Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1646: 1 breakfast shop

The best small farmer system Chapter 1646 Hanxiang’s inquiry from a breakfast shop is very simple. For her, she can breed teal ducks and supply the cooked food to the factories in the rich agricultural park. This is the most important thing. .

   is very responsible and does a very good job.

   Of course, Li Tian replied that she could, and assured her that chicken, duck and pork are the most commonly eaten meat in China. From a strategic point of view, this is very important.


   Then Li Tian just started to work. When he used the fast-forward potion in the laboratory, he never dared to let outsiders pay attention here.

  Because the following pictures are too sci-fi, ordinary people will have nightmares if they watch it.

   I saw the new native chicken growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Then under cross breeding, better varieties are produced.

  The strength of the variety is too prominent, and it is reflected in all aspects of nature.

   When Li Tian studied it to daybreak, a voice finally appeared in his system.

  【Congratulations on completing the random task, rewarding 100,000 yuan in cash, 1,000 lucky draw points, and 1,000 system experience points. 】

   Now that the mission is completed, Li Tian uses a mission card first.

   see what the next task will be.

   [Congratulations on obtaining the special mission, the mission requirements, poultry must be a new research direction, please continue to research, at least research a new species. 】

  【Complete the task: reward 100,000 yuan in cash, 1,000 draw points, and 1,000 system experience points. 】

   It seemed that it was exactly as Li Tian expected.

   Li Tian can answer Hanxiang right away. This is his next research direction.


   Looking for Hanxiang and telling her that he can collect the best teal breeds in the world, he is about to start researching.

   Hanxiang is of course very happy.

   After the love between the two, Hanxiang fell asleep. At this time, Li Tian turned on the system: [The current system level is 44, total experience: 129651]

   After another task needs to be completed, the system can be upgraded. This result is also very good.

   After using a good luck card, click to confirm the draw.

  【Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 1,000 yuan in cash. 】

   [Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 1 [Good Luck Card]. 】

  【Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 1,000 yuan in cash. 】

   [Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one [Dangerous Prediction Capsule]. 】

   [Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one [5 times a day card]. 】

  【Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a 【Random Special Task Card】1. 】

   [Congratulations on the lucky draw for winning a large bottle of [Evolved Fast Forward Potion]. 】

  【Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one 【Punishment Halo】1. 】


   The result of the lottery is still the same, but there is no disappointment.

  In the major laboratories, Li Tian continued to study.

   As long as there is time to double the card, Li Tian will use it to complete the task and dare not slack in the slightest.


   is far away from Li Tian and the mysterious invisible woman, returning from the undead territory, because of the special circumstances, the two are still together.

   may be to resist the shock together.

   Time soon came to dawn, and Li Tian used a mission card here.

   [Congratulations on getting the special mission: Mission requirements, in a new life, you need some money, rice, oil and salt... Ask to open a breakfast shop and do it for about half a month. 】

  【Complete the task: reward 100,000 yuan in cash, 1,000 draw points, and 1,000 system experience points. 】

   This new task is relatively new, and Li Tian has not received it before.

  Although Li Tian had the task of opening a welfare hotel, it was still a big one. There has never been a breakfast shop like this one.

   Although half a month is indeed a bit strong, since it is a task, let's work hard to complete it.


   When the mysterious invisible woman woke up, Li Tian told her about it.

   When she heard it, there was some dumbfounding. Li Tian's brain is wide open, he really does what he thinks of.

   As expected, Li Tian's speed was very fast. She immediately took action and found a breakfast shop. He didn't look for the business that seemed to be hotter.

   Because it makes no sense.

   I heard that there are people here who specialize in hyping shops, making the business look hot, and then reselling it at a high price.

   earn the profit inside.

   Like many milk tea businesses, it sells franchise fees. In fact, the business is like this. As long as there is demand, you can do business.


  Since the mission does not require a level of popularity, people's hearts are lazy.

   I invented the car because I didn’t want to walk, and because I didn’t want to be heated, I invented the air conditioner, etc...

   Li Tian only works as a breakfast shop, don’t be too busy, just relax.

   Therefore, he deliberately chose a more remote, but well-decorated shop.

   This is obviously too tall and does not match the consumption outlook of ordinary citizens, and the bankruptcy must be transferred.

   After Li Tian paid the transfer fee, he went to the landlord and directly paid a high price and bought it here.

   This is not a prosperous shop in the first place. Many small bosses do not live in business. If someone is taken advantage of, they are willing to buy at a price higher than the market. Naturally, being a boss is super willing.

   So, Li Tian became the owner of this store in just one day.

   Then hire 2 waiters to help.

  The salary is set to 350 yuan a day, and only half-day get off work is done. I come over at 4 to 5 in the morning and leave at around 3 in the afternoon.

   There are 2 hours to rest in between.

   Such benefits can only be achieved by Li Tian's shop.

  Because of the small shops, there are relatively few recruits, so Li Tian didn't talk about compensation at the beginning, and said that he was looking for hard-working people.

   If there is no mysterious invisible woman, Li Tian would of course find a more beautiful girl, but since he has a girlfriend by his side, Li Tian chooses something honest.

Li Tian’s vision today is of course unique, and he is very accurate. Some dishonest ones don’t Of course, because Li Tian doesn’t talk about money and wages first, and even dishonest people don’t look down here. The residents nearby, because they have nothing to do at home, so they choose to do some work.

   They thought that the low wage here would be 80 yuan a day, and the high would not exceed 150 yuan. After all, it is a small city and only half-day work.

   But I never thought that Li Tian would directly give 350 yuan a day, a proper monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan.

   However, when I signed the labor contract, I realized that the store was only open for half a month. It turned out that the high salary was the reason.

   However, even half a month, there are more than 5,000 wages, and ordinary people are easily satisfied.

   Then go to work on the first day, of course cleaning.

  Breakfast shop, the most important thing is hygiene.

   Then Li Tian started to prepare ingredients.

   The lady boss does nothing but wears a mask all day long. Everyone thinks it may be because of the ugly look or some flaws.

   I can never think of a mysterious invisible woman because she is so beautiful.


   I was busy preparing for one day, and it opened the next day.

  Don’t say, business is really bad...

   Because Li Tian didn't want to be too busy, he didn't prepare much, so the price in the store was 1 yuan higher than the market price.

   Don’t underestimate this dollar. Others’ porridge costs 1 RMB per bowl, while Li Tian’s directly costs 2 RMB.

   3 pieces for noodles and 4 pieces for Li Tian.

   Buns are 5 yuan per cage, and Li Tian is 6 yuan.

   leads to a bad business, even less frequented.


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