Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2789: Those who don't get involved, die


Venerable Suffering volleyed into the sky and flew away.

Its speed is like a golden rainbow!

In a blink of an eye, the figure of Venerable Suffering disappeared before everyone's eyes, appearing hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Jin Hong escapes from the virtual world and travels thousands of miles!

At that moment, everyone present was dumbfounded!


Venerable Dongyang only felt his brain buzzing, and suddenly he felt dizzy and unsteady.

Seeing this scene before him, he almost collapsed.

What's the situation?

How did Venerable Suffering run away? What's the matter?

Everyone present was also shocked.

No one expected that the Suffering Venerable would actually run away.

However, everyone did not wonder for too long, and their hearts were shocked, and they all looked towards the deep chaos.


I saw that in the distant chaos, a bright silver beam of light broke through the sun and the moon, soaring upward.

It's so dazzling and so dazzling!

Shake the avenue of heavens, shake the river of time!


Xuanhe's domineering aura swept in, radiating the heavens and the realms.

Many strong people present only felt that their hearts were trembling, and their souls were also trembling, almost about to kneel to the ground.

Before this, the powerful did not understand what is the oppressive world?

This is the oppressive heavens!


In the silver beam of light, a **** general with bright silver armor, eyebrows and dazzling eyes, stood tall.


Seeing this divine general, a sense of enlightenment suddenly rose in the hearts of everyone present.

This is an invincible God of War!

"Appeared Saint True Monarch!"

Zhao Yun, Itachi, and Lu Bu are even brighter, knowing the identity of the gods.


The three-pointed two-edged sword in the hand of the **** general shook slightly and trembling slightly.

The huge sound of knives blasted across the world in an instant.

Before everyone's eyes, the appearance of the three-pointed two-edged sword appeared, and the legal principles on its lines were clearly visible.


Then the **** will swing a three-pointed two-edged knife and lightly stroke it.

Before the Northern Falling Realm, in the 100,000 Chaos Dao, at the boundary between the eastern boundary and the western heaven boundary, a huge wave was set off in an instant.

A huge ditch and gully appeared suddenly, separating the two domains!

As the gods divide yin and yang with one sword, divide the faint dawn!


Immediately afterwards, the **** will speak, and the voice will shake the chaos.

The words are concise and concise, but the meaning is revealed!

Those who are from Outland, can't step into the Eastern Frontier for a hundred years!


Everyone glanced at each other, and couldn't help taking a breath.

So overbearing!

Compared with this one, the overbearing of Zhao Yun and Itachi is only insignificant and completely incomparable.

What is domineering!

This is overbearing!

Dare to oppose the powerhouses of the entire heavens and worlds, how domineering this is.

Disregard the heavens and oppress the strong of the heavens and the world.

Moreover, the powerhouses also understand that this **** general must be the giant of the heavens behind the imperial dynasty.

This is also the reason why Venerable Suffering had to escape!

It's a pity that although the afflicted person escaped fast, it was of no use.


I saw that **** would slash with a virtual knife, as if fighting against others.

At the same time, a ray of light fell from the tip of the knife, and it came in an instant, chasing the escaping Venerable Suffering.


The knife flashed across.

Venerable Suffering didn't even have time to make a scream, his whole person was cut to death with a single knife, and annihilated into nothingness.

Lord Suffering, die!

"Those who don't interfere with the affairs of the dynasty should die!"

A majestic voice came from far away.

Magnificent, resounding northward!

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