Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2459: Immortal furnace shakes the world


Many emperors raised their brows and couldn't help but anger.

Qin Yi's posture simply didn't put them in his eyes.

Don't care.

This is the greatest pride, and even the most arrogant contempt!

"What a junior!"

The voices of many emperors were chilling, the endless power swept the chaos, and the mighty pressure shook the void.

The emperor is angry and shakes the chaos!

Is the anger of an emperor just waiting?

"Junior, don't think that by defeating our divine mind clone with an imperial weapon, you can be lawless!"

"We have been emperor for thousands of years, how profound is our background!

In our eyes, you who stepped into the emperor realm are just a newly grown ant! "

"This seat proposes to withdraw this son's soul and burn it with sacred fire for thousands of years, so as to relieve our hatred!"

A venerable emperor was furious, his eyes glowing with a chill.

What a lofty and noble status a great emperor!

The same emperor will not easily offend one emperor, let alone eleven old emperors here.

A junior who has just become an emperor in this area, dare to despise them like this?

Are they really muddled?

This son should be punished severely to show our majesty.


An unimaginable breath swept thousands of miles of chaos.

Like eleven gods, wrapped in endless anger, they burst out with a terrifying atmosphere.

"Junior, without this furnace-shaped imperial tool, what can you do to be an enemy of us!"

Emperor Xingchen overlooked Qin Yi, and the cold light in his eyes was about to overflow.

What he fears most is that it is nothing but an eternal fairy furnace.

This eternal immortal furnace, in his view, is an imperial mid-level war weapon, extremely powerful and terrifying.

In addition, he has no fear of Qin Yi.

He didn't even care about the two rituals.

"is it?"

Qin Yi smiled again. In this smile, many emperors suddenly read the mockery.


The eyes of many emperors sank, and they were about to speak, suddenly their eyes were shocked.

A strong force suddenly rose to the sky!

The bright fairy light burst out, illuminating the entire chaos!

Unmatched power spread out, shattering the chaos, traversing hundreds of millions of miles of galaxies, shaking the heavens and the universe.


In the chaos, countless strong people all raised their eyes.

I saw the eternal immortal furnace that was originally suppressed by the gods, and the lines on the furnace wall lit up one after another.

In an instant, Xianlu burst out with a dazzling light and went straight to the sky.

*The fairy light runs through nine days, as if to pierce the chaos!

Glory and misty, feathered and immortal!

Just a few breaths, the fairy light spread to the chaos for hundreds of millions of miles.

"this is……"

Many emperors were shocked.


Before many emperors came back to their senses, the Eternal Immortal Furnace shook slightly, and the **** link entwined on the Immortal Furnace was broken.

Shen Tingtu shuddered, almost torn in half.


Shentu Taoist spit out blood, his breath instantly wilted.

The imperial weapon is damaged, and he will not be spared!

"Quickly suppress this, this imperial weapon will get out of trouble!"

Shentu Taoist also ignored these, and screamed sternly.

"not good!"

Many emperors also reacted, the power in their bodies surged, and the attacks in their hands became more and more terrifying.

A series of huge attacks, running through the chaos, the galaxy across the sky, the sky knife cuts the sky, the demon Kun waved its wings...


At this time, there was a thud.

A wave visible to the naked eye spread out, setting off a shocking wave in the chaos of hundreds of millions of miles.

Countless laws roar at the same time, sweeping the chaos!

Immortal furnace shakes the world!

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