Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1767: Two determined Xia Xuanlong


Dozens, hundreds of breaths, instantly filled the attic.

With the order of the fourth emperor, all Tianjiao present no longer had any scruples, and they all exploded with their own aura.

Among the hundreds of Tianjiao on the field, who can be hailed as the Tianjiao of the Taichu Emperor Dynasty, their strength can not be underestimated, and each of them has a cultivation base at least in the sixth realm of a saint.

Among them, there is no shortage of ancient sage giants!

Not to mention, there are several high-level ancient sage Tianjiao.

Every Tianjiao is carefully cultivated by the major forces, and is one of the best in martial arts, martial arts, and supernatural powers.

With such a lineup, the general quasi emperor would be moved, and the ancient sage of the peak did not dare to be an enemy!

"Brother, I know that you are the arrogant candidate for the Great Emperor.

But I am waiting for all the arrogances here, the eldest brother is not an opponent, please do not let my fourth brother do it. "

The fourth emperor stood with a losing hand, as if the winner was in hand.

Under his intentional guidance, the momentum of a crowd of arrogances pressed towards Qin Yi.

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't take a step back.

The fourth emperor smiled, but he didn't expect to overwhelm Qin Yi by relying on his aura alone. After all, his eldest brother was also a talented emperor on the waiting list.

"Xia Xuanlong and Zhang Shan, can you two join Tianjiao for the Tianjiao Banquet?"

The fourth emperor turned his eyes and asked Xia Xuanlong.


Xia Xuanlong's faces paled, and they had already understood the fourth emperor's plan.

This is to take the opportunity to force them to express their views and deprive the prince's last supporter!

What a ruthless method!

"I ask one more question, yes or no?"

The fourth emperor took a step forward and shouted loudly.

The gazes of the Tianjiao also looked at the two of Xia Xuanlong.

For a time, Xia Xuanlong's pressure increased greatly.


Xia Xuanlong had to speak in the presence of everyone.

"Then someone violates the rules of Tianjiao Banquet, what about you two?"

The fourth emperor asked again.

Seeing the poor, the fourth emperor is trying to lift the crown of the prince!

If even Xia Xuanlong both betrayed the prince, apart from the unused mother clan behind the prince, there would be no power for the prince to use.

At that time, the prince is a real lonely man!

‘Big brother, big brother, what if you find a quasi emperor?

Can you survive this round? ’

The fourth emperor showed pity and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Fart, I don't care about the rules of Tianjiao Banquet.

You just unite to insult His Royal Highness, don't think that this will allow me to betray His Royal Highness!

no way! "

At this moment, a vigorous voice suddenly sounded.

When everyone looked at it, Zhang Shan was yelling at the crowd, with an expression of disdain to be with everyone.

What is the heart of a child?

Adhering to the original heart, believing all the way, is the heart of a child.

Zhang Shan was the Tianjiao of Shaking Tianzong, because the prince of the early days was kind to Shaking the Tianzong, this was the result of the prince of the early days.

However, this cast effect is to identify the Prince of the Beginning, and stand firmly behind the Prince of the Beginning.

In addition, this incident was that everyone worked together to persecute the prince, how could he retreat?

"Hahaha, well said, Er et al. are called Di Chao Tian Jiao, in fact, they are a group of villains who tend to be inflamed, we are ashamed to be with Er et al!"

Xia Xuanlong was also laughing now.

With this statement, the arrogance of all heavens changed.

The fourth emperor's eyes sank, his expression ugly.

Xia Xuanlong and the two spoke one after another, and they had already broken his plan to break the power behind the prince.

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