Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1353: court death

However, Li Tian's change was not that thorough, so it was not abrupt and everyone could accept it.

It's just that the feeling similar to that of the hero in "Deadly Sci-Fi World" is gone.

The two women who were talking quietly, after looking at Li Tian a few more times, fell silent at the same time.

Although they don't want to, but the matter has ended, it can only be so.

After getting off the plane, this is a small island country with a beautiful environment. There is no one here to talk about movies. It seems to be isolated from the world. Even the network has dropped to 2G and 3G is not popular, let alone the global fire. With 5G, Internet access is very difficult.

So mobile phones are just tools, and there is no way to become mainstream.

"Li Tian..."

Zhao Qi took Li Tian's hand. At this moment, she felt like she and Li Tian were in the exotic Peach Blossom Spring. The sea breeze, the beach, the tropical plants, the colored people, everything was so dreamy.

"We first find a place to live, and then go to see the wedding dress."


Zhao Qi nodded happily.

Although the economy here is not well developed, there are more tourists and explorers in recent years, so there are still some tourists here, so there are also 3-star hotels.

Not bad for money. After choosing the best room and buying some local things, Li Tian went out to play with Zhao Qi.

Although because of cultural differences, Asians consider Zhao Qi to be a top-level beauty, but here, perhaps they are most interested in her figure, with slight differences in appearance and aesthetics.

I spent money to hire the best tour guide, and the tour guide told them that the safety measures on the island have not been fully developed. Don't go to some places, you may encounter trouble.

After all, there are bad guys all over the world.

Li Tian and Zhao Qi chose the most beautiful wedding dress and looked at the map. Among them, the scenery near the crater is good. You can take pictures of several places on the island.

There is also an ancient cargo ship docked in the bay, all with stories.

"Don't worry, we will leave after we take the wedding dress. We won't stay for too long."

Li Tian gave a lot of money.

"Well then, I'll find more helpers."

When Li Tianshe got the money, he asked for the best, so this tour guide is also someone he knows.

The next day, five big guys came to protect him. Although they were unable to communicate at the beginning, they all needed translation, but Li Tian was very capable of learning. Because he has a plug-in [foreign language teaching skills], he will soon be able to communicate in their words.

The tour guide and the 5 bodyguards were particularly surprised...

On the other hand, Zhao Qi looked at Li Tian with admiration. Although the island is beautiful, it is full of dangers, but with Li Tian's protection, everything can be relieved.

When Zhao Qi put on the wedding dress she dreamed of, she looked at Li Tian, ​​who was also dressed as a groom official, with a sense of happiness and sweetness that directly rushed to Zhao Qi's heart.

"My beautiful bride~"

Li Tian pretending to be a gentleman looked at Zhao Qi and said affectionately.

"My handsome groom."

Zhao Qi felt that all this was like a dream, and she was happy both physically and mentally.

Although there are no relatives or friends around to congratulate me, I always feel that something is missing, but I don't expect it, Li Tian alone is enough.

The early stage of the wedding shooting process went smoothly. At the beginning, it was in the open scenic area. Although there were outsiders watching, it was safe. There were 5 big guys and no outsiders came to look for things.

However, with the shooting, I came to the unopened area of ​​the island, where the beautiful scenery is also beautiful, Li Tian and Zhao Qi don't want to miss it.

If you are an ordinary person, you can't come here naturally because it is very insecure.

But Li Tianyi is bold...

Zhao Qi is wearing a wedding dress. At this moment, she is as beautiful as a fairy.

Those five big guys also had serious jobs, although watching Zhao Qi posing in different poses and taking wedding photos with Li Tian happily, it was tempting to drool.

Apart from money status, the biggest dream of a man in his life is to marry a beautiful wife.

Undoubtedly, Li Tian now owns it.

The appearance of Zhao Qi in a wedding dress also made men look hot.

Even the photographer's heartbeat is speeding up, such a beautiful woman... such a happy expression, and even thinking if they can replace that Li Tian.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

For example, male fans like beautiful female celebrities. One day the female celebrities marry a wealthy businessman. Their hearts are ashamed. Looking at her (them) sweet and happy wedding photos, they imagine the night they made children...heartache and envy , It would be great if I could replace their husband...

But reality is reality, there are not so many ifs.

Ordinary people are destined to live an ordinary life, and it is very good to be safe.

Put down desires and unavailable happiness, and you will have a life of peace and prosperity.

However, this is a small foreign island. As we continue to deepen, I finally meet local people from other island nations. There are not many of them, but there are 7-8 people. They actually have long been eyeing Li Tian and Zhao Qi. I didn't do it at first, because it was not easy to shoot in the safe area.

But now, this place is off the beaten track, it is the place where bad things are done and not known to outsiders.

Especially for them, Li Tian is a foreigner. If he dies, he will die. Transnational homicide cases are inherently difficult to try.

Ever since, they finally couldn't help their crime.

When Zhao Qi noticed that they looked at them with wretched eyes one by one, they were flustered and a little scared.

After all, mountains and rivers are beautiful.

But the human heart is not like this.

Ji Li Gulu, the tour guide was paid a lot by Li Tian. At the same time, they also have 5 big men. At this time, they naturally bite the bullet and negotiated ~ Li Tian asked: "How much do they want?"

The tour guide was embarrassed. Although the price was cut, it was about 100,000 dollars, which is not a small amount in the local area.

However, Li Tian saw that they all pulled out their guns. In foreign countries, guns and ammunition are very easy to obtain.

The five big guys invited by the director also have guns, but Li Tian thinks that whether he can disperse his wealth and eliminate disasters, he and Zhao Qi do not want to cause more trouble.

"You tell them that 100,000 dollars is fine, but if you take the money, get out immediately and stop making trouble."

The director smiled bitterly. He reminded Li Tian and the others not to come here. There are a lot of pirates and poisonous people here. Such people are not afraid of death.

Those 7 people didn't expect to get the money so easily. Originally, they were morally righteous and paid tolls, so they shouldn't continue to embarrass people.

But it's been a long time since the seven pirates have seen a woman with such a good figure, and they also wore beautiful wedding dresses, tempting men to spurt their blood.


The seven headed by the gun pointed at Zhao Qi beside Li Tian.

At that moment, Zhao Qi's face turned pale. Although she did not understand, she also knew that this person didn't say anything good.

Sure enough, the tour guide also turned black.

The two sides are at war, and at the same time raise their pistols at each other, but it is obvious that the five big men here are weaker.

"court death--"

Li Tian was angry. These pirates fell in love with Zhao Qi and took the money. They wanted Zhao Qi to sleep with each of them before agreeing to let them go.

"Let us leave? Don't leave the things that don't know whether they live or die!!"

Li Tian moved under everyone's startled gaze, faster than the bullet. The pirate headed by him was still extremely arrogant just now. The next moment, the whole person screamed directly.

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