Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1826: He Yun

Because it was the first time that Xiao Budian became an enchanting and **** woman, Li Tian has been with her all this time.

Give her enough care.

On the other side, Li Tian is also busy non-stop, from the laboratory to his various research projects, almost non-stop.

In order to be hard work, all kinds of hard work.

This excellent quality of hard work has never disappeared from Li Tian's body for a moment.

He Yun was also Li Tian's favorite woman at the beginning. She liked it for so long. He was once poor and unable to be with her.

Later, when there was an opportunity, Li Tian naturally cherished it. It is not easy to have some fate in life, because each other is quite special. Because of the unequal status, Li Tian has never had the courage in this respect. , Li Tian finally had it.

Although He Yun later became one of Li Tian's many girlfriends, Li Tian's love for her has not changed.

Perhaps this is one of the capitals for Li Tian to become Neptune.

"Li Tian, ​​you are here."

Even if I haven't seen each other for a while, He Yun is still He Yun, beautiful and gentle. Whenever I see her, Li Tian first thinks of a good wife and a good mother.

"Well, miss you."

Li Tian walked over and hugged the woman tenderly.

He Yun was moved and said, "Me too."

The two first talked about love, even if many love words have been said before, but now they say it again, there will be no conflict.

The next step is the love link between the old husband and the old wife. Even if Li Tian’s time is doubled nowadays, the time spent with them is longer, but after all, there is a gap, so every time we meet again, it’s like Xiaobie wins a newlywed .

The love between the two is also enough.

Why do some husbands and wives have a seven-year itch? This is probably the case.

As long as both parties work hard and have the same love, they can love each other for a lifetime.

Of course this is easy to say but difficult to do.

After all, sometimes time passes so fast that people can hardly grasp it, but sometimes time is so slow in the past, so slow that it makes people crazy.

The next day, He Yun woke up early, even if her company had many things to deal with.

But because she is Li Tian's woman, even if there are a lot of things, in fact, there are not many things under the breakdown. Compared with other companies, there are too many broken things.

I said a lot of love words last night, of course I have to change my taste today.

The two talked about work and company affairs.

Many husbands and wives, because of the cold war or fail to confide each other's true intentions, ended up tripping over trivial things in life.

Li Tian and He Yun had a rich emotional foundation before, and now it is the same. After talking about work, they are talking about life.

As long as it's a love and a blind date, even if it's just some trivial things in life, you can have a very happy chat.

The next day, Li Tian used the mission card, and Li Tian also hoped that when he was with He Yun, he would have the best of both worlds.

The task is actually related to mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and it is not too difficult. As long as you take He Yun to sit at her house, you can complete the task in one night. It is still very simple.

Therefore, Li Tian did not politely tell He Yun about this.

Of course, this is nothing to lose to He Yun. She is very happy and naturally super satisfied.

The two made preparations together, and then set out to take action.

Of course, Li Tian would not be stingy. He bought a lot of gifts to send to He Yun's parents.

Li Tian used super powers, and the power of the Time Double Card instantly took He Yun to her parents, but in the end Li Tian did not use this ability, because Li Tian felt that they were walking on the side of the road, watching Look, it's also a great thing.

The two of them didn't even take the plane. They simply took the high-speed rail. Outsiders would not recognize them directly after a little dressing up.

The scenery outside the car window is naturally not surprising to people who often take the high-speed train. However, Li Tian and He Yun rarely take the ride, so the experience is still very good.

He Yun snuggled in Li Tian's arms and smiled: "Li Tian, ​​I feel that the two of us are like traveling."

Li Tian also smiled and said, "Almost, as long as you are happy, you are traveling everywhere."

"Yeah!" He Yun took Li Tian's hand, as if the world should have to worry about, the work that needs to be done has become less important, and everything has returned to simple happiness.

The speed of the high-speed rail is super fast, so Li Tian and He Yun didn't sit for long, they just returned to their hometown.

