Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1712: Zhentian Zhentian, suppress the heavens


Qin Yi snorted, and with the supernatural power of incarnation outside his body, a ray of soul flew out from the center of his eyebrows and fell into the Zhen Dzi Bead.

Immediately, Qin Yi flicked his fingers.

Zhen Tianzhu took Qin Yi's soul and flew towards the incarnation of Heaven.

"Want to refine me is simply wishful thinking, I am the way of heaven, the supreme way of heaven that will last forever!"

The incarnation of Tiandao roared wildly, and he felt a strong threat from the Zhen Tianzhu.

If the Zhen Tianzhu flew, he would probably no longer exist!

The incarnation of Tiandao also ignored the loss of the source, and tried his best to suddenly burst into the strongest combat power, and the boundless divine light shone.


The mighty breath shook the world in an instant, and endless laws filled the chaos.

The incarnation of Tiandao was like blowing a breath, and his body suddenly expanded countless times, like an ancient **** supporting the sky and the earth.

Incomparably tyrannical power burst out from the heavenly body, and finally all the power converged in his right fist.


Tiandao incarnates with cold eyes, reinventing the indifference that sits high for nine days, concise and concise.

The sound was like thunder, blasting through the heavens and myriad worlds, and suddenly blasted in the hearts of everyone in Tianyao Continent, almost bursting everyone's mind.

At the same time, he slammed a punch, directly piercing the void, I don't know how many worlds he has penetrated, the powerful punch is extremely powerful!


The town dzi bead is spinning round and round, like an ordinary stone bead.

In front of the heavenly incarnation of the huge nine-day gods and demons, Zhen Tianzhu was not even a dust.

However, as soon as the incarnation of Tiandao's boxing strength approached the town of Tianzhu, it suddenly felt like a river hitting the mountain, and the waves were flattened out.

Suppress the sky, suppress the sky, suppress the heavens!

The reason why the Zhendzi is called the Zhendzi is because it has the power to suppress the heavens, and even the heavens that are comparable to the virtual fairyland can be suppressed!

What's more, this Tianyao continent is heavenly.

All the attacks of the incarnation of Tiandao are like worms shaking a tree, easily suppressed by the Zhendzi, and everything is smoothed!

Jier, in the horrified gaze of the incarnation of Heaven, Zhen Tianzhu suddenly blended into the center of his eyebrows with Qin Yi's soul.


The body of the incarnation of Tiandao shook, and the figure suddenly shrank, and in a blink of an eye it returned to the size of an ordinary person.

The eyes in his eyes are indeterminate, irritated, angry, and unwilling, flashing from the bottom of his eyes one by one, seeming to be struggling!

He was rebelling against Qin Yi's soul, and he was unwilling to become Qin Yi's clone.

He is high above the heavens, the nine-day heaven, how could he be refined into an incarnation by mere mortals.

He is unwilling!


The dazzling fairy light bloomed, and the terrifying power of heaven was shaking.

Obviously, it was the incarnation of Tiandao, or the plane Tiandao of Tianyao Continent, resisting Qin Yi's spirit.

In the end, it is the Heavenly Way of the One Thousand Worlds, whose combat power is comparable to that of the Great Emperor, but the essence is more than that of the Great Emperor.

Had it not been suppressed by the Zhentian beads, Qin Yi's soul would have been wiped out as soon as he merged into the incarnation of the heavenly path.

Just before this, Qin Yi penetrated his soul into the origin of the Heavenly Dao through Heavenly Tribulation. He was spotted by Heavenly Dao and easily obliterated!

Even with the Zhen Tianzhu, Qin Yi's spirit only occupied the dominant position, and did not overwhelm the heavens.


Qin Yi snorted coldly, his eyes sharpened, and there seemed to be a ray of majestic golden light rising in the depths of his eyes, like a vast and boundless world.

Immediately, this golden light shot straight from the bottom of Qin Yi's eyes, and then fell into the center of the eyebrows of the incarnation of Tiandao, where the Zhen Tianzhu was located.

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