Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 795: Self-esteem

Lily beauty thought Li Tian was joking, after all, it was almost 12 o'clock in the morning.

But she did not expect that the resolute and resolute manner in Li Tian's mouth would be so terrifying. I saw the man who was still holding her just now. After putting on the clothes, there was no playboy-like expression in his eyes. This feeling is replaced by clarity, perseverance, persistence and hard work.

He came to the computer and after sitting down, he smiled at Beauty Lily. For Beauty Lily, this smile was ugly, because she felt that Li Tian was ugly, and it was not good to laugh at all.

"Go to sleep."

Li Tian said something like coaxing a child, and then he turned on the computer, and the aura of his whole body began to release, calming himself down, especially in the brain. He has higher requirements for the quality of his novels. After all, nowadays, comics, film and television The copyright of the game has been sold out, even if he doesn't care for his reputation, he must also consider them.

Therefore, even if he writes 100,000 words a day, he must ensure that the story is exciting and smooth.

The brain is almost completely wrapped in aura, making the brain very clear at this moment. The plot, characters, structure, rhythm, etc. of the entire novel are all displayed in the mind. I looked at the time again, 11:59:57, 58 seconds, 59 seconds.

it is good! 12 o'clock.

People who like night owls are still happy at this time, especially the rich and powerful, Ye Ye Shengxiao.

For most ordinary people, in order to have energy at work tomorrow, they will sleep well at this moment.

If Li Tian hadn't suddenly appeared in this special task, he would still sleep with Jiao Didi's beauty.

But at this moment, he must concentrate his efforts.

The keyboard began to crackle--

In order to achieve 24 hours a day, with enough quality and quantity to write 100,000 words, Li Tian not only broke out the spiritual energy in his body, but also displayed his martial arts that can dodge bullets, otherwise he could not complete the task.

So his fingers were flying on the keyboard, and when he saw it with his naked eyes, he could only see some afterimages.

On Lily's beauty, she was in a daze.

Because she has been sleeping with Li Tian these days, she obviously feels that her upper circumference has become more full. This man seems to be obsessed with that place, and just now, Li Tian feels shameless and caressing.

But at this moment, the man is serious like never before. He sits in front of the computer with his back straight, his eyes intently, and the internal force of his body is released, forming a magnetic field that ordinary people cannot interfere. He is alone in silence. among them.

Li Tian felt like an annoying ghost at the beginning, and he would kill him if he killed it.

But then he became emotionally poisoned. When this man found that he hated him and couldn’t help but love him, he became a playboy. Every day he was full of sweet talks. He was not very good at saying what he said. Cheeky and said, always taking advantage of her, when holding her, wishing to rub her into his body.

However, now that Li Tian suddenly became so serious, she had never expected it.

She thought Li Tian was doing it, even she deliberately lowered her collar. She knew that this man was obsessed with this action, but it didn't work at this moment. The man seemed to have not seen it, still crackling. On the keyboard, rows of text quickly appeared on the bright computer screen.

Beautiful Lily's eyesight is very good, even at this distance, she can see clearly.

She didn't know what Li Tian said about making money at the beginning?

After reading some, I realized that this man is actually writing a novel?

Li Tian gave her the feeling that she was a reckless man, and a particularly lustful, vulgar person who likes beautiful women, but Lily Beauty read the plot of a novel he wrote, and she felt very delicate and felt pretty good.

‘This man is crazy, how much money can he make for writing novels? ’

Li Tian's beauty has never thought about Li Tian's mood, because she has always been thinking about **** him, only hate, no love, how can she care about him.

But tonight, seeing Li Tian working so hard, she suddenly couldn't help but think: Is it because he asked him if he had money during the day? Saying he is a poor ghost, hurt his pride?

Although Lily Beauty doesn't care about ordinary people's lives, as a professional killer, she still has some understanding of human nature.

Men generally can't stand a woman they like and despise him for being poor, because this is very self-respectful.

Of course, if it were not for the girl he liked, even if he disliked it, he would not be so sad, at most angry.

Because men don't like to see that they like girls, saying that they are useless.

‘Does this man really like her? ’

This is impossible! How could it be true that this man's rhetoric is true. Even if he likes it, he still likes her beautiful Lily body, because after all, she is very beautiful, good figure, white and tender skin, yes men like it.

Li Tian decided not to think too much. Li Tian had tortured her for a few hours just now. She was very tired. Besides, she didn't care what this man was going to do.

The beautiful Lily closed her eyes, and the rhythmic sound of typing on the keyboard in her ears turned into a kind of lullaby, especially the aura in Li Tian's body, making her feel like she is in the nature, not only quickly I fell asleep and slept soundly.

The next day, as soon as Lily Beauty opened her eyes, the rhythmic sound of typing on the keyboard was still there.

Beautiful Lily was shocked. She looked over, because her hair was too long. When she sat up, she would have hair covering her snow-white legs.

However, because of the special physique, even such long hair will not get knotted even after sleeping all night, and it does not even need a comb. It is very supple with a gentle stroke with your fingers.

She began to dress, then walked to Li Tian's side.

"Do you want to continue?"

Lily beauty asked faintly.

Li Tian didn't look back. He wrote all night. Even though he has deep internal skills, his eyes are red at this moment, bloodshot is beginning to be dense, and his lips are still chapped.

"Well! I only insisted on it for more than 8 hours, and I have to insist on it for another dozen hours."

Li Tian said it seriously.

Lily Beauty has an urge to disrupt his work, such as unplugging the power supply, but thinking that this man is energetic, so angering him, he will eventually get revenge on her delicate body, and the gain is not worth the loss, and the man is satisfied in the end.

"How much money can you make so hard?"

Beauty Lily started to make It was the first time she saw Li Tian working so hard. It felt weird.

"If you succeed, you can earn more than 10,000 yuan." Li Tian smiled bitterly: "You don't want to talk to me today, it will distract me, good, my little cute."

Lily Beauty's white tender little hand stiffened, only 10,000 yuan, so she has to work so hard?

And that "cute", even after listening to it for so long, she is still not used to it.

"Well then, you can work hard to earn money."

Beauty Lily put down the tea she had drunk, and when she turned around to leave, she saw that Li Tian directly picked up the tea she had just drunk and drank it, then turned around and continued typing desperately.


The beautiful Lily twitched her mouth, and finally gave up what to say

After all, when kissing, the nasty man Li Tian even ate her saliva and drank the tea she had drunk. It was nothing.

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