Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1687: The highest heaven, the long years

On the sky.

A figure stood quietly on the spot, like a nine-day god, looking all around.

With gestures, the world can be turbulent, and it is in line with the laws of the heavens!

"Mortal, who gave you the courage to offend me?"

Suddenly, a huge voice resounded across the sky.

There is no trace of sorrow and joy in the voice, only the majesty deep into the bones and the indifference of seeing everything as ants!

Life or death, all let it go.

It's for heaven!

The vastness of everything is what it means.

It is for Tao.

"This is God?"

"This is God's true body?"

"God actually showed up!"

Countless people trembled and screamed in fear.

What happened today simply exceeded their expectations.

First of all, God was angry for some reason, and descended on the catastrophe. At this moment, he appeared in front of them, oppressing the heavens!

They are like tiny ants in front of them, even if it is a mighty power.

"Why, why does God wait for me like this?

Why do you want to attack the emperor? "

A crowd of strong ones gritted their teeth.

Qin Yi didn't inform them of his plan.

The appearance of the incarnation of Tiandao really made them tremble.

"Why don't mortals kneel when they see the saint?"

The indifferent eyes of Tiandao incarnate fell on Qin Yi.

He is the most noble existence in heaven and earth, no matter who it is, seeing him is the sacred sight, and he can only kneel down in front of him humblely.

This earthly emperor not only offended him, but also dared not kneel when he saw him?

"Kneel you, because you are not worthy, and if I want to replace you, why should I kneel you?"

Qin Yi sneered.

Could it be that Tiandao has been on top for too long, thinking that anyone in Tianyao Continent should kneel to him.

Even, I never thought that if Qin Yi dared to attack him, why would he kneel on him?

"Mortal, you angered me!"

There seemed to be a touch of anger across the indifferent eyes of the incarnation of Heaven.

In his few intelligences, he never regards any creatures as being treatable, just ants!

From a life level, it is true.

The Heavenly Way of the plane comes from the Great Way of the Heavens.

The life of the creatures in the heavens and all realms, such as the Supreme Emperor, is also ten thousand years, which is an era!

Perhaps, for most creatures, an era is already a very long time, and even the Great Emperor I can live for so long.

A middle-thousand world will decline after an era.

However, for the plane of heaven, what can an era count?

Just a blink of an eye!

Heaven is supreme, the three thousand era is the spring, the three thousand era is the autumn, and the one million years old is the great road!


This incarnation of the Heavenly Dao just took a step forward, trembling in the void.


Like a mirror shattered, the void of thousands of miles exploded in an instant, and the chaos poured back into the Tianyao continent.

The breath fell for nine days, breaking countless mountains and rivers to pieces!

In an instant, I don't know how many mountains were collapsed and turned into dust, and how many rivers were cut off and flowed back up.

In terms of breath, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao may be weaker than Emperor Xuan Ye, but in terms of combat power, it is really not lost to Emperor Xuan Ye!

If it weren't for the fact that Tiandao itself still had scruples, and didn't want to break the Tianyao Continent, the Tianyao Continent had not collapsed.

A clone comparable to the Great Emperor, if it explodes with full force, I am afraid that the Tianyao continent will collapse in an instant!

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