Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1682: Reappearance of Hualong

"The Emperor!"

The smiles on everyone's faces froze, showing fearful expressions.

Countless people stared anxiously at the scene in midair, anxiously, wishing to ascend to the sky to protect the emperor.

Lord, you can't do anything!


Lu Dongbin pulled out the Heaven Sword behind his back, ignoring the warning of the Heaven Sword, preparing to rush into the thunder sea to rescue the emperor.

However, he was stopped by the Antarctic God of War.

The Antarctic War God pointed at the Thunder Sea on the sky, and said in a deep voice, "Master Lu, don't worry, you look carefully at Thunder Sea."

The strong person present was taken aback, raised his eyes and looked at Lei Hai.

The vast expanse of thunder sea oscillates the universe, tearing up countless spaces, and annihilating all the creatures in it.

However, there was a figure standing proudly in it.

Even the terrifying Thunder didn't even tear the figure's clothes, and the clothes fluttered, making a violent sound in the sky!

"It's the emperor, the emperor is fine!"

The strong people couldn't help but exclaimed, excited.

Those eighty-one dragons can't help the emperor!

This was enough to destroy the Heavenly Dragon who was the pinnacle powerhouse of the Emperor Zhun, without even the emperor's clothes hurting.


Tianlong wandered around Qin Yi's body, countless thunderbolts fell, smashed to Qin Yi, and landed ten feet away from Qin Yi's body, but it was like glass hitting a **** iron and suddenly shattered.

Countless thunders blasted through the void, what a rage!

But once he got close to Qin Yi's ten feet around his body, Yuer suddenly disappeared, even the corners of Qin Yi's clothes could not be touched.

Qin Yi had already reacted when the heavenly dragon struck. Of course, with his strength, even relying on the true dragon and immortal body of the peak divine body realm, he could not resist this terrifying thunder catastrophe.

But the emperor has not only his own strength, but also this mountain and river gossip formation!

Integrating the power of the entire Tianyao Continent with the Eight Diagrams Array of Mountains and Rivers, protects oneself, and resists the power of Heavenly Tribulation!

Relying on the power of the Eight Diagrams Array of Mountains and Rivers, the power of Lei Jie could not hurt Qin Yi.

In essence, the power of this thunder tribulation originated from the Heavenly Dao of the Tianyao Continent, and the power of the mountains and rivers and eight trigrams also originated from the Tianyao Continent, but it relied on the power of the Tianyao Continent and the beliefs of sentient beings.

The two are equal in strength.

Of course, relying on the power of the Eight Diagrams Formation alone was not enough to defeat the power of Thunder Tribulation.

"Tianlong? You can evolve a Tianlong, and I can also become a Tianlong!

Look at me, don't tear your so-called Tianlong! "

Qin Yi roared, his voice blasted through the entire Tianyao continent.

His voice clearly spread to the ears of everyone present, everyone could not see Qin Yi's figure clearly, but could clearly hear the voice of the emperor.

The thunder robbery cannot do anything to the emperor, the emperor is trying to get rid of the thunder robbery!


Qin Yi roared.

His back is connected section by section, turning into a dragon that shakes the world.


The brilliant golden blood shot directly from Qin Yi's back, instantly covering the sky, turning the entire sky into a golden piece.

The golden light is vast, and it stretches for me!

Even the color of Thunder Tribulation itself was overshadowed.

A golden real dragon tens of thousands of miles horizontally and horizontally hovered in the sky, and the surrounding clouds instantly gathered to cover up its figure.

Longyou for nine days, the sky gathers the sea of ​​clouds to cover him!

"The emperor has turned into a dragon!"

"Look, the emperor can turn into a dragon!"

"The emperor has become a living dragon!"

Countless people who did not fall, watched this scene in shock and screamed.

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