Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1734: At the end of the Great World

"In less than a year, Emperor Road will open.

I want to see the so-called Emperor Road.

What is the so-called Secret of Chengdi? "

Qin Yi raised his brows lightly.

He was extremely curious about this so-called Emperor Road and the Great Secret of Emperor Cheng.

The opportunity for a quasi emperor to break through the great emperor is at least comparable to that of a few middle-rank emperor pill.

As far as value is concerned, only the middle-level magical medicine of Emperor Pin can make it possible for a quasi emperor to break through the great emperor!

For example, the mid-level Emperor Zhuxia Ning Shen Pill can allow Qin Yi's soul to break through from the four-fold saint to the pinnacle of the emperor.

If it is obtained by a quasi-emperor, it will definitely be able to push the Divine Soul Realm to the Great Emperor Realm.

If the so-called Great Secret of Emperor Cheng contains several middle-level imperial medicines, it is enough to push a quasi-emperor directly to the great emperor!

"However, there is still a year before the opening of Emperor Road.

First go to the great world of Taichu, to see the emperor who can create the emperor of Taichu, the imperial dynasty created. "

Qin Yi gestured.

King Lei suddenly realized that the stopped treasure ship moved with a sensation, turned into a streamer, and shot towards the distance.

The treasure ship broke through the chaos and sailed towards the beginning.

The gray chaotic turbulence, mixed with countless space storms, has terrifying destructive power that even ordinary saints can't bear.

Although the treasure ship at Qin Yi's feet is not as good as the treasure ship for heaven, it was plundered from one side of the world, only in the low position of the holy grade.

It can still resist most space storms and travel through chaos.


The treasure ship was shining with brilliance, and the array patterns on the ship's body were shining, isolating most of the danger from the hull.

When encountering a space storm that the treasure ship could not bear, the Thunder King avoided it in advance.

Finally, in the course of a day, a vast world appeared in front of Qin Yi and the two, lying in chaos.


It is like a hot sun, suspended in the chaos.

The vigorous chaotic essence surrounds it, shocking people's minds, and the laws of the world have emerged out of thin air around the world, and the vast voices of the heavens are constantly echoing.

The surging aura, even if Qin Yi can feel it after hundreds of millions of miles, it is a little better than the Huntian Great World!

In terms of size, it is even bigger than the Huntian World.

"The cultivation base of the great emperor in the early days, I am afraid, will also win over the great emperor Huntian."

Qin Yi stood at the bow, looking at the Taichu Great World that was getting closer and closer.

Every big one in one world means that the resources contained in it must also be increased, and the gap is not big.

The great emperor of Taichu can occupy the great world of Taichu and establish the imperial dynasty of Taichu, which also means that it is stronger than ordinary emperors!

Recalling the power of the Emperor Jing in the early days, Qin Yi's eyes flashed clearly.


As Qin Yi thought about it, the treasure ship, under the control of King Lei, had already entered the Great Beginning World.

After entering the Great World of the Beginning, before Qin Yi took a closer look, dozens of tyrannical auras flew up not far away from the naked eye.


Every figure has a magnificent aura and a murderous aura. At a glance, you can see that they are a decisive generation.

The battle armour stood up, holding a sword.

He is also a strong man in the army, a man of a hundred battles, and an invincible man.

"Guardian Army?"

Qin Yi's eyes condensed, no surprise to the arrival of these powerful men.

The primordial dynasty is no better than the Huntian dynasty. The primordial emperor is in his prime of life and suppresses the Quartet. Who in the primordial dynasty dare not follow?

How can the national power of the Emperor Huntian be comparable to that of the Emperor Huntian?

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