It is He Yun’s hometown. He Yun is now not only a super big influencer with 20 million fans, but also a big boss of carving clothes. His worth has already reached tens of billions. Like her, parents are the most luxurious. Villa

However, because the old couple are reluctant to leave this long-lived community, many of the people in this community are from their units, and everyone has known each other for decades.

It can't be said that their daughter became an internet celebrity, a big boss, and they left when they became rich.

Even when He Yun said that he would install elevators in the old community, the old couple did not agree.

"You don't need to be in the limelight, when the policy comes down, the installation will be unified across the country."

He Yun's father is more stubborn. He doesn't want his daughter's relationship to weaken his relationship with his neighbors.

Anyway, He Yun doesn't go home often. He Yun's things, talk about some things, conceal some things, and get confused.

A lot of people I knew back then wanted to talk to each other and wanted to turn He Yun into his daughter-in-law.

After all, He Yun was grown up by everyone. Although she is a bit rebellious sometimes, this girl is clean, beautiful, and gentle. Of course, everyone likes these advantages.

But nowadays, few people dare to talk about blind dates. Just the more than 20 million fans is enough to discourage some people.

How many big stars do not have so many fans.

Not to mention, today's carved clothing brands are super hot. Obviously the economy is not very good this year, but carved clothing is still selling super well.

Everyone doesn't know exactly how many assets He Yun has, but the sum of these has made those people with monthly income of only 10,000 to 50,000 have no courage to propose a blind date with He Yun.

There is only one adolescent boy. Every time I look at He Yun’s wonderful figure, **** figure, and beautiful face from a distance, I yell when I can’t sleep at night, when a little white face is kept by a beautiful female president like He Yun .

But these adolescent young people didn't know that the goddess in their minds, as long as they were with Li Tian, ​​were all sleeping and enjoying by Li Tian.

And Li Tian is still not satisfied. He is as beautiful as He Yun, and he has many more.

Every stunning beauty can be coveted by countless men. Seeking Books in Chinese

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Of course He Yun was very happy because Li Tian came back with her.

He Yun's parents are also happy.

Although the two elders know a little about Li Tian's situation and know that he is very romantic, he is also considered unmarried among scumbags, and he also has super powers that can accompany different girlfriends around him.

Although he can't give He Yun a unique marriage, there is nothing else Li Tian has done. Even if He Yun had over 10 million fans at the time, He Yun's parents were unhappy. They were professors and teachers, and they never liked that their baby daughter was in this industry.

But now, Li Tian has helped her create a brand of carved clothing. Although it is also a hard work, this is a legitimate profession, and the company supports tens of thousands of employees.

This industry is what makes the two elders proud.

Naturally, it became more pleasing to Li Tian.

And this is not the most important thing. Professor He knows something about Li Tian’s own industry, the Rich Agricultural Park at the beginning. Every time Li Tian comes to visit the elderly, he will also chat with him.

Today Li Tian's rich pharmaceutical group is even more remarkable.

The new drugs developed have cured so many people all over the world, even in Professor He’s university, Li Tian, ​​as the greatest existence in the past 100 years, has a bronze statue standing in the park, allowing college students to pay respects when they rest. a bit.

This is our great medical man, and almost all the viruses that are difficult to conquer in the world can be solved by him.

It's super awesome.

Therefore, even if Li Tian has some shortcomings, it is worthy of forgiveness. After all, for so many years, the old couple also saw his feelings for He Yun.

"Oh, Li Tian is here, hurry up, sit inside."

Professor He is very enthusiastic and treats Li Tian as his own son.

This is what makes He Yun on the side more sour. "Dad, I'm your girl, how can you treat Li Tian better than me?"

Professor He smiled and said: "My son-in-law has made such a great achievement in the medical field, and I am not allowed to be happy yet."

He Yun's mother also came over to hold her daughter and smiled: "You still don't know your dad. He pays more attention to the affairs of Rich Pharmaceutical Group recently than watching the news every night."

He Yun of course also knows his parents' personalities, just smiled and said, "Mom, I will cook with you."

