Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 182: Nine Dragons Great Consummation

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Ning Xiaochuan forcibly restrained the epee, raised his head and looked at the huge palm above, and said coldly, "This is a battle between me and a famous sheep. No one can join in."

The vice president of Yan Yan stood up, flew down to the high-rise building, hugged the famous sheep, stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a complex expression, and said, "The famous sheep has been defeated. This battle is over. Please return the famous sheep. Magic sword. "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart sighed slightly, and he was the vice-principal again. It seems that today it is impossible to kill the famous sheep.

This is also impossible. For a top genius like a famous sheep, Tiandi Xuegong will not let Ning Xiaochuan kill him at will. This is a huge loss for the Heavenly Emperor Xue Palace.

"Since he was defeated by me, then his sword is my trophy. If I want to return his sword and let him defeat me, I will return it to him."

Ning Xiaochuan carried away with his epee, and even if he was the vice-president, he didn't lose face at all.

The vice-president of Yan Yan's five fingers tightened, and flames would spurt from his eyes, but after thinking of the identity of the mysterious woman, he finally restrained himself and did not take action against Ning Xiaochuan.

There is a mysterious woman who backs Ning Xiaochuan. Anyone who wants to move Ning Xiaochuan must first weigh their own weight.

Defeating the famous sheep represents Ning Xiaochuan as the leader of this session and has the opportunity to enter Tiangong for seven days.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't immediately go to Tiangong, and went to the Tibetan scripture cave first, looked at the seventh floor of "Xuanqi Xuanqi", and kept the training method of the seventh layer of "Xianqi Xuanqi" in mind before he went to Tiangong.

The sixth layer of "Tian Di Xuan Qi" absorbs Xuan Qi 32 times faster.

The seventh layer of Heaven and Earth Xuan Qi absorbs Xuan Qi 64 times faster.

Moving to the back, each level is difficult to ascend, but every level can change dramatically.

If you can practice to the seventh floor of "Xuanqi Xuanqi", then this rotten street practice method will immediately become a level of magic method. Because a lot of Wu Zun absorbs Xuan Qi, it is only sixty or seventy times.

Ning Xiaochuan entered Tiangong again and began to cultivate.

This time is more generous, with seven days of cultivation time.

The space and time of Tiangong is different from the outside world, like an independent small world.

first day.

Ning Xiaochuan began refining the eighth supernatural power "Xingyue same sky" and gave this supernatural power to the skeleton of his left hand.

The right arm is "Lightning God Beast" and the left arm is "Xingyue Same Sky".

the next day.

Ning Xiaochuan completely refined the eighth supernatural power, martial arts realm gradually moved towards the eighth peak of the **** body.

Can the ninth **** source be born?

In the Yulan Empire, no one has ever been able to cultivate the Ninth Divine Source, nor has anyone been able to cultivate the ninth innate magical power.

The warrior who can cultivate the ninth type of innate magical power is called "Nine Heavy Powers" and represents the ultimate of the divine physical condition. Only the young true gods in the era of Fengshen can practice to the great power of the Nine Powers.

Ning Xiaochuan was naturally eager to reach that level.


A thin thread appeared in the body and gathered together to form a divine source at the position of the heart.

Ning Xiaochuan was extremely excited. Succeeded! Succeeded!

Ninth God Source!

The Ninth Divine Source actually converges at the position of the heart. At this moment, it is still unstable, and it is impossible to determine what kind of martial arts supernatural power it is.

Ning Xiaochuan began to cultivate the Ninth Divine Source with all his strength. I don't know how long the cultivation has taken place.


Sun and moon on the same day!

A scorching sun and a full moon float around the heart, and rotate around the heart to form a Taiji Yin and Yang pattern!

The scorching sun is yang, and the full moon is yin. Yin and Yang coexist, and the same day and month.

This is the ninth supernatural power of Ning Xiaochuan!

The ninth kind of magical power "Sun and Moon on the Same Day" is stronger than the eighth kind of magical power "Star and Moon on the Same Day" and represents a kind of extreme martial arts.

After the Fengshen era, few people have been able to achieve the "Jiuzhong Shentong great consummation", and Ning Xiaochuan has done it now.

Ning Xiaochuan suppressed the excitement in his heart and began to refine the Ninth Supernatural Power with all his strength. He would directly ninth the Supernatural Power into the heart and become one with the heart.

This can not only make the Ninth Supernatural Power more powerful, but also better protect Ning Xiaochuan's heart.

Refine the scorching sun into "blood tactics" and the full moon into "heart tactics".

Once Ning Xiaochuan runs the mysterious energy, the supernatural power automatically operates and transforms into a yin and yang map, automatically absorbing the mysterious energy between heaven and earth to strengthen itself.

It took another day for Ning Xiaochuan to practice the ninth type of supernatural power to Mahayana, reaching the peak of the divine realm, and closing the divine realm after the era of the divine.

Now Ning Xiaochuan has far surpassed the famous sheep. Even if the famous sheep has a sword in hand, Ning Xiaochuan can slap him to the fan.

Ning Xiaochuan wanted to take advantage of this excellent cultivation opportunity to impact the world of seclusion in one fell swoop, but found that no matter how hard he tried, cultivation could hardly make any further progress.

When you encounter a bottleneck, you can't break through just by practicing alone!

