Super Zoo

Chapter 649 Mysterious Power

Park Zhengyi hummed and continued to eat dog meat. While eating, he said: "Yingming, you are a father and a husband. How can you watch your son being paralyzed in a wheelchair for the rest of his life? Your wife , shed tears for the rest of your life?”

"But..." When talking about his son's illness, Park Young-ming, who is quite experienced in shopping malls, trembled: "It's impossible to find out what is causing his illness. No matter how much money is spent, it may not be cured. Well done…”

"That's why we want to make more money!"

Park Zhengyi interrupted his brother, "We have all gone through half of our lives, and Zhebin's life has just blossomed. He is not yet 18 years old! As technology continues to develop, maybe one day, there will be a cure for his disease. Technology. We may not see that day, but Zhebin is very young. If he waits for that day and cannot be treated because he does not have enough money, I will not feel at ease even if he is buried underground!"

"Is this really going to happen again?" Pu Yingming said in a daze.

Looking at this younger brother who is actually a little weak at heart, but always pretends to be strong and acts as a solid arm for his son and woman, Park Zhengyi's heart softens. He pours a glass of wine for his younger brother, pats him on the shoulder, and slows down. Tone, said: "Even if that day does not exist, we must make enough money to ensure that after we die, Zhebin can live a relatively comfortable life in this world."

"Brother... over the years, you and your father have made too many sacrifices for the family!"

"Don't say that, Yingming, you have to remember that it is a man's duty to support a family. If we can't even do this, we will lose our face and meaning as men."

Park Zhengyi picked up a piece of dog leg meat, dipped it in the sauce, and brought it to his mouth. He did not eat it immediately, but put it on a small plate aside.

"I hope that the sins in the hands of our Pu family will be completely ended starting from my generation. From now on, Zhebin can live happily under the sun, even if he is in a wheelchair, he will not have to worry about panic and guilt every night." Park Zhengyi said.

"No, brother, hunting animals is not a sin, it's just illegal. Your contribution to the family is by no means something that so-called kind people are qualified to criticize morally." Park Yingming shook his head decisively.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Park Zhengyi pointed to his chest, looked up at the national flag hanging in the box, and said with some seriousness: "In order to survive, our ancestors did a lot of wrong things. These things can I understand, but that doesn’t mean I can forgive. If you do something wrong, you should pay the price even for survival... Zhebin’s illness may be the price for the Pu family’s betrayal of their motherland.”

Park Young-myung was speechless.

If you say that your son's illness is retribution for your treason, this statement is a bit idealistic. But in real life, most of the various invisible obstacles to his career were caused by the crimes of his ancestors.

Although decades have passed, the information from that year can still be found. The Park family has a notorious reputation as a traitor, and it is difficult no matter what they do.

With just a little research, the Park family's 'crimes' during World War II can be discovered. It is difficult for any enterprise to be approved by the government. After all, the impact must be considered; and whether it is business or politics, as long as the competitors are slightly deeper If you dig up information about the Pu family and throw out the word traitor, the Pu family will have no power to fight back.

Even some of Park Zhengyi's powers can only be used to deal with animals and cannot be used to deal with people: as a descendant of a Korean traitor and traitor, any bad news will lead to strict investigation and beating by the police.

The Park family is not poor, and Park Zhengyi is very powerful, but in South Korea, he can only live an extremely low-key life, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is walking on thin ice.

With gold bricks in his possession, he lives like a beggar.

"Okay, brother, hurry up and sign this document. If nothing else happens, we will be able to drink together again in two months." Park Zhengyi took out a document from his black leather bag and pushed it to Park Yingming, smiling. Hehe said: "Of course, we will definitely not meet here then. We will take Zhebin to eat pizza!"

Every time before Park Zhengyi undertakes a task that "has a certain risk", he and his brother will sign a document, agreeing that if he dies or disappears for more than six months, all the assets in his name will be inherited by his younger brother Park Yingming.

After seeing a large list of deposit figures, stocks, and real estate information on the document, Park Yingming frowned slightly, his hands trembled a little, and he signed at the bottom of the document.

"Okay, I'm going to get ready." Park Zhengyi laughed and patted his brother on the shoulder again: "Relax a little. I firmly believe that the bloodline of the Park family will not be cut off!"

After saying that, he tugged on a rope on the wall that was connected to the bell outside. Not long after, the old chef came in with a smile and brought a packed casserole.

While putting on his shoes, Park Zhengyi said with a smile: "Brother, do you know why I love you so much? Haha, because you have never liked eating dog meat since you were a child, and you have never competed with me for meat... Haha, it's really worth remembering. Childhood..."

Pu Yingming shrugged and said aggrievedly: "Who said that? Because when I was a child, I was not as strong as you and couldn't beat you! And both my mother and father took care of the eldest son in the family."

"Mr. Park Zhengyi, it's packed." The chef smiled and handed the casserole to Park Zhengyi with both hands.

"Thank you." Park Zhengyi nodded slightly and snapped his fingers at his brother: "So, I owe you since I was a child, and now it's my turn to take care of you. Brother, don't think too much, wait for me to come back."

"Brother, you must take care of yourself!" Park Yingming stood up and bowed deeply.


After leaving the dog meat restaurant, Park Zhengyi walked alone on the crowded street, and quickly blended into the white-collar people coming and going, and there was almost no difference.

In addition to economic factors, there was another more important reason for his decision to go to China and Qinling Mountains to attack the batch of animals.

This reason involves an unexplainable secret, which he doesn't want to tell anyone, and he is even prepared to take this secret to his coffin when he dies.

Starting from his great grandfather, the Park family only passed on the skills related to hunting to the eldest son and grandson, and the other branches were engaged in other professions.

Therefore, this secret was only known by Park Zhengyi himself.

When his great-grandfather was a senior executive of the so-called "Species Research Institute", he was once sent to the Qinling Mountains in China to capture rare animals. As a result, he encountered a very mysterious incident. A small team of fully armed soldiers and a dozen hunters who went with him all died, leaving only his great-grandfather alive.

His great-grandfather did not tell anyone about the situation at the time, and did not even describe it in detail to his descendants.

But the ancestors who inherited his great-grandfather's mantle at the time judged from a few words that there was a mysterious power in the Qinling Mountains.

Perhaps with the help of this mysterious power, his nephew Park Cheol-bin's illness can be cured.

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