Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1048: Three-day treasure wheel, Wangjun crisis

"My Buddha is merciful!"

Zen Master Hongri's face sank like water, and he chanted the Buddha's name, but his thoughts turned sharply in his heart.

He couldn't figure out how, this king who had just broken through the realm of Eclosion, was able to fight against him who had already stepped into the Eighth Layer of Eclosion, and he could even beat him down!


Qin Yi could naturally see the shock of Zen Master Hongri.

After stepping into the realm of eclosion, Qin Yi's bloodline concentration of the true dragon at the moment turned into the body of a real dragon, and it was impossible to directly raise Qin Yi's realm to a greater realm.

However, with Qin Yi's current state, he can still be fearless of Zen Master Hongri!

This is the dominance of the true dragon bloodline!

Otherwise, Qin Yi wouldn't dare to face this Hongri Zen master, after all, this is also an old-fashioned Eightfold Venerable!


Just when Qin Yi and Hongri Zen master fought, the other two battlefields also changed!

Without a guardian and without the help of the formation, the three guardians of Wan Buddhism were almost crushed and beaten under Lu Bu!


Lu Bu's great halberd directly cut a protector into the void.

Its corpse fell directly into the violent spiritual energy storm and lost its trace.

At this time, the remaining two ten thousand Buddhist protectors are all in danger.


On the other side, Suzuo was roaring, and Madara was hitting Zen Master Mingyue completely.

Suzuo Nenghu waved his hand and beat Zen Master Mingyue to blood!

"not good!"

With a sweep of Zen Master Hongri's eyes, everything can be seen in full view.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

Zen Master Hongri sighed softly and chanted the Buddha's name again.

"Bulu Wangjun, you kill my Buddhist disciples, and the poor monks have to send you to the Pure Land of Bliss!"

While talking, Zen Master Hongri slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of killing intent.

At the same time, Zen Master Hongri took out an object from his arms and tossed it gently.


When it was, an extremely bright golden light flashed across the sky.

The power of horror made the aura of the entire Lingjitian boil, like a **** and Buddha, descending from the sky, shaking the universe!

The golden light ran across the sky, and even cut a deep crack in the sky!


Qin Yi's figure shook, and his huge body, moving like lightning, disappeared in place.

However, that golden light seemed to have spirituality, it followed, and its speed was even several times faster than Qin Yi!


With a sound of tearing flesh and blood, I saw a huge wound appearing on Qin Yi's dragon body!

The terrible injury, from Qin Yi's claw, has been winding to the tail!

The golden blood ticked down, and you could even see the keel under the injury!

Qin Yi was almost divided into two by this blow, and he fell!

The powerful scale armor of the real dragon, under the golden light, is like a piece of paper, and it collapses at a touch!

If not, Qin Yi would forcefully mention his true essence at the last moment and avoid the deadly place, I am afraid he would have died on the spot!


Jin Guang flew back into the hands of Zen Master Hongri and turned into a brilliant round of treasures!

There are three rings in the treasure wheel, and the outermost layer manifests the great world, the desire of the sea of ​​bitterness, and the worldly world.

On the middle level, there are countless monks, bodhisattvas and arhats, chanting sutras with their eyes closed, and Sanskrit sounds are bursting.

On the innermost floor, there is a Buddha sitting cross-legged, as if forever!

"Poor monk Hongri Zen master, with the Buddhist holy artifact, the three-day treasure wheel, can send the king to the pure land of bliss!"

Zen Master Hongri drags the treasure wheel in his hands, his expression is neither sad nor happy.

Three days treasure round out!

Qin Yi is in crisis!

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