In order to reach the world of vulgarity, what is more needed is constant fighting, wandering between life and death, growing up in battle, and realizing the truth of vulgarity in battle.

Ning Xiaochuan pinched the bone beads in his hands, and began to practice the seventh layer of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi" again. He wanted to increase the speed of absorbing Xuan Qi to 64 times.

However, Ning Xiaochuan spent a whole day, and it was just hard to make any progress by just practicing the seventh layer of "Tian Qi Xuan Qi".

Ning Xiaochuan stopped practicing and put away the bone beads. "It seems that the bottleneck is really reached. If you want to break through again, you must have more experience. You can't improve by practicing alone."

Cultivation is like constantly pouring water into a small bottle, the more water it irrigates, the higher the cultivation.

However, the water in this bottle of Ning Xiaochuan has reached the mouth of the bottle, and can no longer be irrigated. If you want to fill more water, you can only change to a larger bottle.

This is the bottleneck!

Ning Xiaochuan practiced in Tiangong for five days, but still resolutely stepped out of Tiangong, and did not want to continue wasting time in Tiangong.

For the remaining two days, Ning Xiaochuan plans to use it in the future.

"The famous sheep have been defeated by you. Next, what are your plans?" Yu Qianqian sat beside the desk case, with a gentle smile on her face, and handed an emerald cup to Ning Xiaochuan. The cup contained Fragrant tea.

Ning Xiaochuan held up the tea cup and took a sip of lightly, saying, "I want to leave the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, go out to practice, and look for the truth of the public case ten years ago."

"Truth ten years ago? The emperor Yulan has imperially punished the sinners at that time, and now you are reversing the case, you are challenging the emperor Yulan and the imperial power." Yu Qianxi said with a tone of counsel.

Even if Wu Zun dare to challenge the imperial power, there is only a dead end, not to mention Ning Xiaochuan is far worse than Wu Zun.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The public case ten years ago was related to the death of my parents. I must investigate."

Yu Qianxi sighed resentfully, "I'm afraid you are also for Yu Ningsheng. She was also the victim of a public case ten years ago. In fact, in this way, you and her destiny are really similar, no wonder you I will love her so much, maybe this is pity for the sick! "

Ning Xiaochuan was able to hear the sour taste in Yu Qianqian's words, but didn't want to explain anything, saying: "I promised her to redeem her, even if it was against the imperial power, I would never frown."

Yu Qianqian pursed her lips tightly and said, "I also sent someone to investigate the public case ten years ago. Ten years ago, your father Ning Qianyi led a 700,000 army to smash the blood altar. 'Nine Dead Cliffs', at that time, 'Yu Wuyang' of Yunzhonghou and 'Mo Longting', Yu Ningsheng's father, were in the army, obeying your father's dispatch. The whereabouts of the army led to the death of 700,000 troops under the cliff of nine deaths. "

"This public case directly resulted in the execution of your father and mother. General Zuo Duwei's" Mo Longting ", all the young and old were assigned to the frontiers, and the women in the family were demoted to prostitutes. It was at that time that Yu Ningsheng was She was sold into Guanyu Tower. Her name was Mo Ningsheng at the time, and she was only seven years old. "

Ning Xiaochuan squeezed his fist tightly and said, "The truth of this public case, I already know the number, and there are still witnesses. It is enough to bring down Yue Wuyang, a hypocrite, and my father and Mo Longting's family are fair."

Ning Xiaochuan still has a lot of trust in Yu Qianqian, so she will tell her about it.

Yu Qianqian shook her head and said, "Xiaochuan, I know you are very intelligent and talented. But after all, you do n’t understand the pattern of the court and the minds of power warriors. Do you think Yue Wuyang at that time could really cover the sky with one hand? Is it really possible to call the wind and rain? He has competed against Jiange Hou Mansion and forced all his parents and children to death? "

"At least ten years ago, Yue Wuyang didn't have that much ability. He still had a big man behind him, and that figure was the culprit in planning the whole case."

Ning Xiaochuan's face changed slightly.

Yu Qianqian continued: "In the past ten years, Yue Wuyang's power has increased by more than a hundred times, and she has really been able to call the wind and rain. Do you know why this is all about?"

"Yu Lan big ... Emperor ..." Ning Xiaochuan's face became more powerful.

That's right!

Ten years ago, with the exception of Emperor Yulan, who would dare to fight against Jiangehou?

Only the Emperor Yulan could make the old princes of Jiange Hou's house swallow up.

Yue Wuyang is just a sharp knife in the hand of Emperor Yulan!

The emperor Yulan had long been thinking of dealing with the major princes and wanted to reduce the rights of the princes. However, if the rights of the princes were directly deprived, it would definitely cause a huge rebound and even make his emperor insecure. A gentle approach.

Of course, all this now is only the speculation of Yu Qianqian and Ning Xiaochuan, there is no evidence at all, and once their conversation spreads today, both of them will lose their heads.

Yu Qianxi exhaled deeply and said, "So, if you want to reverse the case of that year, there is not enough evidence to prove it. You also need more sufficient evidence, enough to be able to refute the emperor Yulan. You plan to first Where do you start? "

Ning Xiaochuan gently played with the cup in his hand, his eyes sharp, and said, "Devil's altar, nine dead cliffs!"

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