Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 278: Smart sister

The 40-year-old man had already been deposed. If he hadn't suddenly seen his sister Li Yuxin holding a cell phone, Li Tian would have been angry and stomped the man severely.

Li Tian is not a cruel person, but his palm is pierced by a dagger, and the unbearable pain constantly stimulates his nerves. Especially when he thinks that this murderer will threaten his sister's life, he wants to kill him alive.

If he didn't meet Teacher Zhou during the day, he might really do it.

Impulse is the devil, and people lose their minds when they are subjected to strong stimulation.

Until the man in his 40s, his whole body was curled up on the ground like fried shrimp, his face was pale, his mouth screamed like a pig, because of the unbearable pain, big beads of sweat continued to fall from his forehead.

There was blood flowing between his legs. It is conceivable that Li Tian's kick just now really killed him.

Wang Xiaoxiao, who was on the side, was still stunned, because what happened in these few seconds was too fast, she did not prepare mentally in advance, the blood of Li Tian splashed on her face, she would never forget the scene at that time. .

The man who was considered by her as a man with a brain problem before, the man who danced hip-hop on the top of the mountain in the middle of the night, saved her with his palm at the very moment of death. A sloppy man who doesn’t even look like a good man, a hero. Usually shot, and subdued the murderer with one kick.

A scene more exciting than a movie is deeply impressed in Wang Xiaoxiao's mind.

At first, it was like a heart that was in a sudden stop. At this moment, it started to bang.

The fear of life crisis appeared on Wang Xiaoxiao’s body a few seconds later in an instant. Her body was finally able to move. First of all, tears flowed down uncontrollably, mixed with the blood drops on her face, and dripped down. Then she squatted down and started crying.

She is just an ordinary girl from an ordinary family, where she would think that she would encounter such a terrible thing.

However, no one would comfort him at this moment.

Because the police had already arrived, Li Tian was taken to the hospital, and his younger sister and Wang Xiaoxiao were taken to the police station for questioning and taking notes.

What surprised the police officers was that, in sharp contrast with the scared Wang Xiaoxiao, that Li Yuxin was not only picturesque, but also scared, her white fingers trembled unconsciously, and her beautiful face was slightly pale, but, She actually took out her mobile phone.

That's right--

At the critical moment, Li Tian pushed away his sister and used "108 Footwork" to stop the murderer who was about to escape. The calm and smart Li Yuxin immediately took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera function, and recorded the thrilling scene.

It was just because Li Tian found out that his sister was actually taking a video. He immediately knew that her sister was collecting evidence. Li Tian admired her sister's wit, but at the same time he forcibly resisted not continuing to violent the murderer.

The police officers who were investigating the case were surprised. At that critical moment, they thought of taking pictures with their phones to collect evidence. This girl is really no ordinary person.

Calm and smart is terrible. However, according to the survey, this girl is the best student in the school and is a famous school girl. Her IQ is even rumored to be above 180.

This is definitely the future elite of the country!

The police officers attach great importance to the fact that has evidence, coupled with on-site visits and investigations, basically the entire case can be initially determined.

The next day, the police found out that the 40-year-old man had committed the crime. Not only did he have a criminal record, but he was also related to several other cases. The case continued to be investigated and all the evidence added up. The 40-year-old man could live in the rest of his life. Spent in prison.

In the hospital, my father Li Jianping, my mother Dong, Wang Xiaoxiao’s parents Wang and Uncle Wang all rushed to the hospital. After the police asked Li Tian about some things, he was shocked that Li Tian’s kick could be so terrible, and In the case, there were some doubts about Li Tian’s appearance. However, Li Tian’s reputation was very good. The case was also reported by Teacher Zhou. He explained that Li Tian, ​​as Li Yuxin’s brother, felt that someone was against his sister early in the morning. Come guard.

Finally, basically the case can be coherent before and after the case. The police asked Li Tian to take a break while reminding him that he might be called in the follow-up investigation, but he should not worry too much, because his sister Li Yuxin used her mobile phone to video. Basically, it is certain that Li Tian's actions are legitimate defense. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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