Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 983: Charming God Purple Lotus

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After taking the nine-headed purple aster into the town's demon tower, Ning Xiaochuan and others set off again to find the holy medicine.

"Catch it, don't let it run away!"

Yue Mingsongsong flew down from the sky, sprinkled out his large royal-class net, blocked the space of dozens of miles, and under the big net was a yellow that was about the size of a rabbit. calf.

The yellow calf exudes a strong medicinal gas, which makes people feel as if they are inhaling with a sip.

The yellow calf, of course, is not a real calf, but a strain of ten thousand years of holy medicine, named Xuanhuang Baiju fruit.

It can be transformed into the appearance of many animals, this ox is just one of its many forms.

Ning Xiaochuan and others have been tracking Xuanhuang Baiju fruit for three months, and each time it was about to succeed, it was escaped by it. Now it has been discovered by Ning Xiaochuan. They can't escape it no matter what they say!

The yellow calf transformed by the black yellow beast fruit saw the sky blocked and immediately turned into a giant pangolin, trying to escape from the ground.

Because it grows in the world of Fengshen itself, the material that breaks open the world of Fengshen is not as difficult for him as the outside world. It was easy for him to run away.

However, at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan released the fifty figurines and magic swords in his body, inserted them into the ground, and formed a weekly array to prevent Xuanhuang hundred beasts from falling into the ground.


Fifty-handed battle swords turned into fifty sword mountains, spinning quickly.


The giant pangolin kept scratching on the ground, sharp claws sparked on the ground, flying out more than ten battle swords.

Seeing, Ning Xiaochuan's large array will be broken.

"Monk, rely on you!" Ning Xiaochuan shouted.

"Amitabha! Donors, and wait for the poor monks to cast it to conquer it. The Dharma is boundless!" I saw Tan Qian put his hands together and silently said a few Buddhist chants in his mouth.

In a short time, every inch of flesh on the whole body of Tangan Monk burst into golden light, and a large golden hand suddenly appeared from the front of Tangan Monk, grabbing directly to the black yellow beast fruit.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xuanhuang Baijugu immediately turned into a chasing leopard and ran fast in the sword array set by Ning Xiaochuan to avoid the attack of the monk Tangan.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, summoned the magic sword, suspended in the void, forming a **** giant sword, and severely chopped in the direction of Xuanhuang Baijugu.

Xuanhuang Beast decisively fled in the opposite direction.


Xueling vanished from the void and stood in the void three feet above the ground.

She inserted the sword into the ground fiercely, and read the word "Dao Ming" from her mouth. The long sword was immediately divided into thousands, sealing each direction firmly.

"This is the way to destroy swords!" Ning Xiaochuan stared at Xue Lingxu standing in the distance.

Dao Jian Jian Jue, the top three magical powers created by the Emperor.

She is also very skilled in space power, fused with the sword array arranged by Ning Xiaochuan. One is the "Tian Jing", which mobilizes the power of Huang Tian. One cultivator is the Di Jing, which mobilizes the power of thick soil.

Together, the two of them are seamless, and even the most important creature in the realm of creation must be trapped to death.

When Xue Lingxu and Ning Xiaochuan sealed the black yellow beast fruit, Yue Mingsong also controlled the sky-cage net, the huge divine net gradually became smaller, and finally the black leopard leopard leopard that was changed by the black beast was restrained It can't get out no matter how it struggles.

"Yeah, you're running, why don't you run!"

Finally caught Xuanhuang hundred beast fruit, Ning Xiaochuan and others were physically weak, and immediately took down the soul evil spirit, and sat down to restore the supreme energy. Only Yue Mingsong had been screaming and scolding, and kicked Xuanhuang Baijuguo from time to time to vent his anger.

Ning Xiaochuan and others were very speechless about Yue Mingsong, but Wan Nian Sheng Yao could not be broken by Yue Mingsong's kick, so they didn't care.

After restoring the supreme qi in their bodies, they saw Yue Mingsong still beating and scolding Xuanhuang Beast Fruit, and Ning Xiaochuan finally couldn't stand it anymore. After living a lot of years, why can't I live with a fruit?

Ning Xiaochuan walked over and directly collected Xuanhuang Baiju fruit.

"I wipe, I haven't hit enough!" Yue Mingsong said when he saw Ning Xiaochuan gathered up the Xuanhuang Baiju fruit, immediately dissatisfied.

"You're enough. I may encounter more difficulties next. I think we all break through the realm first." Ning Xiaochuan said to everyone.

After the nine-tailed demon, Princess Xi Xi, Xue Lingxu, Zi Hanyan, Xiao Linger, Xiao Hong, Yue Mingsong, and Tangan monk all nodded and agreed with Ning Xiaochuan.

So, they all took out their own soul evil spirits, began to devour, and strengthened cultivation.

Xiaohong's cultivation has grown too fast, and his realm has become somewhat unstable. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan asked her to consolidate her realm first, while helping everyone to protect the Fa.

Xiaohong readily accepted, a pair of big eyes constantly glanced around, even the slightest movement could not escape her perception.

Ning Xiaochuan swallowed a large amount of real ghost potion, supreme soul potion, and a king product supreme soul potion at the same time. A large amount of energy produced by the elixir filled his body immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan did not dare to stagnate, and immediately operated the two Taoyuan elements in the body, the madness of the mad soul.

The two Taoyuan elements kept running fast in Ning Xiaochuan's body, continuously sucking in those energy sources, and began to hit the sixth place of Wangujing!

