Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1785: One-minded magic area

"Jie Jie Jie!"

There was a hoarse voice with an evil aura.

In an instant, through the vast sword intent, he came to Qin Yi's body, and in a blink of an eye it became bigger and turned into a huge demon realm.

Cover Qin Yi!

The deep laughter reverberated in the devilish energy, lingering in Qin Yi's ear.

"Prince, if you can tell me obediently with this magical power, I can work for you and help you break the current predicament.

You have to be clear that the current situation can be very unfavorable to you.

If this ancestor takes action, he can suppress you at any time. "

The hoarse voice of the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect was full of temptation, and contained the powerful power to confuse the soul.

The Soul Refining Demon Sect, known for refining soul magic skills, extracts thousands of souls and blends them into one's own body. The power of the soul surpasses the powerful of the same level, and is especially good at confusing others with the power of the soul!

If it is a general quasi-emperor power, it is said that it will not necessarily be interfered by the soul-refining demon sect master's divine and soul power, and even a general who is a newcomer to the quasi-emperor will directly sink into his divine and soul power, only his commands are followed.

It's a pity, where is this clone of Qin Yi as an ordinary quasi emperor?

Divine Soul, Divine Star has been refined, Divine Sense has approached Dacheng!

In Qin Yi's eyes, the actions of the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect were tantamount to making an axe by the class, how could it shake his mind.

Qin Yi's heart is divided into two uses, and Shennian competes with the thirteen emperors for control of the big formation.

And he just raised his head and glanced at the Sect Master of the Soul Refining Demon Sect, and said:


"Roar! Prince, don't be shameless, don't blame my ruthless men."

Upon hearing the words, the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect was furious.

The devil energy around him was boiling, and from it came the sorrowful cry of countless Nine Nether Demon Gods.

There are even more unexplained ghosts, wandering in it, vaguely visible, the son of God who was involved in the tragic death before!

This force fell into one mid-thousand world, enough to turn that mid-thousand world into a ghost prison.

Qin Yi didn't even lift his eyelids: "With the power of your three-legged cat, you want to suppress me?

Don’t you know the situation? "

To be honest, this soul-refining demon sect master, he really didn't care about it.

Qin Yi really didn't know the quasi emperor who had just broken through the quasi emperor for a short time. What kind of courage did he dare to shout in front of him?

On the contrary, it was the quasi-emperor rank set up by the thirteen emperors, as well as the sect master of Wuyuan Tower, which deserved his attention.

Of course, just pay attention.

That's it.

"Old ancestor, I don't know the situation, I think you don't know the situation!"

Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect smiled strangely, a pair of scarlet eyes, a touch of fierce light flashed away, and the color of greed became more and more intense.

Kill him, kill him!

After seizing the supernatural powers, he immediately fled from the great world of Taichu. Just be careful, even if the great emperor of Taichu wanted to make a move, he should be able to escape his life.

As long as he has this magical power, his combat power will definitely skyrocket several times.

As long as he can find a chance, he can even escape to the emperor's road. If he can capture the secret of the emperor, it might not be impossible to break through the emperor!

A tempting voice continued to sound from the heart of the Soul Refining Demon Sect.

"Prince, let you see the methods of this ancestor!"

The voice of the Sect Master of Soul Refining Demon Sect was sharp and piercing, making people shudder, as if it could pierce a person's eardrum.


The demon realm behind him rolled, and a demon **** stepped out.

This place is like the Nine Nether Abyss, the territory dominated by the Demon God, like a beautiful paradise of countless demons.

With a thought to condense the demon realm, the devil stepped on the nine quiets!

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