Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1741: Familiar controversy

"It really is……"

The guardian army commander raised his head cautiously and looked at the figure shrouded in silver brilliance. When he saw it clearly, he only felt that his eyes were dark in a moment.

It's getting old!

It's really that royal prince!

His Majesty appointed the emperor who has the most hope to inherit Datong.

He is also the most talented and most hopeful emperor to break through the great emperor!


The guardian army commander was so scared that he swallowed the saliva from his mouth again and again, and his legs could not stop trembling.

He actually paid attention before hitting His Royal Highness!

They also thought of doing something against His Royal Highness and plundering His Royal Highness's cultivation resources in the early imperial dynasty.

"Ha ha……"

The guardian army commander was crying and his mouth twitched.

I want to slap myself to death!

As a person of the Taichu Dynasty, I know better that the Taichu Dynasty is waiting for me to be strong, and also know the majesty of the Taichu Prince!

If it is this Prince's Royal Highness, he is really qualified to let them lead the way, and he is also qualified to be called His Highness the Lord Zhao!

"It will actually be His Royal Highness the Prince of the Taichu Emperor. Now there is a good show to watch."

"I just said, how could an ancient sage of the pinnacle be such an unknown jewel? It turns out that there was the support of His Royal Highness from the Taichu Emperor Dynasty!"

"This ancient sage of the pinnacle should be a strong man recently subdued by His Royal Highness."

The ancient sages on the side are also talking about it.

If it were His Royal Highness the prince of the primordial dynasty, then the guarding army would have kicked the steel plate. This is the most promising figure to inherit the primordial dynasty.

Even the main commander of the Guardian Army must give the prince face!

A quasi emperor in the early imperial dynasty also had the same status as an emperor, not to mention His Royal Highness.

"Weichen pays courtesy to His Royal Highness!"

Zhao Junzhu's face changed slightly, and he bowed respectfully to Qin Yi.

Even if he is a quasi emperor, he is not necessarily so respectful, but it is different when facing the prince. As long as he is a minister of the Taichu emperor, he must hold the courtship.

"Weichen neglected his duty and let his subordinates collide with His Royal Highness. Please forgive your Highness!

These boys, I will definitely tidy up, and please rest assured, your Highness. "

The Zhao Junzhu calmly excused the few strong guards.

At this time, Jun Master Zhao was also unwilling to hand over these powerhouse guards, intending to erase the matter.

For one thing, if these people were handed over, the charge of violating the prince would be condemned to death. Not only would these people be punished, but it would also affect the entire Guardian Army.

For both of them, Jun Master Zhao did not want Qin Yi to get the handle of the Guardian Army.

After speaking, Jun Master Zhao was already ready to turn around, and left with a few strong men from the Guardian Army.

"Why, come as you want, leave as you want, have you ever asked this prince?"

Qin Yi stood on the bow of the treasure ship, overlooking Junzhu Zhao and the others, his deep eyes were like the vast starry sky, swallowing everyone's eyes.

"Your Highness?"

Zhao Junzhu's expression changed drastically.

"You are the fourth child, right? Or, the guards are all those who support the fourth child?

Including the Dai Jun master. "

Suddenly, Qin Yi said thoughtlessly.

"His Royal Highness, what do you mean?"

Zhao Junzhu's face suddenly sank.

There were more than twenty emperors in the Taichu emperor's clan, each of whom was a parent and child of the Taichu emperor.

Although Qin Yi played the prince of the early prince, although it is said that he is the most promising emperor to inherit the Datong, it does not mean that other emperors have no chance.

Four Emperors.

Thirteen emperors.

Prince Taichu.

The battle between the three emperors to win the grandson!

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