Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1670: Alchemy is more fun than you


Hao Yilian looked in the direction Qin Yi pointed to. There were dozens of jade boxes on the desk in the study, and her face suddenly showed surprise.

Immediately, Qin Yi was abandoned, and he ran to the desk and started studying these treasures for himself.

"Netherworld Treasure Tears, the quasi-emperor grade magic medicine, can be used to refine quasi-emperor grade soul pill!"

"Baihongguo, quasi-emperor's magic medicine, one of the auxiliary medicines for refining Jiuhong Tiandan."

"Oh, this is the imperial grade miraculous medicine, Lieyang Shengxiahua, this is the main medicine for refining the imperial grade pill Zhuxia Ningshen Pill!"

This Nizi exclaimed again and again.

For an alchemist, these treasures of heaven and earth are the most beautiful things in the world. If they can be refined into a pill, it will be even more beautiful!

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

The rise of Tianyao Continent was too short, and there were very few high-grade medicinal materials.

Although there are mountains and rivers and gossip arrays to sort out mountains and rivers and gather aura, it can shorten the growth period of Tiancai Dibao as much as possible.

However, no matter how shortened it is, it will take tens of thousands of years to give birth to maturity!

Ancient medicines of the highest grade of heaven can be found in the continent of Tianyao, but the treasures of heaven and earth of quasi-emperor rank and above have disappeared in the continent of Tianyao.

For so long, the arrival of the Wood Spirit Clan has brought it hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, and there are many quasi-emperor-class magic medicines.

However, there was not a single imperial product, so Hao Yilian's eyes narrowed with a smile when she saw that Sacred Sun Flower.

"It just so happened that I recently saw Zhuxia Ning Shen Pill's prescription from the Tai Shang Dan Dao.

This Sacred Sun Flower, it couldn't be more suitable! "

After that, Hao Yilian put these heavenly materials behind the storage ring in Qin Yi's surprised expression.

Hao Yilian ignored Qin Yi, turned around and walked out of the study.

Qin Yi's eyes widened and he was messy in the study alone.

What is this called?

This is to use practical actions to show Qin Yi that alchemy is really more fun than you...

With the treasures of heaven and earth for refining pills, even his husband is not needed.

"Husband, do you want to come with me and watch me refine alchemy?"

At this moment, Hao Yilian, who had already walked out of the study, fell back and poked her head cautiously out of the door.

Qin Yi was dumb.

Oh, does this Nizi still think of him?

"Let's go, I will accompany you on a trip."

Qin Yi smiled freely, and immediately stood up and walked to Hao Yilian's side.

Hao Yilian smiled sweetly and hugged Qin Yi's arm as if to make up for the mistake of ignoring Qin Yi just now.


Qin Yi laughed, not paying too much attention.


Enshrine hall.

The outermost layer of the imperial palace is also a palace bordering the imperial palace and the attic palace of the imperial capital.

Said it is a palace, it is actually composed of countless palaces!

Kendo Pavilion, Gazing Star Pavilion, Magic Road Pavilion...

In every palace, there is at least one ancient saint sitting in town!

There are more than half of the ancient sage giants, the quasi-emperor, and the power of the imperial dynasty!

Among these palaces, the most luxurious is the Pill Refining Pavilion, or Dusit Tiangong, known as the Holy Land of Pill Refining on the Tianyao Continent!

The enchanting fire light enveloped the Temple of Dusit, and the palace made of unknown sacred jade seemed to be engraved with countless alchemy mysteries.

It seems that there is an old man who suppresses the heavens, in the pill furnace, refining the red dust, condensing the heavens!

Circling the vast and vast aura again, the fairy clouds hung down!



This is the breath contained in this Dousita Temple.

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