Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1920: I am the emperor, strike the world with one punch


A long river carrying countless stars, a jade pagoda blooming with brilliance, thundered and pressed.

that moment.

The sun and the moon collapsed, and the world hangs upside down!

The Emperor Luo Tianyu, as well as the countless creatures in the surrounding heavens, looked up, and only felt that the sky was about to collapse under these two forces.

Like the supernatural power of three gods, tearing the sky apart!


Fairy Miaoyao couldn't help it anymore, and wanted to rush out, but was held by Fairy Yuechan.

"Don't worry, look at His Royal Highness Bai."

Fairy Yuechan pointed to Qin Yi.

Fairy Miao Yao couldn't help looking at Qin Yi, and was stunned.

In the silver radiance, Qin Yi stood proudly in the void, without any intention of evasive.

Lord, what does this mean?

Suddenly, Qin Yi moved.


Bow down.

Open the boxing frame.


The silver brilliance on Qin Yi's body became more and more radiant, and the silver rosy was ten thousand.

Indifferent eyes, like a high god, overlooking the world.

The supreme emperor smiled at the changes in the world.

The lord of the ten thousand realms, jokingly look at the ants against the sky!

Come on, if you want to kill my clone, then take my punch.

The name of the boxing style is domineering.

"Fisting... the world!"

Qin Yi uttered a divine voice.

The next moment, a punch!

At the same time Qin Yi punched, the godless emperor behind him also dropped a punch, a blow in the air!


The flaming energy and blood smashed the void, the unparalleled momentum surging horizontally and horizontally, shaking the boundless chaos, and traversing the sky with infinite killing.

This punch.

Suppress the heavens and all worlds are ministers!

I am the emperor and strike the world with one punch!

With endless blood turmoil, Qin Yi's whole person seemed to be integrated with the emperor who was like a billion feet high, and the ancient and vast aura overflowed.


The world was shattered.

The invisible pressure dispersed, even if it was separated from the distant time and space, the quasi-emperors in the void felt a huge sense of oppression.

"Emperor Martial Arts!"

A trace of understanding flashed in the hearts of many quasi-emperors.

This is Imperial Martial Arts, and only Imperial Martial Arts has such amazing power.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary imperial martial arts!

"This is not the inheritance of the early imperial dynasty."

The **** son and quasi emperor from the eastern frontier were silent.

The moves used by Qin Yi were obviously not inherited in the early imperial dynasty.

Is this the prince's hole card?


Under everyone's comments.

This punch was the first to collide with the long river of purple energy of the person on the purple river.


At the moment when Ziqi Changhe collided with the punch of this fist, thousands of stars in the Changhe exploded and turned into nothingness.

Then, the mighty and boundless fist swept the invincible, smashed through the river and easily penetrated the river of purple energy.

From the beginning to the end, the life is broken in half!

The violent waves were shocked, and among the terrifying gods, the stars were annihilated and lost their original luster.

Containing tens of thousands of stars that are comparable to the large capacity, under Qin Yi's punch, one after another is broken, representing that the mana that the master of Zihe has cultivated for thousands of years has been broken!

The huge river of purple qi trembled suddenly, and it was as if a bubble under the sun was burst, turning into a little stream of fireflies, disappearing into the world!


Master Zihe's life was broken due to his supernatural powers, and his blood spurted out, and his whole spirit was dying to the extreme!

Even, Master Zihe fell directly into the void, was implicated by the magical powers of his life, and was shocked by Qin Yi's vitality, and instantly passed out into a coma.

Fighting out, Master Zihe, defeat!

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