Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1743: Prince, did you let you go?

A group of strong guards in the world, weeping.

How can they participate in this upper-level game?

Their small bodies are not qualified to participate in such things.

A little bit different, not only them, but also the family behind them, will overturn in one dynasty!

This is not something they can afford.

"His Royal Highness, we are members of the Guardian Army!"

These strong guards of the Realm Army gritted their teeth and said.

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious. If the leaders of the Guardian Army choose to support the Fourth Emperor, then they will only support the Fourth Emperor.

After all, they are also members of the Guardian Army.

"Your Highness, what I mean by waiting, you should be very clear.

Regarding the things committed by these people, the minister will take care of it and give His Highness an explanation. If His Highness is dissatisfied, Military Master Dai of our army will also give a big gift to ask His Highness to forgive him. "

Zhao Junzhu took a deep breath, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

How about this prince who is in the emperor's majesty?

Without the support of powerful forces, how could it be possible to take the position of the Lord of God's Kingdom, that is tantamount to wishful thinking.

How can it be possible to ascend the throne of God without a quasi-emperor?

As for Qin Yi wanting to leave them forcibly, it is even more impossible.

He pointed out that Military Master Dai was to warn Qin Yi that there was a quasi-emperor standing behind them, a quasi-emperor with real power!

"is it?"

Qin Yi's eyes gradually drooped, and his voice became deeper.

As if he had also heard the threat in the words of Jun Master Zhao, he chose to give in instead of being too persecuted.

Maybe he didn't want to offend that Dai Junzhu, so he gave in.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Zhao Junzhu also breathed a sigh of relief, it's best to not do anything.

After all, this Bai Jing is the prince, and the prince appointed by his majesty represents the majesty of his majesty, and is not someone he can offend.

It's the best thing to do with Qin Yi.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

A group of strong guards in the world also took the rejoicing of the rest of their lives.

As long as the current disaster can be avoided, the greatest danger will have passed, and they will be able to survive. As long as they return to the camp of the Guardian Army, even the prince can't help them.

After finishing speaking, several guards army commanders can't wait to leave.

"My prince, did you let you go?"

At this time, a faint word sounded again.

Everyone stagnated and looked back at Qin Yi with drooping eyelids.

At this moment, Qin Yi was shrouded in immeasurable silver, eyes slightly closed, standing proudly on the bow, but standing in the center of heaven and earth, with a vague and detached breath.

"His Royal Highness, are you teasing Wei?"

Zhao Junzhu had sullen anger on his face, and his anger rose.

What he said is also a deputy commander of the Guardian Army, who is in charge of tens of thousands of strongmen in the Guardian Army. Even if Bai Jing is a prince, he cannot deceive people too much and tease him.

Yes, in the eyes of Junzhu Zhao, Qin Yi is teasing him!


However, it was not Qin Yi's words that responded to him, but the palm of King Lei.

King Thunder covered the sky with his big hands. In the eyes of several people, his five fingers kept zooming in, covering the entire sky and covering the heavens.

At that moment, to Junzhu Zhao and others, it was dark!

In the eyes of a few people, nothing can be seen for a moment, the sun, moon, stars, and the universe are covered by a palm!

Cover the sky with one hand, the sky has fallen!

"You dare!"

Zhao Jun's main eye was about to split, his mana surged wildly.

Like a volcanic eruption, infinite evil spirits rushed out of him, and the deity who was in charge of killing behind him suddenly moved, punching out in the air.

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