Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2162: What else


Qin Yi uttered a word, like a **** uttering a divine sound, shaking the world.

The spiritual energy in the hall was shaking, rolling like a dragon!

As soon as this statement came out, to Lu Buwei and the many maids, it was like a cloud over his head, which was suddenly blown away, and a golden light fell.

The clouds are gone, and the dust is full!

"The emperor, are you rejecting our kindness?"

The expressions of many quasi emperors suddenly became gloomy.

"We have come from all generations of emperors, and each one represents an emperor.

We are ten, do you know what this means? "

The threats in Huo Beichen's words are fully revealed.

He was not afraid of Qin Yi turning his face. Whether it was the strength on the scene or the strength behind him, they had an absolute advantage.

From the bright side, even if it is the entire Buluo dynasty, facing their ten quasi-emperors, they can also suppress the entire Buluo dynasty.

And if you count the emperor behind, their side can crush the imperial dynasty even more.

Ten emperors, to one emperor!

No matter how you look at it, they have the absolute upper hand.

As for the cowardice under Qin Yi's gaze, they had long been abandoned.

Ten quasi-emperors will be frightened by a human quasi-emperor?

Even if this is a human race who has cultivated into the extreme realm of the quasi-emperor, they are not afraid.

Every quasi-emperor present is a quasi-emperor who has practiced for countless years, and everyone's cultivation is as deep as the sea, without fear of killing!

"I also hope that the emperor will consider it clearly. If you reject our kindness, you will certainly be able to dominate for a while, but you will reject the kindness of our ten forces and will even more anger us."

"No matter how strong the Buluo Dynasty is, can it face the anger of our ten forces at the same time?"

"Furthermore, the Buluo Dynasty touches the Eastern Xinjiang Iron Law, and even other big forces will not stand on the side of the Buluo Dynasty."

Many quasi emperors spoke coldly with one word from you and one word from me.

The quasi-emperor's breath faintly fluctuates, as if blending into one, looking at Qin Yi coldly.

Obviously, they are forcing Qin Yi!

Forcing not to fall the dynasty!

this moment.

In the hall, torrents surged.

Lu Buwei's heart touched his throat. He knew that Qin Yi's doing this would be extremely detrimental to the Buluo Dynasty.

The forces of the ten directions, these are the ten emperors.

How powerful is this force!

Before, he was full of blood, but when he thinks confidently, it is the best way to understand the requirements of these forces.

As long as the negotiations can be carried out, the losses will be kept to a minimum.

For Buluo, it is the best result.


Suddenly, Qin Yi burst out laughing.

That laughter is so wanton and so public!


The sound shook the universe, shook the nine heavens!

Qin Yi's laughter seemed to echo with Qin Yi's laughter in this hall, not falling to the imperial palace, not falling to the imperial capital, and even in the entire Tianyao continent.


Everyone was frightened and angry, not knowing what Qin Yi was laughing at.

Obviously they have an absolute advantage, and they should not fall into the dynasty with one foot.

How dare Qin Yi be so arrogant?

Where did he get the courage?


In the center of the hall, Qin Yi took a slight step forward.

Although it was only a small step, the time and space in the entire hall seemed to be shaken by the whole in an instant.

The endless space is squeezed into a liquid state by an unimaginable force, as if it might burst at any time!

There are countless cracks in the space, and it continues to collapse.

One thought crushes the world!

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