Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2167: Deceive you, so what

The sword intent shook the waves.

The four elephants roar.

Just talking about the cultivation of kendo, Mo Baiming had already reached a level.

Except for Lu Dongbin, the swordsman Qin Yi saw, no one at the level of quasi emperor could surpass Mo Baiming.

Even Qin Yi had abandoned his kendo in the past hundred years.

At this moment, he was only in the same position as Mo Baiming, even inferior to Mo Baiming.


He wants to suppress Mo Baiming, why does he need kendo?


Qin Yi snorted coldly, and the big glittering hand in the void suddenly clenched tightly.

"Ah, ah! Qin Yi, you deceive people too much!"

Mo Baiming wailed bitterly, with a look of horror on his face.

He actually couldn't stop Qin Yi, a great hand of aura condensed with the aura of heaven and earth?

Qin Yi was silent, the movement of the big hand unchanged.

The crystal clear hand closed, in Mo Baiming's incredible gaze.

Crushed his mana shield.

Crushed his bones and limbs.

It crushed his soul!


With a muffled sound, Mo Baiming didn't even hum again, and the whole person instantly turned into a **** mist.

Mo Baiming, die!

"What about deceiving you?"

Qin Yi's face was indifferent, his right arm dropped, and black hair danced wildly.

I am the king, you are the enemy!

What about fooling you!

"you you……!"

At this moment, the remaining quasi emperors were shocked and speechless.

Think how strong they were when they came!

The ten envoys, carrying the will of the ten emperors, seem to be overwhelming.

Even if it was the first power in the Eastern Frontier, the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty, facing the ten of them, I am afraid it would give way.

They are confident that even Qin Yi and the emperor behind the imperial dynasty must retreat and agree to their demands when facing them.

Who would have thought that Qin Yi gave them two loud slaps directly!

Do not.

This is the most domineering response!

Qin Yi's most overbearing response to the ambitions of great forces such as the Gods of Heaven!

If you can't defeat the idea, I will kill your messenger!

"Why, what else do you want to say?"

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, and he looked at the remaining quasi emperors with a smile.

Under Qin Yi's gaze, several quasi-emperors were frightened and afraid to look at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi killed Huo Beichen and Mo Baiming one after another, making everyone understand that they were not Qin Yi's opponents!

Qin Yi could destroy Mo Baiming and kill them with ease, and also behead them easily.

Even if they have eight quasi emperors on their side.

This is just the avatar of the Immortal Emperor.

If his deity shot, many quasi emperors would not dare to imagine how terrifying it would be!


Qin Yi's eyelids drooped, and he whispered a word.

One word, like a real dragon whispers.

God king decree!

The violent energy raged like a landslide or a tsunami, spreading in all directions!

Many quasi-emperors felt an unstoppable force that fell on them.

In an instant, many quasi-emperors were encumbered by this force and flew towards the outside of the hall.

When they recovered, they had already appeared outside the Tianyao continent!


Many quasi-emperors looked at each other in shock.

The eight quasi-emperors were wrapped around the Tianyao Continent without any resistance. Everyone didn't know what it meant.

If Qin Yi wanted to kill them, it wouldn't be any effort at all!

How could this emperor not fall so strong?

"Go back and tell your supreme, if you want to defeat the dynasty's idea, just come.

Come, let me kill one! "

At this time, a voice also floated from the Tianyao continent.

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