Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1654: Suppress the two of Taichu

In the sky, the three demon gods neighed and roared.

Each demon **** is comparable to a peak ancient sage, even stronger than most peak ancient sages!

That is, Yu Tianhua's cultivation technique, which is an emperor scripture he obtained from the ancient tomb of Great Neng, can communicate with the three demon gods of Eternal Nether and Nine Nether Abyss at the same time!

Borrow the thought of the devil and turn it into the body of the devil!

In this way, he has killed all the opponents who have seen his supernatural powers, which can be regarded as his method of pressing the bottom of the box.

At this moment, he didn't care about concealing, otherwise neither of them would be able to escape here!


The three demon gods roared and used their own means to blast the power of the invisible formation.


In an instant, several large holes were blasted out of the sky, and a terrifying devilish energy swept around, as if to swallow everything!

Three demon gods combined forces can kill a quasi emperor.

Unfortunately, apart from blasting a few big holes in the sky, nothing else was done!


At this time.

There is another picture scroll slowly spread out, and the pen and ink are connected by hundreds of thousands of miles.

The mountains and rivers are picturesque, and they are dotted with ink and wash to form a huge world!

The ink rhyme hung down from the scroll, stagnating time and space, including the three demon gods and turning them into objects in the painting.

The devil roars, condenses into the painting!

The magical energy and ink rhyme blend into the faint ink in the picture scroll, adding a bit of charm to the mountains and rivers in the painting!


Taking a step into the air, Lu Dongbin shook his figure and came to the two of them.

Standing with his hands in his hands, Lu Dongbin swept across the mountains and rivers above his head, a touch of admiration flashed across his face!

The mountain and river gossip array set up by the emperor, covering all the Tianyao Continent, and linking the big formation outside the Tianyao Continent, is undoubtedly evolving toward the imperial product!

Perhaps, with the nourishment of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in Tianyao Continent, it can be transformed into a real imperial formation in decades!

At that time, not to mention the ancient sage of the peak, even the emperor will slap his claws when he comes here, and suppress it with the power of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!

Of course, this kind of power requires at least tens or hundreds of years of evolution to have the possibility of transformation.

"Damn, I waited for the two to come on behalf of the Great Emperor, do you want me to be your enemy?"

Yang Li couldn't do anything about it, and stopped struggling, instead he shouted in a deep voice.

In any case, the two of them came on behalf of the Taichu Emperor, and to a certain extent also represented the face of the Taichu Emperor!

If the Buluo Dynasty didn't want to offend the Taichu Dynasty, it would have to let them go anyway.

Otherwise, there is no need for them to add fuel and jealousy. In the early days, the emperor was bound to be angry, and he could find the imperial dynasty to take action.

"It's not your decision to be the enemy, but your majesty!

You two will just let me listen to Fengwei's dungeon honestly, that's it! "

Lu Dongbin's expression remained unchanged and said blankly.


Yang Li was furious and was about to continue to say something.

Lu Dongbin didn't wait for them to speak, and came to the two of them, stretched out his hand to grab them, and at the same time, two magic powers flowed into their bodies.


Both Yang Li felt weak, and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

A huge force in the body trapped the origin of the two people in the dantian, unable to use it!

After doing this, Lu Dongbin gestured to the powerful people who had arrived, and took the two of them towards the imperial capital.

He wanted to use Fengwei's hand to pry open the mouths of the two!

In this way, the true intention of sending two people to investigate the Taichu Dynasty!

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