Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1748: The sea of ​​thunder is billions of meters, the light is thousands of miles


Countless bright thunders surrounded Lei Wang.

In the shining brilliance, wrapping the Thunder King, like the ancient Thunder God in charge of the punishment of the gods, the majesty of the sky is inviolable!

This is more than that, the strongest gods gush out from Lei King's body, shining Lei King like a purple sun.

Its light shines on the heavens!

The lavender hair was dancing wildly, as if the ancient Thor awakened at this moment, swallowing mountains and rivers, extremely powerful.

"Quasi Emperor?"

In Changhong, a hazy figure with sword-like eyebrows is light.

"Oh, interesting!"

The figure was not surprised and rejoiced, and laughed.

Immediately, there was a punch in the air, a punch like a real dragon, invading the frosty sky, and the terrifying force shook all directions.

Guardian War God, is it waiting for you?

How can there be no two brushes if it can be recognized by an imperial dynasty and hailed as a **** of war?

"There are people who can provoke Military Master Dai with a full blow. It's interesting."

"This madman, come again!"

"This guy is stronger than before."

In the void, there is no dissipated spiritual thought, or emotion, or fear, or fear.

It's not that they didn't notice Thunder King, they knew it was also a Thunder King, but they didn't care about Thunder King either.

You must know that the reason why this Dai Junzhu was hailed as the world protector war **** was because of his powerful combat power, enough to crush the general quasi emperor.

In their opinion, a quasi emperor who had never heard of it could not be better than Military Master Dai.


The power of the fist that shakes the earth and the earth instantly filled the entire sky.

Many creatures in the nearby area did not change their color, they only felt that their chests were stuffy, they were scared to lie on the ground, not knowing what happened.

Only some strong people with a good cultivation base knew what was happening, and because of this, their minds trembled even more.

"His Royal Highness..."

Zhao Tianhu opened his mouth, trying to dissuade Qin Yi.

It wasn't that he preferred Qin Qinyi, but that he didn't want to deepen the contradiction between the Guardian Army and Qin Yi.

To be honest, even if the military leader supports the Fourth Emperor, it doesn't mean that the Guardian Army wants to break the face with the current prince.

This is essentially no benefit to the Guardian Army!

However, when he looked at Qin Yi, he was taken aback.

I saw Qin Yi standing with his hands in his hands, calm and calm.


Lei Wang faintly looked at the figure in the Changhong and gave a soft drink.


The void trembled, and a vast force suddenly rose.

A raging sea of ​​thunder!

Countless thunders are roaring and tumbling, and the tyrannical current penetrates time and space, like a heavenly dragon neighing.

The thunder sea is billions of meters, the divine light is thousands of miles!

In the sea of ​​thunder, there is a **** of thunder up and down, or holding a thunder hammer, or holding a drum, or a thunder and lightning axe.

In a sea of ​​thunder, there are countless gods of Thor.

The surrounding space could not help shuddering in front of this power, as if in front of this power, it might collapse in an instant at any time.


When Lei Hai emerged, the power of Lei King's body soared several times, and the powerful aura shook the entire sky.

Countless people are divided and heartbroken!

"this is?"

Feeling this breath, the powerhouses who are still observing here are all surprised.

This power actually made them feel an irresistible feeling, and even gave them a feeling of facing the Great Emperor.

Compared with their power, it is more like the original power of the emperor, and even a kind of transcendence in essence.

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