Ning Xiaochuan has two elements. Naturally, it takes much more energy to break through the realm than monks in the same realm. While refining the qi, his skin on the surface of his body was fully open, quickly absorbing the energy of the gods, and merging into the blood.

In the place where Ning Xiaochuan practiced, a huge vortex of storms was created, and a lot of divine energy was swept up.

Ten days later, Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes, raised his arm, and a annihilated palm print fell from the sky, leaving a thick palm print pit on the ground, and a large number of cracks spread around.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw the damage he caused, he felt a little excited. The rocks in the world of Fengshen were extremely hard. He could cause such terrible destructive power. Other creatures in the same realm could not compare with him.

If it's outside, Ning Xiaochuan's palm doesn't know how much power it will have.

"This is the sixth realm of Wangu Realm!"

Ning Xiaochuan calmed down and took out the town tower. With his cultivation now, he can help Ning Tianmeng conquer more secondary gods.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the town's tower and untied the seal of the gods' dreams. Without any hesitation, she pressed her palm against her head and began to absorb the spirits of the sub-god's thoughts.

One day later, Ning Xiaochuan refined all the spirits contained in the thoughts of Taoism.

Without a break, he unseals the seal of another heavenly demon emperor's second thought, and continues to refine the soul.

Another day went by, and Ning Xiaochuan absorbed the spirit of this second thought.

"Follow Shinto!"

Countless divine powers converged on Ning Xiaochuan, and immediately behind him appeared the shadows of ten Heavenly Demon Emperors, exactly the same.

Then, the ten virtual shadows merged into one.

"Meet my master!" Ning Tianmeng bowed slightly to Ning Xiaochuan.

Now, the power of Ning Tianmeng is equivalent to ten warriors at the peak of eternal realm, and it is very powerful. If it is merged with the first deity after the heavenly demon, it will be enough to confront the creatures of the created world.


Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently, and with his current practice, he can only control the spirit power of ten times of thought. If it continues to absorb, it will be difficult to control.

After half a month's cultivation, everyone's cultivation has been improved to varying degrees.

"Let's go, we continue to search for the holy medicine for all ages." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Perhaps it was because the people's cultivation was a collective breakthrough, and even luck increased with it. One month later, they discovered a million-year holy medicine.

After the nine-tailed demon Queen and Princess Xi Xi saw this strain of holy medicine, they became excited. Because this strain of holy medicine is very important to their nine-tailed fox family!

This ten thousand-year-old holy medicine is called "Mei Shen Zilian", which is most suitable for the cultivation of Mei Dao, while Princess Xi Xi and the Nine-Tailed Demon are both cultivated Mei Dao.

Especially Princess Xi Xi, who is still a virgin, has the opportunity to cultivate the legendary charm body.

The Nine-tailed God Fox that led to the premature end of the last Fengshen era is the body of charm.

If Princess Xi Xi had this charming goddess of purple lotus, maybe she could take this opportunity to successfully cultivate her charm body.

"that is really good!"

The Nine-tailed Demon immediately flew away, hitting a broken Supreme Emperor's weapon, trying to catch the charming goddess Zilian.

The crowd rushed out after seeing the Nine-Tailed Demon, and immediately caught up without any hesitation to help her capture the charming God Zilian.

After all, when the dragon fruit, Wanhan blood source grass, and the yellow beast fruit were conquered in the day, the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen and Princess Xi Xi put a lot of effort.

Since "Purple Lotus" is very important to them, they help them catch it.

After the Nine-Tailed Demon put on the Goddess Supreme Armor and cast the speed to the extreme, it disappeared on the horizon in an instant.

"Catch up! The speed of the charming goddess Zilian is comparable to that of the first creature in the realm of transformation, and the combat power is comparable to the ninth-ranked warrior in the ancient world. With the cultivation of the nine-tailed monster, it may not be possible to catch it.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced in the direction of the Nine-tailed Demon, disappearing, and cast off the Dragon Dragon, catching up.

The charming goddess Zilian saw that everyone was chasing after it, and it immediately became a peerless enchanting woman in purple.

Every movement of her has become very charming, whether it is male creatures or female creatures, all of them are enchanted, and the whole body's blood is stagnant.

Except for the Nine-Tailed Demon who practiced Meishu, everyone else stopped.

The symbol of Ning Xiaochuan's heart appeared on the eyebrow of the heart, suppressing the evil intentions in her heart,

In the short time when Ning Xiaochuan and others stopped, the nine-tailed demon disappeared with the charming **** Zilian, and even his heart could not be detected.

"Well!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Don't worry, I'm connected to the blood of my mother-in-law. As long as she doesn't leave the fourth floor of Fengshen World, I can find her." Princess Xi Xi said.

Princess Xi Xi walked in the front to lead the way, Ning Xiaochuan and others followed, rushing to catch up.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Ning Xiaochuan's place, the Nine-Tailed Demon still kept pursuing the charming **** purple lotus. Although she also noticed that Ning Xiaochuan did not catch up, but for the sake of charming God Zilian, she can't control so much.

Treasure is touching, referring to the current situation of the nine-tailed demon.

Time passed quickly, and it had been 13 days since the nine-tailed demon Queen and Ning Xiaochuan were scattered. For thirteen days, the Nine-Tailed Demon has been chasing the purple goddess, and has even been counted by the purple goddess several times. It has entered a place where a large number of Supreme Souls have gathered, and it has also been occupied by two Supreme Souls The evil king was badly injured.

Fortunately, the nine-tailed monster also had a hole card before she escaped.

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