Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1482: you are not a fish, how to know the joy of fish

Li Tian is of course happy. It is not easy to catch this big fish of more than 100 catties, but it is said that everything is anim, and this big fish is no exception. When it was salvaged and put on the boat, I don’t know if it was. It's not that Li Tian was wrong.

He unexpectedly found that the fish was crying, and it was still very real.

Legend has it that the cow would kneel and cry before being killed...

Unexpectedly, the same would happen to big fish of more than a hundred catties. This sea area belongs to Li Tian's island. Without his permission, other fishing boats are not allowed to come here.

Li Tian guessed that this fish should not have the genetic mutation of his pet mouse, and it should probably have a child in the belly of the big fish.

Being a mother is strong. It is said that many fish will do things that ordinary people marvel at for the children inside.

So Li Tian thought for a while, now that the task has been completed, he untied the big fish and threw it back into the sea.

Li Tian is also a cultivator, and he doesn't kill spiritual creatures at will.

Accumulate merit——

It's like a monk going to alms, because this type of monk cultivates a Buddha, and ordinary farmers give help. That is not charity, but a little food in exchange for merit.

Only those who have attained the Tao can know the power of merit. For Li Tian, ​​part of his personal luck comes from merit and charity.

At least Li Tian's system believes that.

The mysterious invisible woman was surprised when she saw it. "Li Tian, ​​why did you lose the big fish that you worked so hard to catch?"

Li Tian told the mysterious invisible woman about his discovery just now...

The mysterious invisible woman was thoughtful after hearing it.

"So that's it, I know."

The mysterious invisible woman turned around and went to the fish Li Tian caught. "In that case, I will release all these little fishes..."

Li Tian suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. "Wait a minute, I haven't finished this task yet."

"Besides, things like merit are not enough. Because the big fish is special, it is treated specially..."

The mysterious invisible woman is about to argue with Li Tian.

"Li Tian, ​​you are wrong to say that. The so-called equality of all beings, why are the lives of big fishes worth precious, and these little fishes deserve to be humble?"

Li Tian knew that the mysterious invisible woman was boring, just like Li Tian just wandered around the world to think about what a "fairy" is.

"It's true that all beings are equal, but life is not fair..." Li Tian just took what he understood. "As the saying goes, Fodu has a destiny, but one person has the right to ascend to heaven..."

The mysterious invisible woman moved the stool over and sat down to argue with Li Tian.

"What you mean is: good people need to be pious little by little, not able to do a little wrong, but also to suffer and go through hardships, otherwise they will not be able to become a Buddha. And bad people only need to lay down the butcher knife and succeed on the spot. Buddha...Will this be too unfair."

Li Tian laughed.

"I don't quarrel much about Buddhism and Taoism... Let's take ordinary people as an example." Li Tian smiled and said, "The whole earth, except me, are all people on the same 24 hours a day?"

The mysterious invisible woman vaguely knew what Li Tian was going to say. She wanted to refute, but she nodded.

"This is the equality of all beings, the laws, the equality of birth, old age, sickness and death. Even the emperor Qin Shihuang will die when his age is reached. It is difficult to live an extra year..."

"The inequality of life is also obvious. Qin Shihuang's life is the same as the lives of countless ordinary people who died in the war? Birth often determines everything."

Li Tian said with emotion: "I also want to learn some hypocrisy, not to kill... But if humans don't take in the nutrients of other life from the primitive society, humans will not be able to evolve. Besides, plants have no life? Unless? Don't even eat rice, otherwise it will kill."

"Li Tian, ​​it's far away..." the mysterious invisible woman reminded. baby

"Well, that's what I mean. Although the tribulations of life are not the same, the birth of these ordinary fishes determines that they can only be ordinary people for a lifetime and be eaten by others..."

Li Tian smiled bitterly: "And you and I are the big fish just now. Because of the favor of the goddess of fate, they can break away from the ordinary and become unique existences. In the ordinary human world, they are the so-called rich second generations. , The ancient princes, princes and princes, they were born at a peak that ordinary people could not reach in their entire lives..."

"The hypocritical people will say that it is the efforts of their ancestors, the inheritance from generation to generation... This is true, but this is how unfair it is compared to the children crying from the sky and the children below— "

The mysterious invisible woman smiled and said, "Since even you feel unfair, why don't you also let these little fishes go so that you can be fair..."

Li Tian smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I thought about it, but I can't do it."


"Because I want to eat them—"


At this moment, I don't know if it was the illusion of a mysterious invisible woman. She noticed that there were two rays of light from Li Tian's body, together with the supreme merit of saving the primate.

It is like a metaphor for the great heroes and generals who can protect the emperor and prince in ancient times.

On the other side, Li Tian was exuding a cruel red light, and he opened the devil's blood basin and swallowed everything cruelly...

And human beings can evolve from ordinary animals to super primates today, relying on this kind of big mouth...

And the combination of the two is the legendary Tao: Tao divides Yin and Yang, which is Tai Chi...

Everything in the world is like Mysterious invisible woman sees the dispute, but Li Tian catches a small fish from the big fish bucket and throws it into the sea. Yes, so fair..."

Li Tian smiled and said, "What you call fairness is nothing more than seeking a kind of comfort in your own heart. If you think it is fair to release one, what about the remaining fish?"

"Moreover, returning to the sea does not necessarily mean saving it. Perhaps underneath this sea is a society where the weak and the strong. The big fish I released will still be the hegemon in the sea when it goes back. The other small fish will inevitably lose their lives . But the small fish you released are different. If you put it down, maybe it was eaten by other big fish..."

"You, you, do you have to fight with me all the time?"

Li Tian smiled bitterly: "You are the first to fight--"

"you are not a fish, how to know the joy of fish?"

After the mysterious invisible woman said a word, she left angrily. "Ignore you, I'll go to bed, you can solve it for breakfast tomorrow, and use the poor fish you caught to cook good food..."

After speaking, the mysterious invisible woman went to cook.

Li Tian shook his head and laughed.

From ancient times to the present, some controversies have never stopped. In fact, this is the world.

Li Tian was fishing while looking up at the stars.

This world is a great reincarnation, a great return to the furnace, as long as one is in it, no one can escape.

No matter what kind of person...

In the end it will turn into dust...

Li Tian opened his own system. Perhaps, there is a kind of person in the world who can escape such cruel laws. It is an immortal.

If Li Tian's system is upgraded to the extreme, Li Tian is hopeful...

[The current system level is 31, total experience value: 67651]

To reach level 32, the total experience value required: 70100

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