Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1973: Kun Yuan


Countless blood exuding a strong medicinal fragrance dripped from the sky.

The mana contained in it can even burn through the void!

Kunyuan cultivated into the ultimate state of mana, relying on the innate and supernatural powers of the monster Kun family, swallowing supernatural powers, swallowing a deity's existence, and turning it into its own use.

There are bound to be advantages and disadvantages. Too much mana is beyond his control and can only be dispersed in his own body.

If the mana contained in every drop of blood can be acquired and controlled by a creature, it can create a semi-sage power, even a saintly power!

"Sure enough, this guy forcibly crossed the Emperor Road world and suffered a very serious injury."

Qin Yi was not surprised by this.

The time and space between the various emperor road worlds is not the chaotic void, but a strange time and space, more terrifying than the chaotic void!

Even if it is a general quasi-emperor, if you fall into it, you will be seriously injured if you die!

Kun Yuan forcibly broke through the barriers of the world, naturally causing huge damage to him. Kun Yuan didn't seem to have suffered any injuries. In fact, his body had been seriously injured by countless space forces.

Qin Yi was using divine intent to trigger Kun Yuan's injury just now to create such a shocking scene.

"Human, how dare you destroy my physical body? You angered me!"

Kunyuan was in pain and roared constantly.

The scarlet eyes were full of killing intent and anger to the extreme.

He originally thought he could hold Qin Yi firmly and turn it into capital for his own promotion, as his help to break through the supreme emperor!

Unexpectedly, just this time, He actually suffered such a big loss!

His flesh body was inherited from the Sky Demon clan, with extremely powerful power, not weaker than the general quasi-emperor body cultivation, but once it was damaged, he needed a lot of mana to repair it.

At least, it will take him millions of years of mana to restore his original body.

"Human, I have changed my mind. This seat will break you into pieces, strip your soul, body, and mana little by little, so that you can watch yourself being swallowed by this seat!"

Kun Yuan said word by word.

The mana surging to the extreme in his body was surging crazily, and his eyes were ruthless and cold, full of killing intent to Qin Yi.

Terrifying mana gushed from its body, revealing terrible fluctuations, shattering this world, and pressing the emperor road at the foot of Frost White Mountain to hum.

The light on Dilu Mountain is indeterminate, and it can only reluctantly settle this world, and it will not collapse.

The vast demon power, Shen Ning like ink.

Cover this world.


Pieces of space shattered, endless storms rushing.


Shuangbai Mountain was a violent spirit, and he was frightened by the fluctuation.

This demon god, really is not that easy to defeat!

"Then it depends on whether you have this ability!"

Qin Yi felt the vast mana surging in the void, smiled faintly, and stepped out.


As Qin Yi stepped out one step at a time, the acupuncture points in his body bloomed with brilliant divine glory, illuminating the void.

Qi and blood rush into the sky, soak the frosty sky.


A majestic sacred mountain suddenly appeared, towering between the heaven and the earth.

The endless divine glory flowed, the sacred mountain bloomed with nine-colored fairy light, and a **** and Buddha overlooking the heavens chanted Brahma on the sacred mountain and worshiped Qin Yi!

If the body is eternal, immortal alone!

Immortal golden body!

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