Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2934: Indifferent youth

Tianyao continent.

At this moment, it has been a year since Buluo Dynasty defeated the allied forces of Zhenhuang Dynasty and other forces.

In one year, the Tianyao continent has undergone earth-shaking changes.


A strong man with a breath of dragon flies across the sky.

Or driving flying swords, or imperial flying boats, or palaces...there are countless types of weapons.

In the past, the rare Feathered Venerable and Saint might no longer be a rare existence.

The concentration of aura in the entire Tianyao Continent is even more intense day by day!

Even the size of the Tianyao Continent is also increasing day by day, a full expansion of hundreds of times, reaching the level of the Great Thousand World.

The continuous growth of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has made the cultivation speed of the creatures in Tianyao Continent also increase.

A powerful figure emerged, bursting out his own light.

In the past, the Tianjiao of the major states have set foot in the Eclosion Realm, and even the Saint Realm.

People such as Byakuya, Uchiha Itachi and others set foot on the ancient sacred realm one after another, attacking the quasi-emperor realm.

Even Datongmu Yuyi, Lu Dongbin, and Taishan Mountain God have successively cultivated the quasi-emperor's extreme realm, knocked on the emperor's gate, and set foot in the emperor realm under the protection of Zhu Bajie!

In order not to fall to the dynasty, add three more emperors!

Every day, the Buluo Dynasty is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, the imperial dynasty, saints are like clouds, and quasi-emperors are coming out in large numbers, replacing the Zhenhuang Emperor in a true sense and becoming the new overlord of Eastern Xinjiang!

Do not.

Even the Zhenhuang Emperor dynasty back then was no better than the Buluo dynasty.

At least, there are more than two-handed emperors in the current Buluo Dynasty.

Even if the remaining major forces in the Eastern Frontier once again join forces, there is no fear of not falling to the dynasty.

Lishui City.

A big city in Zhongzhou with more than one million residents.

This city is named Lishui City because there is a big river called Lishui running through the center of the city.

The city is as prosperous as ever.

Vendors hawking, soldiers patrolling, people living in peace... everything is done step by step, just like in the past.


At this time, the end of a street in the city.

The void rippled in layers, like water waves shaking.

A young man in a red robe stepped out of it, stepped out of the void, and descended into the Tianyao continent.

Even the mountains and rivers and gossip array covering the entire Tianyao Continent did not seem to notice the arrival of the youth.


The youth paced on the street, scanning the surroundings lightly.

The youth's face always has a warm smile, like a gentleman, but his eyes are endless indifferent.

As the heavenly path is high and far above the nine heavens, everything is not lingering in the heart.

The creatures around, look like ants in his eyes!

"Yes, although it can't be compared to the ancestor stars of the top powers in the ancient times, but the world of the residence of the emperor and the gods is not different.

In today's eastern frontier, it can also be called the overlord. "

The man commented casually.

The indifferent words have a meaning of reprimanding Fang Qiu.

"Unfortunately, the father has already awakened, and many giants in the ancient times will also wake up one by one, and the eastern frontier will return to the ancient times.

A mere dynasty, in this general trend, only one wave is enough to wipe it out. "

The man smiled indifferently and shook his head while smiling.

Such a prosperous scene is so beautiful.

What a joy these tiny creatures are.


But it is the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, it will be broken with a light touch!

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