Although He Yun is now a super beautiful president, she is still a virtuous daughter at home. She helps her mother cook in the kitchen and talks about homework by the way.

The main thing is to make time for her father to have a good talk with Li Tian.

Usually Professor He also knows that Li Tian has a lot of possibilities. Although he has long wanted to talk with Li Tian about medical matters, it is not easy to bother.

Now Li Tian took the initiative to bring their baby daughter back. Such a good opportunity is naturally impossible to miss.

Professor He poured tea for Li Tian himself. Li Tian didn’t dare to ask for it, and wanted to rush to fall. Professor He refused to give it. Instead, he blamed: "Li Tian, ​​what you have achieved in medicine now and what you have done to all mankind Contribution, indescribable, I must pour this tea."

Li Tian couldn't twist it, so he had to continue, and then he took a sip of tea.

Professor He said happily: "This is the top tea I bought with a friend. I can't bear to drink it on weekdays."

Li Tian smiled bitterly. He just said casually that he didn't have much research on tea.

I didn't expect it to be such an expensive tea. Not only is it expensive, but ordinary people cannot drink it.

The output in one year is just so little, it doesn't matter, you can't see it.

Professor He is very happy. Although he is not a professor of medicine, he has done research on medicine recently.

Otherwise, if the son-in-law comes over, they will not be able to tell a 123.

Professor He knows almost everything about the medicine developed by Rich Pharmaceutical Group.

From acne series A~F, myopia, dentistry, presbyopia, muscles and bones plaster, hepatitis B, rheumatism, surgery, warts, colds, bone hyperplasia, nail fungus, tinea corporis, tinea cruris, erysipelas , Appendicitis, paralysis, polio, leukemia, cataract, bronchitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, diet pills...

He wanted to know how Li Tian developed it.

Li Tian faces many problems, and outsiders don't even know what the problems are.

Li Tian did not hide much from Professor He. "Professor He, you should know that I have some opportunities and special abilities. Therefore, my medical research is not ordinary research."

Li Tian went from pathology to medicine.

When Professor He heard that Li Tian had extracted DNA from drug fossils hundreds of thousands of years ago, and resurrected some herbs that had long been extinct, he was stunned.

Obviously he is the age of an old man, and he is still a respected professor, but at this moment he listens like a surprised child, dumbfounded, and fully absorbed.

Li Tian also answered questions about medical knowledge.

Professor He put down the tea cup and sighed: "We are left with this daughter. There is nothing to do, but she is blessed to find a great man like Li Tian. It is also our blessing..."

Like hepatitis B and leukemia, diseases that the whole world can't help, can be cured by Li Tian, ​​not to mention there are more than 20 other diseases, all of which can be cured.

Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, as long as the medicine is painless and non-toxic, and can be cured in the shortest time, it is simply a fairy-level panacea in the legend.

Professor He's attitude towards Li Tian and his admiration are naturally reasonable.

The more knowledgeable people are, the more they understand Li Tian's greatness.

So in many halls of knowledge, Li Tian has already become a great man.

This is a great living man, and even the textbooks of every medical school in the world have reprinted stories about Li Tian and his rich medical group.

Some people don't know much, and thought it was something from the last century, but never thought that this was still a great man alive.

Professor He asked again the medical problem Li Tian has overcome recently.

In general, a great medical man can only overcome one medical problem in his life, and it is difficult to have the time, experience and learning to overcome the next one.

But Li Tian himself admitted that his medicine is not ordinary medicine, it is mythical.

Therefore, Professor He has reason to believe that Li Tian is still developing a cure for the next disease.

Li Tian did not hide it either. "The next step I will study is AIDS..."

Professor He was extremely shocked when he heard that this disease was a terrifying disease that made people talk about it.

Li Tian said to Professor He: "He has also been researching and developing for a while, and there are some results at the moment. No surprises, after some time, this disease will become history."

Professor He was very excited when he heard this.

In the kitchen, He Yun saw her dearest father and favorite Li Tian, ​​so enthusiastic to communicate, she was also very moved. _

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