Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1616: The Harvest of Ancient Medicine Secret Realm

The vast rivers and seas, the blue waves are endless.

The crystal clear water, like stars, glowed with a little bit of starlight, like a huge mirror.

Jier, the creatures living in it, broke the tranquility of the secret realm.

Seabirds fly high, and flying fish prance.

A strange beast exuding a strange color is playing quietly in this ocean.

There are flying fishes with double wings and sharp teeth, sea eagles with black iron fur, and huge divine sharks the size of a mountain!

The strange beasts live peacefully and peacefully in the sea.

Among them, there is no shortage of monsters with large energy series!

In the middle of the sea, there are seven huge islands.

Looking down from the clouds, the seven mountains are arranged in the shape of a big dipper, lying quietly in the sea, very regular.

On each island, there is a ten-thousand-foot high peak standing still, as if it has existed since ancient times, with a long history.

On the mountain, the ancient trees are verdant, and the Wanzhang waterfall falls from it, smashing down the mountain, and hitting the layers of mist!

And on various mountains, there are magnificent palaces, which are exactly what Qin Yi and others have seen outside the secret.


Qin Yi and others randomly searched for a mountain and fell into shape.

Once you fall on the mountain, you can feel the dense aura of chaos, like a real dragon, floating in it.

Qin Yi didn't care, and walked, stepping on the steps made of sapphire, walking slowly to the top of the mountain.

The more you go to the top of the mountain, the aura in it is more surging and full of vitality, and the wood attribute aura is the most active.

If a mortal survives here, he will definitely live longer and live for thousands of years!

As for the martial artists who practice the wood attribute technique, they can practice here, and their cultivation base can be improved by leaps and bounds.

After a while, the palace on the top of the mountain appeared in front of everyone.

The ancient palace.

It is made of an unknown sapphire material, engraved with Taoist gods, and a wooden plaque is hung on the door of the temple.

‘Inheritance Hall’.

As the name suggests, the master of ancient medicine left a place for inheritance.

A quasi-emperor level alchemy master, his inheritance is in this hall.

"The legacy of the ancestors..."

Mu Qingcang's expression was shocked, his eyes widened.

In this hall, there is the most famous alchemy master in the history of the Mu Ling tribe, and the inheritance left by it, if it can be obtained, the alchemy master is hopeful!

Countless alchemists, the supreme inheritance they dream of.

Qin Yi just glanced at it, but didn't care. He really didn't care about the heritage of this ancient medicine master.

No matter how powerful this ancient medicine master is, he can refine a quasi-di-grade pill.

As far as Qin Yi, who holds the inheritance of Tiangong's medicine pill in his hand, can't see the inheritance of this ancient medicine master.

If it weren't for a system task, he wouldn't come here to take another look!

He came here just to complete system tasks, nothing more.

Qin Yi glanced across the seven islands and found the palaces on the other six islands, just like the island at his feet, with a towering palace on the top of the mountain.

However, the text on the wooden plaque is different.

Tibetan Medicine Hall, Lundao Hall, Magic Medicine Hall...

All in all, in these seven most massive palaces, there is a treasure and inheritance that the Emperor Zhun always has in his life!

If an ordinary warrior obtains it, he can become a pinnacle ancient sage, even a quasi emperor!

There are many good things in this one.

Magic medicine, treasure pill, and war weapon are all available, enough for a martial artist to cultivate to the peak of the ancient sage!

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