Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1316: Literary master

After Li Tian contacted professionals on the Internet, he didn't need to do anything. He just wrote some copywriting in his room, just what he wanted to say on Weibo in different countries.

   You can learn from the words that foreign stars say when they open Weibo in China.

   can be mixed with some of their country's language, nothing more than, fans, thank you for your support, hello and the like.

   If there is a movie that needs to be promoted, just talk about the movie.

   Then there will be countless fans leaving messages.


  Short videos have always been popular. Professionals go to famous foreign websites to talk. With Li Tian's reputation, he will naturally receive the treatment and exposure of the first-class stars.

   Li Tian in order to show that he is different from those foreign stars.

   Most of those foreign celebrities will only make a short video meaning, and then domestic fans will be so excited.

   Li Tian is more generous. He drew a little makeup and put on a beautifying face. Not to mention, his appearance immediately improved.

   Li Tian took three shots at once. One showed that he was generous with foreign stars. Second, Li Tian really wanted to give back to foreign fans. No matter how good the work, the support of fans is inseparable.


   After everything is set, there are professionals to help Li Tian go to contact with Weibo and short video platforms in various countries.

   In today's information society, Li Tian's official account immediately appeared in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand and other Asian countries in less than an hour.

   So the fans are so excited.

   [God, this turned out to be the son of the wind? 】

   [The great writer who wrote "Three Kinds of Life" and "The Legend of Mystery" is too young, right? 】

  【I am so excited, I turned to my idol by scanning Weibo. 】

  【I’m so happy, I’m so young that I can see my admirers in the short video. In order to show respect to the fans, I updated 3 short videos at once. It’s too cute, and I took the initiative to admit that I had a beautiful face. 】

  【Don't stop me, I want to pay attention to him. 】

   For a time, it ranked first in the hot search list of microblogs in various countries.

  The most popular short videos in various countries and the top one-day hit list are Li Tian's short videos.

  Many foreign big Vs and entertainment internet celebrities introduced the phenomenon of Li Tian fever.

  Because many people don't know, or don't know Li Tian, ​​this moment is all curious.

   [Is this the star of that country again? Is it not European or American? Why is he everywhere today? 】

   [Me, too, I’m talking about him in a few short videos in Korea. 】

  【I just followed him, when I first brushed with him, there were only more than 100,000 fans, and now he has more than 3 million. After reading the report, I realized that he was the son of the wind, and he wrote volumes 1 to 6 of "Three Kinds of Life" and "Legend of Inference". 】

  【I’m going, so awesome, I’m an idol! 】

   [Fuck, good cow, good cow, don't stop me, I also want to pay attention to him, my daughter likes to watch that comic most. 】

   [Smecta, he respects our fans! Those European and American celebrities usually only shoot a short video, and he actually did three of them, and greeted us in Korean. Ouba, the son of the wind will be my Ouba from now on. 】


   Today, it was originally something that Li Tian did boringly.

   But the sensation caused has spread from Asia to the whole world.

   is also on the hot search list in Europe and the United States, even Google only updated the personal information of the son of the wind several times in just one day.

   [When did Asian stars become so famous in our country? 】

   Most of Europe and the United States are developed countries, so they are born with a sense of superiority, just as we think of poorer countries.

   If these countries suddenly appear a big star who is even hotter than their country and even occupying the entire network, they will have some doubts and negative attitudes in the first place.

   However, after checking the information of this child of the wind.

   They were all surprised by coincidence.

  【Omaga, my god! It's amazing to be the author of "Three Kinds of Life" and "The Legend of Inference". 】

[I also posted 3 short videos, worthy of being a translation master. This English, German, French, Spanish, etc. are all too standard, better than our foreign language professors, too good, this is what we should pay attention to, this He is a talented master. 】

   [Follow and follow, I heard that "Legend of Inference" is already filming, and I will definitely watch it after it is released. 】

   Li Tian knew his influence, but he did not expect that the effect he would bring was so terrible.

   Because there are often 10 netizens on the Internet, it’s good to have one who knows Li Tian. The remaining 9.9 people don’t know each other, but they all know Li Tian’s works by coincidence.

   Li Tian's works are so popular not only because they are well written, but the most important reason is the same as the reason why the comics of "Fantasy Different World" were so popular in Asia.

   is because of good publicity.

   All this is the credit of Sun Xiaoxiang.

   Her network and company operations team have a very high weight all over the world. Just like Disneyland and Marvel, they have branches all over the world.

When "Three Life" was first released Sun Xiaoxiang was a runner from all over the world, and won almost the world's heavyweight film festival awards. Later, after Li Tian wrote this movie into a novel, it was even better. It suddenly became a masterpiece of the world.

Riding on the heat, in less than a year, "The Legend of Mystery" has swept the top of the world's major bookstores with 1 to 6 volumes. The wonderful content of the novel and the legendary stories that are difficult to translate make this work better than "Three Life "It has become a classic in developed countries, and it is the ceiling of literature in writing skills.


   So today, after Li Tian met with the staff and opened Weibo and short video accounts in various countries around the world, his reputation was comparable to that of Michael Jackson.

   Although the two are legends in different fields, the influence they have brought is unprecedented.

   According to incomplete statistics, Li Tian’s global Weibo fans exceeded 900 million in one day alone, and short videos were even more exaggerated, reaching 1.1 billion.

   Google is constantly updating Li Tian’s encyclopedia information around the world, and some small countries even set today as "The Day of the Wind". The reason is that Li Tian’s today is unprecedented in terms of literary influence.

Even some certification organizations in developed countries are willing to admit that today is set as the [Day of the Wind], in order to encourage those literary creators to learn from Li Tian and create more helpful works like "Three Life" Works on social progress and human development.


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