Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1697: Emperor son, **** son, please start your mind


The black-clothed youth and the white-haired youth drink each other, tasting a cup of fine brew.

"The great figures from the great clans of the heavens and gods have only the cultivation base of the Eclosion Realm, and they don't even have the Great Power Realm. They are simply blinded by this identity."

The black boy sneered.

In the words, most of them showed strong disdain for Qin Yi, the ‘big man’.

The gods of the heavens are hailed as the top power of the heavens and the world, compared with the eastern borders, they are all roadside ditches.

The two are not the same, as if separated by a world!

Among them, the Tianjiao and power heirs who walked out were invincible to an imperial dynasty, comparable to the nine-day real dragon.

Just like the Ten Thousand Gods God Chao Tian Jiao who once made trouble in the Taichu Dynasty, or the many God Chao Tian Jiao who wiped out the East.

According to the two people's understanding, some of the gods and arrogances who came to try in the eastern frontier were mostly defeated in the battle for the gods and arrogances, and were in the second or even third level.

The purpose of coming to the Eastern Frontier is to wipe away the dust from Dao's heart and regain the fighting spirit!

Even so, these arrogances can also overwhelm the arrogant arrogances in Dongdong's borders, and only the arrogant arrogant in the top ten of the Great Eastern Frontier can compete with the gods!

"My father once said that although the gods of the heavens stand in the central boundary, it is known as the place where the heavens and the world gather the most arrogances.

In fact, in fact, all things in the world are strong and weak, and there are invincible Tianjiao who can overwhelm Eastern Xinjiang with their own power.

There are also talented people who are like bugs at the bottom of the ditch. "

The white-clothed youth did not say clearly, but the person referred to by the bug in his words was already obvious.

Qin Yi, is the bug that was born in the nine heavens!

Apart from identity, isn't it a bug in the eyes of the two?

Born in the center of the heavens, the gods of the heavens in the Holy Land of the Ten Thousand Realms, but only capable of reaching the realm of eclosion, it is laughable.

"Unfortunately, this lofty ‘big man’, even if he is in trouble, has the support of a great emperor. You and I are incomparable!"

The black-clothed boy said calmly, the jealousy under his eyes was not concealed.

Although he and the white-clothed youth are the gods and emperors of their own forces, they have the support of the Great Emperor.

However, when it comes to status, it can still only be regarded as one of the countless arrogances in the dynasty of his own Zongmen, the supreme emperor of his own power, it is rare to see.

How could there be a great emperor like Qin Yi to support!

"I just don't know any way to introduce that great emperor supreme into the Cult of the Stars or Nine Heavens Emperor?"

The black-clothed boy sighed.

If you can recruit a great emperor supreme for the Star God Cult, you can imagine how many rewards you can get.

At least, his ranking of the sons of God in the Star God Sect can also rise to the top three, or even the first!

At that time, he will be the future master of the appointed star gods!


The white-clothed youth had cold eyes, looking at the blue sky, and did not answer the black-clothed youth's words.

At their level, they also have an understanding of the Supreme Emperor who is like a nine-day real dragon.

Every strong person who can cultivate to become a great emperor, who is not a person with strong mind, can be shaken by others?

Furthermore, in the eyes of the other party, the solicitation conditions given by them may not be appreciated.

In the eyes of the two of them, the Cult of the Stars and the Nine Heavens Emperors were huge behemoths high above them, things they pursued throughout their lives.

In the eyes of the other party, he said that he had to live like this. After all, even the Ten Thousand Dao Gods could abandon the other party, so how could they be concerned about the conditions they offered?

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