Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1753: The aggrieved fourth emperor

Taichu imperial capital.

A towering ancient city existed before the establishment of the Taichu Emperor Dynasty, and it is said to have a history of several epochs.

It's just that, in the past, it wasn't called Taichu Emperor Dudu.

Originally, although this city was old, it was not well-known.

Thirty million years ago, the Taichu Emperor established the Taichu imperial dynasty and chose this city as the imperial capital. This made it the center of the Taichu world!


Countless Chaos Essences fell from the nine heavens like a waterfall, and were crushed by the great array that enveloped the Imperial Capital of the Beginning, turning into Chaos Spiritual Energy and poured into the Imperial Capital of the Beginning.

The pure aura, such as the mist of the fairy world, enveloped the capital of Taichu Emperor.

The aura is abundant, the fairy mist lingers, just like the fairyland city!

Moreover, near this imperial capital, countless laws are roaring, and the sound of Taoism is booming. I don't know how many giants are preaching here!

If you practice here, even a saint will make a great progress, your cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds, and you will easily understand the law.

"Countless ancient sage giants’ witnesses, Tianyin, were forcibly arrested and gathered in the sky above this imperial capital.

The cultivation base and methods of this great emperor in the early days were far better than those of ordinary great emperors. "

Qin Yi raised his eyes to look at this mighty city, and sighed in a low voice.

In his eyes, this imperial capital of Taichu was not only the center of the great world of Taichu in name, but also the center where countless laws gathered!

Countless laws converge to guard this ancient city.

In the vastness of the foot, countless earth veins also gather around this ancient city, which is the real center of Taichu Great World.

"Let's go!"

Qin Yi took the lead and walked towards this familiar and unfamiliar city.

Behind him, Lei Wang and Zhao Tianhu followed closely.

When Qin Yi took Lei Wang and the two of them into the imperial capital of Taichu, the news of the Prince's return to the imperial capital was also placed in front of the various powers in the imperial capital.

The fourth imperial palace.

"His Royal Highness, the prince who has traveled in Eastern Xinjiang for hundreds of years, returned to the prince's residence at noon today.

According to the information collected by us, when the prince returned to the great world of Taichu, he had a conflict with the guardian army.

However, the prince found a quasi-emperor from nowhere, and even the guardian war **** was defeated by that quasi-emperor! "

An old sage in Tsing Yi knelt on one knee and said to a man in a dragon robe in front of him.


The man's expression suddenly changed and he stood up suddenly.

The fourth emperor, the Tianjiao of the Taichu emperor's clan, was cultivated to reach the highest position of the ancient sage, and had a strong mother clan support behind him.

It is a strong competitor for the position of emperor in the early days!

The fourth emperor had a sullen face and looked at his men: "Is this news conclusive?"

"Extremely conclusive, this is the news from the subordinates from the guardian war god!

Moreover, it is said that Deputy Commander Zhao of the Guardian Army also broke away from the Guardian Army, betrayed his Royal Highness, and joined the Crown Prince. "

Tsing Yi Old Sage looked solemn.


The fourth emperor slapped the table in front of him suddenly, furious.

"Okay, very good, my big brother!

Even my people dared to **** it, relying on this quasi emperor who didn't know where to find it, he dared to challenge me! "

The fourth emperor roared, his eyes disappearing with a touch of cold clothes.

For a long time, he had never put his eldest brother in his eyes, even if he was on the waiting list of the emperor, he never cared.

However, as soon as his eldest brother returned to the imperial capital, he gave him a slap in the face!

Hurt uncle!

Taking his people for his own use, this is slapping him in the face!

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