Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2884: Want to move Miao Yao, have you asked me?

"If it's other things, the old will not be embarrassed with you as a woman, but this matter is related to our family's plans for countless years. How can it be changed by you alone?

It was you who became an emperor who blamed the old, and the old will bear it! "

The elder of Lianqingzong's eyes were sharp, and the will was slightly scattered, which immediately shook the void of thousands of miles.


A huge momentum erupted from the elder of the Lianqingzong, like mountains and rivers roaring, filling the sun and the moon.

Fairy Miao Yao's face suddenly turned pale, and her body was shaky.

After all is a quasi emperor, where can Fairy Miao Yao be able to resist?

The fifth elder of Lianqingzong shook his head, why bother?

This is Chengdi's chance!

For the great secret of Emperor Cheng in the emperor road world, stepping on the emperor realm is the countless arrogances of the eastern frontier, fighting life and death.

Among the countless arrogances, only one person can obtain the Great Secret of the Emperor, the Emperor.

Nowadays, a great opportunity to become an emperor is in front of you. As long as you respond, you will have an 80% chance to become an emperor.

This Miao Yao actually refused?

"The old man asks you one more sentence, would you like to follow the old man to the refining cave?"

The elder of Lianqingzong looked deep and uncertain, looking straight at Fairy Miao Yao.

"No matter how many times the elder asks, the disciple will not agree."

Fairy Miao Yao's face was pale, but she didn't take a step back.

"Huh, a good disciple taught by Seventh Sister!"

Hearing this, the elder of Lianqingzong said coldly.

Although his voice was not too loud, it seemed to contain endless power. Fairy Miao Yao just felt depressed in his heart, almost out of breath.

"Whether you want it or not, today, you have to go with the old and go into the refining hole, and practice and refining the heavens."

The elder of Lianqingzong snorted coldly.

After that, the elder of Lianqingzong made a bold move.


The great elder of Lianqingzong raised his right hand and grabbed it towards Fairy Miao Yao. The huge aura blocked all the way out of Fairy Miao Yao.

The fifth elder of Lianqingzong shook his head and sighed slightly.

With the boss's cultivation base, it is natural to take action against the disciples who have never stepped into the Old Sage, and there will be no surprises.

Fairy Miao Yao raised her eyes and looked at the big hand grabbed towards her, her heart was calm.

In my mind, only a figure appeared.

‘My son, where are you? ’

Just when the fifth elder of Lianqingzong thought that the overall situation had been set, the disciple of the seventh sister would be captured by the boss back to Lianqingdong.

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in the courtyard:

"I want to move Miao Yao, have you asked me?"


At the same time, a force suddenly appeared, blocking the front of the elder of Lianqingzong, like an invisible wall, which was firmly blocked, and no inch was allowed.

"Who, who is it?"

The great elder of Lian Qingzong changed his face suddenly, and his breath instantly condensed into substance, filling the void within ten miles.

The huge divine mind swept the surrounding void red inch by inch.

However, He still did not find where the sound came from.

It's as if it has never appeared before!

The great elder of Lianqingzong was surprised. Of course, he would not think that the sentence just now was just an auditory hallucination.

Is there a strong man who sneaked into this place?

The Lingta **** who is intensively cultivating the space, or the old man withered vine who specializes in astringing energy, or an emperor? !


When the great elder of Lianqingzong was in a state of uncertainty, the fairy Miaoyao, who was like a fairy and banished to dust, froze at the moment when the voice sounded, as if turned into a sculpture.

His eyes were reddened, and his face showed an extremely excited expression.

It's the son!

This is the voice of the son!

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