Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 402: Chen Zixuan

All this happened so suddenly that Li Tian didn't even think that this teenage boy would be so cruel.

He also read the news before and knew that there were couples, men were beaten to death, women were insulted, especially at night, there were countless news that pretty women were killed alone.

It's just that he didn't expect that these three young men would commit the crime at this moment.

If he has no mind and skill, I am afraid that he will really be knocked down by a brick, and then watched his sister be pulled into the alley and be insulted. If you resist fiercely, I am afraid you will be killed.

Li Tian was furious. "108 Footwork" made him dodge the brick in an instant, turned around and kicked the man who attacked him with one kick. This kick was so powerful that he kicked him on the spot and hit him. Inside the trash can at the back.

Then Li Tian dashed up, jumped up with two punches, and hit the two guys who were about to attack his sister directly. They knocked off their front teeth on the spot, broke the bridge of their nose, screamed and fell to the ground, crawling. Can't get up.

"Sister, are you all right."

Sister Li Yuxin nodded, but her eyes looked at the three teenagers with contempt, and she was too young to learn well.

Half an hour later, these three danglers were all arrested into the police station.

Li Tian and his sister also went to record the confession. Fortunately, there was a camera on that road, which clearly recorded Li Tian's defense. However, looking at Li Tian's agility, three punches and two kicks that are more powerful than martial arts stars, he is subduing the gangster, and even the police uncle can't help but praise. However, I still urge Li Tian and Li Yuxin not to go to the messy place too late.

When Li Tian and his sister came home, it was already around 1 o'clock in the evening.

After Li Tian rinsed, he lay down on the bed and couldn't sleep for a while.

Because the police checked the files, it turned out that these three teenagers had committed crimes for the first time. The biggest of them was the one who used the bricks to beat Li Tiantou at 16 years old. There are two remaining, one is 13 and the other is 14. year old.

It’s because when I was in junior high school, I took a beautiful girl from their school to the grove and was insulted, which led to the start of school. What’s even worse is that the 14-year-old has money at home, but because he is all underage, please be more intelligent Lawyer, civil compensation in the end, an apology will be fine.


I heard that the girl was pointed out and jumped off the building one day.

But these three guys were released after being locked up for a period of time.

What makes Li Tian depressed is that he has seen a lot of such things on the news, especially school violence.

The Law on the Protection of Minors should protect good children. Why do bad children do things that are infuriating, but they are protected.

This incident made him sad.

Because he knew that within two days, those three guys would be released.

Because they are still minors so far.


Li Tian couldn't help but want to kill someone——

This kind of social scum, under normal circumstances, Li Tian would not encounter it, but because his younger sister was too beautiful, and because the three scumbags were able to see the idea this night, it became evil.

I thought it was a first-time offender. This kind of garbage can either be educated, or be a crime after growing up.

Is it true that when they become adults, they kill people before they can be brought to justice?

But what about the innocent people killed by them?

What about their family?

Thinking too much, Li Tian felt very uncomfortable.

Especially thinking that if these three guys retaliate, Li Tian's heart will be even more uncomfortable.

A few days later, Li Tian kept focusing on this matter. He found a man and led the three teenagers out.

The man who drove the car was probably the father of the 14-year-old boy. He hated iron but not steel, and slapped the boy on the head, but the boy was born with a bad bone, looked at his father and was unyielding.

The other two were ordinary-born teenagers and left without talking much.

When Li Tian wanted to continue to follow him, a familiar man suddenly appeared across from him. That's right, he turned out to be Chen Zixuan, the second generation of the city's wealthy who once pursued Li Yuxin.

In the winter, he also wears sunglasses and two bodyguards behind him.

One of them was beaten by Li Tian last time.

He came to sit down in front of Li Tian.


"Brother Li Tian, ​​don't worry about this matter."

Chen Zixuan seems to have known that Li Tian is Li Yuxin's brother, so at this moment, his attitude is very good.

"Those who dared to deal with Li Yuxin did not end well."

Li Tian didn't expect Chen Zixuan to know about this matter.

He hesitated, stood up and said, "Then don't overdo it."

With that said, Li Tian turned around and left, and he stopped taking care of this matter.

Among them, the 16-year-old returned to his hometown in the countryside and beat his parents. "Give me money."

His parents were old and had a bruised nose and face. "You need money every time you come back. We still have money for you. We'll leave it to you."

"Two old immortals who dare to turn back, I will kill you..."

This 16-year-old boy was full of stomach swelling. This time, he clearly found a stunning girl. However, he didn't take advantage of it. He was beaten and kept in prison for several days.

If it weren't for the 14-year-old father who had money, the three of them would probably not be able to make it out for a while.

When he got angry, he beat the parents who gave birth to him.

However When a bunch of real bald guys arrived, the rest will not be described too much.

The 13-year-old one, this guy is even more poisonous. The girl jumped off the building because he sneaked into someone’s house afterwards, took advantage of the girl’s parents not at home, took the knife and insulted the girl, and finally took pictures. It was made into a video and posted on the Internet. In the end, the girl committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Because of his vicious heart, the first thing he came back was not to vent his anger with his parents. On the contrary, he behaved very well in front of his parents and relatives, and he was the "good boy" of the neighbors around him.

However, in his own room, he took out a dagger.

Yes, he wants revenge.

However, the next day, he had an accident.

That 14-year-old, his father had money, ran to a romantic place, eventually contracted a serious illness, and died in the hospital half a month later. (Needle Farmer System s..110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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