Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1739: Zhao Junzhu


One person stepped up into the sky and came to the sky above.

This person has a long-sleeved Confucian shirt, and his breath is extremely contradictory. A huge disc of blood and qi is horizontal in his body, and he is angry.

Not like a civil official, but like a battle-tested general.

Dragons and snakes danced as they walked, and behind him was a deity in charge of soldiers, faintly visible, overlooking the Great Thousand.

"Master Zhao!"

A group of strong men of the Guardian Army was immediately overjoyed when they saw the coming.

The commander-in-chief of the Guardian Army fell to the ground in surprise, with a look of rejoicing for the rest of his life, and at the same time his confidence rose greatly.

Jun Master Zhao is here, how can Rong Er wait madly?

"This is Army Master Zhao of the Guardian Army, except for that, the most powerful expert in the Guardian Army.

The cultivation base reached the peak of the ancient sage, who was refined into the killing and cutting overlord body, known as invincible of the same level, but a great figure. "

"The five deputy chiefs of the Guardian Army, this Zhao Junzhu should be ranked first, second only to the strongest master of the Guardian Army."

"It is said that in his hand, he has fallen by more than one hand."

The few old sages of his world on the side suddenly fell silent, and there was a strong expression of awe in their eyes.

It can make an old sage giant feel terrified, which shows the power of this Zhao Junzhu.

With the corpses of countless strong men, the power established.

"A bunch of trash, return to the army to receive punishment after this matter!"

Zhao Junzhu glanced at the guards and snorted coldly.

If you want to make a fortune, don't look at how many catties you have, don't know how to find a soft persimmon, and don't have any eyesight!

If you mess up, you want him to wipe your ass!


These strong guards did not dare to refute, bowed their heads in shame.

"Although your Excellency is an ancient sage of the pinnacle, is it a bit too much to be cruel to my guardians?"

Zhao Junzhu looked at King Lei with a dull expression on his face.

Even if the people of the Guardian Army are wrong first, they cannot be punished by outsiders!

Even the ancient sage of the pinnacle cannot move his guardian army!

"Who are you?"

The expression of Lei Wang's perennial unsmiling expression sank slightly.

Being provoked again and again, is he really muddled?

Besides, you know that you are in the way of your Highness!

"The deputy chief of the Guardian Army, Zhao Tianhu!

Your Excellency, if you intend to take action against my guardian army, let's go with me! "

Zhao Junzhu smiled coldly, his eyes condescending, overlooking King Thunder.

Although it was his own people who caused the incident, it was his own people anyway, and he had to favor his own people in whatever he said.

What's more, how can an old sage of the outside world be his opponent?

If you want to inherit without inheritance, you want martial arts without martial arts, what kind of ancient sage?


King Lei's face became more and more gloomy, and his body was rolling.


Behind him, the thundering dragon roared, watching Junzhu Zhao with his eyes, as if he could do it at any time.

The powerful breath filled the audience instantly.

"Want to do it?"

Upon seeing this, Junzhu Zhao seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with a playful smile on his lips.


In the Great World of the Beginning, an ancient sage on the peak would dare to do something with him?

He has been in the Guardian Army for so long, and few people have dared to do anything with him!

Today, I said that I had to do it with someone. It’s all about doing some exercises and having fun with this person.

Zhao Junzhu despised King Lei, his eyes mocking.

What can an ancient sage of the peak hold in his hands?

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