Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1805: Hang Hu Ji Shi

In the world of special abilities, Li Tian, ​​because of his extremely powerful shots, naturally caused a lot of people to be shocked.

Although most ordinary people do not know this matter.

The big star Sun Xiaoxiang is naturally an unattainable goddess to ordinary people, but it is not difficult to understand Li Tian's side and where it exists in particular.

So she didn't know that her lover Li Tian used the illusion space to do such an eye-catching thing.

On Li Tian's side, he protected his woman and at the same time successfully completed the task.

It just came out in my mind.

[Congratulations on completing the task, the rewarded 200,000 yuan cash red envelope, 2000 lottery points, and 2000 system experience points have all been distributed, please pay attention to check. 】

Li Tian was not polite and turned on the system.

[Current system level is 58, total experience value: 302651]

Then, the lucky card is used to start the draw.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Good Luck Cards]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Dangerous Prediction Capsules]. 】

[Congratulations on winning 2 [random special task cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 bottles of [Evolution Version Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations on obtaining 5 special items [Time Double Card (6 times)]. 】

[Congratulations to the lottery for winning a level 58 system item [Illusory Space]. 】


This illusion space is really easy to use, and there is a kind of pleasure of controlling a domain and controlling it at will.

Medically, Li Tian was not idle, and developed new medicines.


Tracheitis is caused by non-infectious factors such as virus, bacterial infection or physical and chemical stimulation of trachea and bronchial mucosa. The secretion of mucus increases. The lack of negative ions reduces the activity of respiratory enzymes in the tracheal mucosa epithelium and affects the secretion of alveoli Function and lung ventilation and ventilation function.

There are two types: acute and chronic.

Acute tracheobronchitis is an acute inflammation of the trachea-bronchial mucosa caused by biological or non-biological factors. Viral infection is a common cause, and the main clinical manifestations are cough and sputum.

Chronic bronchitis refers to chronic non-specific inflammation of the trachea, bronchial mucosa and surrounding tissues, and is clinically characterized by long-term cough, sputum or wheezing.

This disease has a particularly large impact on human life, and the inconvenience caused by it is also particularly large.

Acute acute tracheobronchitis is mainly caused by repeated infections of viruses and bacteria.

Chronic bronchitis, external cause 1 smoking. 2 infection. Infection is an important factor in the occurrence and development of chronic bronchitis, mainly viral and bacterial infections. 3 Physical and chemical factors. Chronic stimulation such as irritating smoke, dust, and air pollution is often one of the causes of chronic bronchitis. 4 Climate. Cold is often an important cause and inducement for the onset of chronic bronchitis. 5 Allergic factors.

(2) Internal cause 1 The local defense and immune function of the respiratory tract are reduced. 2 Autonomic dysfunction.

The current treatment methods include 1. anti-infective drugs, 2. bronchodilators, and 3. expectorants

The prevention is 1. Prevent exercise allergies, 2. Avoid excessive temperature difference, 3. Limit smoke and improve the environment.

This disease is not an incurable disease. The main reason is that if the environment or health is not good, it will immediately cause related inflammation, which is particularly troublesome.

And the treatment cycle is still relatively long.

The possibility of recurrence in the future is almost 100%. This is the most troublesome part of this disease. What Li Tian wants to study is to cure it immediately.

Patients who have had tracheitis or bronchitis, even if they recover, if one day inhales cold air, the inside of the lungs and trachea will feel particularly itchy, which is different from the response of normal people.

This is the drug Li Tian wants to develop.

In the future, even if the patient inhales cold air, or the body enters a place with poor air, it will not induce bronchitis.

Even more will not cough until the whole person is about to die.

Normal people cough once or twice, which may relieve the physical symptoms.

The sick person will directly experience whooping cough and persistent cough. Although whooping cough is an acute respiratory infection caused by Bacillus pertussis, it is also caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica and Bordetella parapertussis.

Therefore, the tracheal disease drug developed by Li Tian only needs to take one pill for the right medicine, and the symptoms will be relieved within the next 10 minutes.

The patient will no longer want to cough violently or even cough continuously.

After 1 day, I almost never cough again.

After taking it for 3 days, healed.

Of course, this medicine should also be purchased from a large cooperative hospital, because there are many types of tracheal diseases, infected viruses, or history of illness, it is best to let the doctor and the hospital understand, and then prescribe the right medicine.

In addition to the cost of checking the registration, the three-day medicine is not expensive, only more than 200 yuan.

You know, more than 200 yuan can completely cure bronchitis.

After recovery, even if you catch a cold in the future, drink cold water, inhale cold air, bad air, and even respiratory infections, they will be the same as normal people.

The body will not cause violent reactions due to the history of the onset of old diseases.

Therefore, as soon as the drug was launched, it was immediately sought after by countless patients.

[God, with the medicine of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, there is no need to go to the hospital to inhale oxygen for atomization treatment. 】

Generally, aerosol treatment refers to chronic inflammation of the airway that involves a variety of cells (such as eosinophils, mast cells, T lymphocytes, neutrophils, airway epithelial cells, etc.) and cellular components. Heterogeneous diseases characterized by often attack and aggravate at night and/or in the morning, and most patients can relieve themselves or be relieved by treatment. If bronchial asthma is not diagnosed and treated in time, it can cause irreversible airway narrowing and airway remodeling with the extension of the disease course.

Before Li Tian did not develop this drug, there was no specific treatment, but adherence to long-term standardized treatment can make asthma symptoms well controlled, reduce recurrence or even no longer attack.

You know, cough is only a symptom, and asthma, bronchitis, influenza can all cause cough.

The tracheal drugs developed by Li Tian completely eliminate and repair the inflammatory diseases of the trachea and lungs respectively.

The biggest is repair.

Traditional medicine can't do this at all, so asthma can't be cured at all. It can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Therefore, after Li Tian successfully developed the drug, countless patients who had been suffering for a long time shed tears of emotion. The whole process took 3 days, plus the test time was less than 5 days. Cure this disease completely.

And coughing in the future will be the same as a normal person. What a huge success.

Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has once again been confirmed.

Nowadays, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group is a company that is treated specially in the whole country and even in the world.

This company has achieved the support of 80% of the world's population, becoming an unprecedented feat.

Countless authoritative and well-known newspapers and magazines have published papers saying that Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group is an insurmountable medical milestone in the first 5000 years and the next 5000 years.

Its height is the current Mount Everest mountain range.

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