Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1639: How could I easily agree

One imperial dynasty.

A big world.

If you want to establish an imperial dynasty, you must be in the great world.

How vast the world is, one or two can be seen from the Emperor Huntian, there are ten times, or even dozens of times, the Tianyao Continent!

It is conceivable how many strong people can be born in such a big world.

The ten top clans of the Emperor Huntian Dynasty, take the Muling clan as an example, one quasi-emperor, several peak ancient sages, the ten major clans are ten quasi-emperors, dozens of peak ancient sages!

Not to mention, there are seventy-two cities in the Emperor Huntian Dynasty, and the Huntian Emperor Clan, so counting, there are more than 20 quasi-emperors and hundreds of ancient sages in the Huntian Emperor!

An ancient sage on the peak can suppress a thousand worlds.

It can be inferred from this that how terrifying the power of the Taichu Dynasty, which is much stronger than the Huntian Dynasty!

Even with the identity of the Prince of the Beginning, Ye Tian really couldn't rely on his own strength to suppress the entire prince of the Beginning.

"After all, this world still depends on strength."

Qin Yi sighed.

Ye Tian was alone, even with the Thunder King's gang, he would not be able to face such a behemoth as the Emperor of Taichu!

"From the memory of the Prince of the Beginning, the other princes of the Beginning are not fuel-efficient lamps.

The emperor who was interested in the emperor's throne of the early emperor had the great world of the early emperor behind, and the top forces supported it! "

Qin Yi thought.

The emperor and sons of the imperial clan of the great primaries, including the mother clan behind each, is a difficult matter to solve.

For this reason, Ye Tian needed to train some men who could fight for him in the Taichu Empire.

But how can these subordinates who have rushed to subdue, compare to the army summoned by throwing beans into soldiers, so good?

So you can summon an army of great emperors. Even if Ye Tian can't comprehend the ability to the extreme for a while, he only needs to deduct his supernatural powers to the realm that can summon the ancient sage army!

When possible, sweep the invincible at the beginning!

The tens of thousands of ancient saints, even the great emperor must retreat!

It is not a problem to suppress the Taichu imperial dynasty!

At that time, just wait for Ye Tian to step into the realm of the emperor. Wasn't that the imperial dynasty in the early dynasty?

At this point, Qin Yi also passed this idea to Ye Tian who was in retreat, and got up to leave the world of Purple Mansion.

"Yeah! Yeah!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left, the little guy who noticed his movements suddenly jumped off his head.

"Go out... go out, longevity... want to... go out... go!"

A voice of expectation amidst the timidity sounded in Qin Yi's mind.

As he spoke, the little guy widened hard, his big watery eyes staring at Qin Yi.

That little look.

It can make people cute!

"You little fellow!"

Qin Yi laughed dumbly, very helpless to the little guy.

At the beginning, he had set a goal for this little guy, he had to cultivate to the realm of a saint before he could leave the world of Purple Mansion.

Unexpectedly, this little guy could not sit still, knowing to intercede with him.

I also wanted to make him agree with this cute expression of foul play.

How could I easily answer...


"Well, only this time, you can't run around after you go out, you must stay by my side, have you heard?"

Qin Yi solemnly said to the little guy.

I am not so cute because of this little guy.

I... This is for the little guy to combine work and rest without having to practice all the time, that's it!

After all, it is not a good thing to practice all the time, one by one, as the best way to practice.

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