Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2724: The pressure brought by Emperor Zhenhuang


A high-pitched phoenix sound echoed in the chaos.

Huang Qin is looking forward to life!

The crimson scale feathers shone with dazzling light, as if the whole body was made of flame **** gold.


The phoenix bird shook its wings, and fell three thousand glaze divine fire.

A ray of sacred fire burned the void, and instantly shattered thousands of galaxies!

Thousands of miles of chaos, as if trembling under the mighty power of a phoenix bird, could be crushed to pieces at any time.

The Great Emperor Zhenhuang stood under the Zhenhuang, with indifferent eyes, overlooking the surrounding areas.

The vast and majestic aura enveloped the endless void, and under tremendous pressure, Zhu Bajie and others who could not fall to the emperor could only abandon their opponents.

Only when everyone joins hands can they resist the pressure of Emperor Zhenhuang.

"In the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, no, the peak of the fourth stage of the emperor?"

Cangjie's face was solemn.

Although he came to this world not long ago, he already knew the boundaries of this world well.

For example, he is the peak of the third stage of the emperor, and Emperor Zhenhuang is the peak of the fourth stage!

The difference in the world, the strength is different!

Whether in the prehistoric mythical world or this world, there is a huge power gap between the third and fourth realms.

Even if he mastered the holy characters of the human race, he could arouse the laws of the heavens, but he could not compete with Emperor Zhenhuang!

"It's a hard stubble!"

Zhu Bajie's devilish intention gradually converged, and a touch of fear flashed across his face.

In his current state, he can't match it!

Although he was mad, he was not lost in his mind by the devil, and he was very clear about the gap between himself and Emperor Zhenhuang.

He wasn't the monkey-like fighting madman, nor the heavenly war-god of Yang Jian like the invincible Three Realms.

Change to the blood phoenix great emperor, if he stimulates the potential, it may be a battle.

However, in the face of Emperor Zhenhuang, he is undoubtedly inadequate!

"The Fourth Realm of the Emperor!"

Bai Qi squeezed the Excalibur in his hand, feeling tremendous pressure.

The emperor who was not on the side of the scene, with his cultivation as the lowest, just set foot in the emperor realm, under the breath of Emperor Zhenhuang, the whole person was a little unstable.

But, so what!

He is not defeated, why fear a battle!


Around his body, the overwhelming killing intent surged like a tide, resisting the pressure of Emperor Zhenhuang.

And he looked directly at Emperor Zhenhuang, with fierce fighting in his eyes.


The emperors who did not fall to the side of the dynasty were worried, or jealous, or high-spirited... everyone looked solemn.

If the emperor on the side of the Emperor is worried and jealous, the emperor on the side of the Emperor Zhenhuang will be relieved.

"Heavenly Dream, I have seen Master Zhenhuang!"

"Shenzhong, I have seen Master Zhenhuang!"

"Nine Jiao, I have seen Master Zhenhuang!"


A group of emperors slowly came to the front of Emperor Zhenhuang, paying respects.

Originally, the same emperor had no distinction between superior and inferior.

Every emperor is like a true dragon in the sky and a sacred existence in the nine heavens, like a god!

How to distinguish between superior and inferior, who wants to be inferior?

However, Emperor Zhenhuang is different.

The Emperor Zhenhuang had already entered the fourth stage, possessing the power to destroy the emperor, even Han Xin was not his opponent.

How can the emperors of the Eastern Frontier not be afraid when facing Emperor Zhenhuang?

Like ordinary people facing a murderer holding a murder weapon, maybe everyone is human, but knowing that there is the power to kill you on the other side, who can not be afraid?

All emperors should pay homage to them with great salute.


The Emperor Blood Phoenix also retreated, came to the side of Emperor Zhenhuang, and bowed down, his face even more enthusiastic.

This is his father!

The invincible father!

The emperor of soldiers who has been entangled with him for a long time is not the enemy of the father and the emperor!

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