Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 537: You’re afraid that it’s not because your brain floods and you have hallucinations

In fact, Zhou Ruihan and Yang Chaoxi are not close friends, they can only be regarded as neighbors in a small town, and they are quite different in age.

Although Zhou Ruihan has never been hugged by a man, except for Li Tian, ​​her real age is already 25 years old. Since the age of 18, she has followed Sun Xiaoxiang and served her with all her heart. She is beyond the reach of ordinary girls of her age. Something obtained.

However, she also paid a lot for this, such as youth and love, which were almost blank.

And Yang Chaoxi is only 19 years old this year, 6 years away from Zhou Ruihan, so if it weren't the neighbors from childhood, the two of them are unlikely to have contact, so Yang Chaoxi just called Zhou Ruihan at first, she didn't particularly want to come. If it weren't for Yang Zhaoxi to say that something happened, Zhou Ruihan's identity, she would not have come.

Never thought that this would happen.

At this moment, Zhou Ruihan's expression was extremely dim, and a deep resentment filled her face.

Yang Zhaoxi knew that everything was caused by her, so she looked at Zhou Ruihan in fear like a child who did something wrong.

"How is it, is your health better?"

Zhou Ruihan asked.

"Well, much better."

"Can you come down and walk? Then let's leave here immediately." Zhou Ruihan looked around, and then thought of being hugged and hugged by that shameless Li Tian just now, she said angrily: "I hate this place."


Yang Chaoxi dared not speak much.

Then with Zhou Ruihan's support, Yang Chaoxi came down.

Zhou Ruihan was fully armed again and finally got out of the hotel with difficulty. When he got into Zhou Ruihan's car, Zhou Ruihan couldn't help but let out a sigh.

She looked at Yang Chaoxi, who was still a little pale in the passenger seat, and hated that iron could not become a steel track: "How many times has this been? Why are you so careless?"

For Yang Zhaoxi, Zhou Ruihan has always been the sister next door. When she was young, she was very envious of seeing Zhou Ruihan walking north and south with the big star. Only when she was 17 she secretly went to South Korea as an intern. It has been almost 3 years now, and not only hasn't been out of the limelight, but has fallen into the wolf's den several times.

"Twice, the last time was in Thailand."


Yang Chaoxi whispered. "Predecessors told me that if a girl without a background wants to get angry, she must learn to sleep with her. For the first time, I regretted it. At that time, a mysterious person suddenly appeared and rescued me, so I was in a great mood. It's complicated, there is a kind of excitement to be saved, and at the same time I know that I am finished.

Seeing Zhou Ruihan listening, she just continued to explain: "This time I was drugged. I thought it was safer in China, so I was too careless."

With that, she just got excited. "Fortunately, that Mr. Li just appeared suddenly, otherwise, my first time will be lost here. At that time, I really wanted to die because I was refrigerated by the company just because of the Thai affairs. All the announcements and business performances about me were cancelled. I planned to quit the entertainment industry, but I didn’t expect that I was still drugged. Even if I wanted to quit, some people didn’t want to let me go and wanted to squeeze my final value. ."

"Capitalists are like this."

Zhou Ruihan reached out and touched Yang Chaoxi's hair. "I told you before that the entertainment industry is very messy, not to mention South Korea. There are so many girls who want to be stars, but there are a few who can really catch fire. And, behind them... Forget it, you are knew."

Zhou Ruihan continued to sigh, "Even if the master I serve, their family power is so powerful, some people want to behave against her... You are a powerless country girl who can have a good life and be rescued twice. It is already a miracle. , Again and again, never again, so you can do it yourself."

Speaking of this, Yang Chaoxi looked lonely.

"After these two attempts by the company, I can see it through. Moreover, I have offended so many leaders and ruined my future. I will submit my resignation tomorrow. In the past 3 years, I have saved enough money to save money. Liquidated damages."

Zhou Ruihan sighed again. "You are still too young to understand that group of vampires. Your money is not enough. When the time comes, I will lend you some money, and I will also ask friends in this circle to help you, but you must never I betrayed me like this tonight, otherwise, the relationship between us will be broken. I have told you more than once that the host I serve, she has a cleanliness, even the people around her must have a clean life and nothing Scandals and troubles."

With that, she took out her mobile phone and deleted Sun Xiaoxiang's phone number just now.

"How did you delete it?"


"Do you think I would be so stupid? Write my master's phone number so blatantly? This is fake." Zhou Ruihan smiled.

"Then why did you just promise that Mr. Li would get tickets for the concert?" Yang Chaoxi was puzzled.

"Didn’t you just tell me? Even though I am not a star, I can’t have a scandal. I can’t have a scandal at all. That nasty **** took a photo of me. I’m really afraid that he will spread to the circle of friends and say something. This little thing, I might lose the work I have done for so many years."

Zhou Ruihan just gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought Mr. Li was a good person..." When Yang Zhaoxi called Zhou Ruihan, she didn't expect her, the sister next door, to help her, so she got into trouble at this moment. She was very guilty.

"Good guy? Why do you call him a good guy?" Zhou Ruihan recalled the first and second encounters with Li Tian. No matter it was on a private island or on a luxury yacht, he had no good impression. "This man is not simple, he is very evil, and his martial arts is very good...There are also some very hard relationships, I can't provoke him at all."

Hearing Zhou Ruihan's words like this, Yang Chaoxi was immediately surprised. It turned out that this man was really extraordinary. Then, in Thailand that night, it was really him...

Thinking of this she got excited instead.

"Because, because tonight, I was stripped naked by the beast who drugged me. The Mr. Li not only showed up in time to save me, but... and... when he helped me dress, his eyes were his Action, his temperament, I have never seen such an upright man..."

Yang Chaoxi was still a little obsessed with it.

"Ha ha--"

Zhou Ruihan immediately sneered twice. "Integrity? He just licked his tongue at me and moved his hands and feet. There was a little uprightness there? Are you afraid that your brain is flooded and hallucinated?"

Zhou Ruihan's impression of the **** Li Tian was so bad that she didn't believe what Yang Chaoxi said. After all, Yang Chaoxi is also a beautiful woman, a man who wants to take advantage, that Li Tian will be a gentleman, and she didn't believe that she would be killed.


Yang Chaoxi originally wanted to explain a few words, but seeing Zhou Ruihan's angry appearance, she finally stopped obediently. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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