Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2783: This is domineering

On the ruined walls.

The corners of many strong men's mouths were bleeding, their complexions were pale, like gold paper, and their aura declined to the extreme.

"Quasi-Emperor Extreme Realm! This is the power of Quasi-Emperor Extreme Realm!"

The powerhouses on the side looked shocked and their hearts were shaken.

Although he had known the terrifying quasi-emperor's extreme realm for a long time, it was an existence that could be rivaled by ordinary quasi-emperors.

But everyone never thought that Zhao Yun was so terrifying!

Relying on his own aura alone, Dongyang Venerable and more than ten quasi-emperor powerhouses were severely injured and even suppressed.

Incredibly horrible!

In terms of strength, Zhao Yun is probably even more powerful than the general quasi-emperor extreme realm powerhouse, and is comparable to the existence of the top three on the Eastern Frontier alternate list!

"This person is already only a thin film that can be broken from the Emperor Realm, and he may step into the Emperor Realm at any time!"

"Unexpectedly, the Eastern Frontier Territory, not long after the opening of the Great Eastern Frontier, would have such a tyrannical existence.

There is a lord who does not fall before, and behind this tyrannical general. "

"East Frontier Realm is worthy of being one of the five great realms!"

Some experts from the Western Heaven Realm sighed.

From Zhao Yun, they saw an emperor in a daze, no, the way the giants of the heavens looked when they were young.

The same powerful, the same coercive, the same insurmountable.

Sweeping around, no one can beat!

Of course, Zhao Yun is still inferior to the discussion, but he has already seen the style of the strongest.

Among the contemporary evildoers in the Western Heaven Realm, few can match it!

"it is good!"

Itachi looked extremely excited, and smiled with a particularly cheerful smile.

How can he be unhappy?

Didn't you wait in a sigh of relief, deceive me not to leave no one, want to suppress my edge of not falling to the dynasty?


General Zhao is here, how can you wait for presumptuous!


If Itachi and Lu Buwei were happy, then the strong, such as Dongyang Venerable, were suffocated to the extreme.

The twelve quasi-emperors present were lost to Zhao Yun!

Do not.

This is no longer a simple invincibility, this is a complete crush!

In Zhao Yun's hands, they have no power to fight back at all. They and Zhao Yun are like two levels of existence.

One is in the sky and the other is on the ground, the two are not the same!

"Sir, I'll wait..."

Venerable Dongyang looked sad, his voice hoarse, he wanted to say something.

However, when he spoke, he was roughly interrupted by Zhao Yun:


Say it.

A huge sound wave rushed out in an instant, like a violent wind and showers, and pressed towards Venerable Dongyang.

The void was shaken out of layers of ripples, and in a blink of an eye it shattered into countless cracks, shocking.

Just like a **** will hold the emperor's decree and scold him!


The terrifying power swept across the four directions, directly flying Venerable Dongyang, and the whole person flew out.


A chilling sound of bone fragmentation sounded, and Venerable Dongyang's bones instantly shattered into a pool of mud.

The whole person flew out for thousands of miles, and then it fell heavily to the ground.

Looking again, Venerable Dongyang's body was already in shattered condition, with blood spitting out in his mouth, and he couldn't even stand up again.

What is domineering?

This is domineering!

Zhao Yun has been following Qin Yi for a long time, but he hasn't learned anything else, but his domineering temper is exactly the same as Qin Yi!

In other words, the entire Buluo Dynasty is like Qin Yi, so overbearing!

You have a reason to defend yourself, but I don't listen!

All I know is that if you deceive me and don’t let others fall, you must pay the price!

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