Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 338: Have 1 leg

Zhao Qi tiptoed, all the excitement was written on her cute milky face, a pair of small tiger teeth were naughtyly exposed on the lips, showing her little devilish intentions slightly.

Check one by one, starting from the wardrobe.

"Yeah, the clothes are neatly arranged."

It's even more tidy than Zhao Qi's wardrobe. This is unscientific. This man must have arranged it temporarily. Yes, it must be so.

‘Generally there are money and cigarettes hidden in the closet. ’

This Li Tian doesn't smoke, so he must be rich, but Zhao Qi turned Li Tian's closet into a kennel, only to find a jar with money in it.

However, after Zhao Qi opened it, her face suddenly became dark. What a joke, they are all 1 cents and 5 cents coins, one dollar is very small, even more exaggerated, there are 5 cents.

Zhao Qi was born several years later than Li Tian, ​​so when she became sensible, the five-point coin had been eliminated. But when Li Tian was sensible, he could still buy an old popsicle for two 5 cents.

Later, you can buy a very long spicy strip.

Later... it was eliminated.

Zhao Qi looked for it to see if there were any antiques. In fact, the family had been poor for generations. As the saying goes, being poor for only three generations is because of being poor for three consecutive generations and starving to death.

The Li Tian family is very lucky. By his generation, they have been poor for five generations, and they have not been starved to death. It is a miracle.

So, no need to think about antiques.

However, Zhao Qi found a box in the corner of the closet. After opening it, there are some photos inside. Some photos are very chronological. On the back of the photo, the date when the photo was taken is written with a ballpoint pen. However, the handwriting is too After a long time, it seems a little fuzzy.

There are photos of Li Tian himself when he was a child, and his sister Li Yuxin taking photos when he was a child, and then the photos of his fifth grade graduation and junior high school graduation photos, and there were even photos taken with his cousin Zhao Ruxue alone.

‘This man, he really had a leg with his cousin back then, otherwise, how could the cousin, who has always been proud of himself, take pictures with such a man alone. ’

Zhao Qi took a closer look again. ‘But, my cousin was really young at that time! The face is facing the sky, but it can't conceal the beautiful and moving beauty of the good luck clock. ’

Zhao Qi took out her mobile phone and took out a five-cent coin to cover Li Tian's head. She wanted to take pictures of her cousin alone. I wanted to tore up this photo directly and took the photo of my cousin, but after thinking about it, this photo was considered 12 years ago. It was too historically significant, and it was too much.

After the filming, the object returned to its original owner.

Next, Zhao Qi looked for Li Tian's bedside table again, there was a four-wheel drive racing car model, and checked the production date of the box.

‘I’m a good boy, it’s been more than ten years, this naive man. ’

Zhao Qi found the No. 7 battery and tried to see if it could run. However, after so many years, the engine has been rusted. Of course, he bought the miscellaneous brand and cheap goods.

Turned over the shoe cabinet, drawers, and desk.

‘Oh! There are still a few books on the table. ’

Zhao Qi suddenly remembered that this man seemed to be a writer. Come and see what books he read, and if there are some books that are not suitable for children, such as "Jin Ping Mei" or something.

However, Zhao Qi opened a few books and was somewhat stunned.

"Chinese", "The Analects", "Ideological and Moral", "Xinhua Dictionary"...

"Are you kidding? Are these all books from school? How about extracurricular books? Isn't there one?"

Zhao Qi was surprised. It was because he found these books from the warehouse on the roof. He felt that when he was writing a novel, he had no thoughts. When he used it to read through it, it would be good to learn more new words and sentences. .

During the first half of his life, until the accidental start of the best small farmer system, this man cherished the opportunity more than anyone else, and he was really more diligent and hardworking.

"Then there are only computers!"

Zhao Qi was not reconciled. She didn't believe that a man who was physically and mentally healthy could not have a room so clean.

However, when I turn on the computer, there are some learning materials inside.

For example, how to write the "Fiction Outline", how to create contradictions, how to make things unexpected and so on. In addition to writing materials, there is also a desktop folder with live broadcast sentiments. Li Tian actually wrote out his own live broadcast, looking for ways to mobilize the audience's emotions, how to interact closely with the audience, how to deal with disgusting people and so on.

Zhao Qi was shocked. Is this man studying 24 hours a day?

Zhao Qi rummaged through various hidden folders on the hard disk, but couldn't find the one she wanted.

"This man has no physical problems, right?"

Unwilling to reconcile Zhao Qi, go to the browser again, maybe he is watching online.

Yo, he even used it to erase the search history.

This is not difficult for Zhao She has studied some hacking techniques in university, and she has restored some historical searches that have been eliminated through various instructions, codes, and restoration.

However, seeing those searches, Zhao Qi was stunned.


How to trade stocks...

How to trade futures...

The significance of real estate and real estate in today's society.

What are the tertiary industries?

What are the key projects supported by the state...

What are the Fortune 500...

Wait, wait, wait!

Zhao Qi was stunned, this Li Tian has no small ambitions! I also want to build a world-class business empire. I even studied the US Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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