly flowed to each other along the underground channel.

The national standard divides water quality into 5 levels. Class I is source water, national nature reserve, theoretically the best water quality, but it is very rare and almost non-existent in human gathering areas;

Class II is suitable for centralized drinking water, first-level protection area of ​​surface water source, habitat of rare aquatic organisms, spawning grounds of fish and shrimp, feeding grounds of fry and young fish, etc.; Class III is second-level protection area of ​​surface water source, wintering and migration channels of fish and shrimp, aquaculture areas and other fishery waters and swimming areas; Class IV is general industrial water use area and recreational water area without direct human contact; Class V is agricultural water use area and general landscape water area.

Water below the fifth category is basically of no use value, which is generally referred to as wastewater.

Huating Reservoir itself is a national AA scenic spot, and its water quality has reached the second category. The second category of water source can be said to be the best water source in human settlements. It is precisely because of this that the fish raised in Huating Reservoir are delicious and very popular in the market;

The water quality of Shuijun Lake belongs to the fifth category, the last category, which is very different from the water quality of Shuijun Lake. It is not certain whether the fish can be raised alive. Even if they can be raised, the taste must be very bad. It is barely enough to eat them yourself, let alone sell them in the market.

It is precisely because of this that the old fisherman Zhu Chenggui told Su Ming that if he wanted to raise fish on a large scale in Shuijun Lake, he must first improve the ecology of Shuijun Lake and improve the water quality in a few years.

Now, with the underwater channel connecting Shuijun Lake and Huating Reservoir, the water on both sides of the lake flows. In theory, it will not take long for the water quality of Shuijun Lake to be close to that of Huating Reservoir!

When it was almost dawn, the remaining channels were also opened.

"Bighead, follow the passage and swim to the other side to have a look." Su Ming gave the bighead catfish an order.

Pathfinders are usually cannon fodder. If the passage collapses and big fish appear in the opposite reservoir, any small accident can cost their lives. The bighead catfish is a cowardly guy. After receiving the order, he summoned dozens of loaches and a group of crabs without hesitation, and then carefully entered a slightly larger underwater passage, followed by the loach and crab team.

It is not stupid. In case of blockage or landslide, it can be pressed in the mud, and the "rescue team" following behind can come in handy and rescue it as soon as possible.

"Oh my god, it turns out that you are not stupid. When you are afraid of death, you are smarter than anyone else!" Su Ming was stunned and laughed.

Bighead swam slowly forward along the channel. The water on both sides of the lake was slowly flowing around him. Occasionally, some small fish and shrimps from unknown places would mix into the channel. Bighead passed by them and scared them to run around.

There was no danger along the way. Most of the places in the channel were reinforced with pipes, and there would be no more landslides. At most, there would be some mud and gravel blocking the road, but with the rescue team following behind, this was not a problem. The loaches could easily loosen the obstacles in front, and then crabs and lobsters would come together to clear the pipes.

In short, everything was calm. After half an hour, a small bright spot suddenly appeared in front of the dark channel. It seemed that it was about to reach the end of the channel!

Bighead's tail swung hard, like a small torpedo, and drilled out of the channel with a bang and entered the waters of Huating Reservoir!

As soon as he entered the reservoir, Bighead immediately felt a sense of euphoria and ease. He turned around happily and had a lot of fun.

The water quality here is much better than that of Shuijun Lake. It's like a person who lives in the capital and breathes smog all day long, and comes to a paradise with green mountains and clear water.

Bighead is also a "veteran" under Su Ming. He has "cooperated" with Su Ming many times. The spiritual connection between the two is much more stable than that of ordinary animals. If other animals are at such a long distance, Su Ming can't contact each other at all.

Even so, the distance of more than one kilometer makes Su Ming feel overwhelmed. The spiritual practice between him and Bighead is intermittent and becomes extremely weak, so he shouted: "You will have fun in the future. Find out the environment for me first!"

Su Ming is the boss of Bighead, the breadwinner and spiritual sustenance of Bighead. His instructions are better than anything else. Even to some extent, they can suppress the nature of Bighead as a fish who loves water. After receiving the instructions, Bighead stopped swaying immediately. The meat beard on the mouth swayed slightly with the water waves. He opened his two round big fish eyes and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

The exit of the passage is under a small hill. The hill is made of a mixture of stone and soil. It is relatively solid and will not collapse unless there is a rare heavy rainstorm. The location is also relatively remote. There are no roads around, only bushes. Some water birds have settled down in the bushes.

The exits of the five passages are all about three meters below the water surface. The shallowest exit is more than two and a half meters.

This was planned by Su Ming before digging the hole. The exit must be remote and secret enough to be difficult to be discovered. He didn't want to spend a lot of effort to drill through the passage, but be easily blocked by others from the other end.

From the current point of view, the location of these exits is very good and it is almost impossible to be discovered.

In the reed marsh not far away, a long-billed water bird seemed to have discovered the existence of the big head. It spread its wings, and the water bird's long legs exerted force, and its body flew into the air, and it swooped down towards the big head close to the water surface!

The water bird swooped down above Big Head like an arrow, and pecked at Big Head's head with its long and sharp beak!


The sharp beak of the water bird plowed a long wave on the water surface, and flew over almost flat on the water surface!

Fortunately, Big Head had been with Su Ming for a long time, and his reaction and physique were much stronger than those of ordinary catfish. At the critical moment, Big Head used a "thousand-pound weight", and the fat fish tail swung desperately, and Big Head plunged into the deep water headfirst, barely escaping the disaster!

Even so, the big head was so scared that his soul flew away. There was a puff of muddy water behind his tail, and he actually lost control of his bowels and bladder...

Although the big head catfish is now more than one foot long and its size is not inferior to that of water birds, water birds are its natural enemies. Even if it grows to ten or twenty kilograms, it will be scared to hide when it sees water birds. In the eyes of water birds, it is nothing more than a piece of larger meat.

Seeing that the food in its mouth slipped away, the water bird was somewhat unwilling to circle on the water surface for a few weeks, croaking at the water surface twice, and finally had no choice but to fly away.

The big head in the lake was still in shock, running around like crazy. Even Su Ming's mental comfort could not calm it down immediately. After all, the two sides were too far apart.

The big head went up and down like this, sometimes rushing to the east, sometimes rushing to the west. After more than ten minutes, the big head had been away from the shore for dozens of meters, and his emotions gradually calmed down.

It shook its tail and was about to turn around and swim towards the passage, but it found that it had no strength. It seemed like something behind it was "grabbing" it tightly!

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