Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2948: Giants

Time returns several hours ago.

In the depths of the chaos, from the Tianyao continent, I don't know how many chaos inside and out.

A chaotic void.

A huge palace comparable to the Middle Thousand Worlds, quietly suspended in the chaos, like a big sun.

The whole body of this hall is lavender, exuding the atmosphere of the eternal age, suppressing the turbulence of space.

The endless chaotic essence is tumbling and bursting, but this palace is swallowing and vomiting!

If Qin Yi were here, he would be able to recognize this palace, perhaps not as powerful as Eternal Immortal Furnace, but it was only slightly inferior.

Intermediate emperor!

This palace is an intermediate imperial weapon.


From the hall, even more unspeakable horror aura.

Inside the palace, it is a huge floating island with an area larger than that of most Zhongqian worlds.

At this time, the nine-sided throne stands on the island.

On each throne, there is a figure shrouded in endless divine glory, each figure is extremely tall, not knowing how tall it is, almost as high as the world in the hall, like a **** like a devil.

At the seat of the main seat, a blond young man was leaning against him.

The face of the blond young man was not shrouded in divine light, and nine golden crows lingered all over his body. With it as the center, his entire radius was filled with flames!

The scorching golden crow **** flame seems to burn the world!

If even the lower three realm emperors strayed into it, they might be burned into nothingness by the golden crow flame and fall on the spot.

Only the emperor of the middle three realms can approach this existence.

The existence on the rest of the seat, or the purple spirit, or the gods hanging high, or the ethereal and fight against this existence.


In front of these existences, there is an ancient mirror floating.

In the mirror, the scene in Tianyao Continent was reflected.

The protagonist is the Prince Richen!

The scene in the mirror, with Prince Richen as the protagonist, reveals things in the Tianyao continent.

"Veteran Yuan Yi, you, the six tricks and the law, are worthy of no inheritance from the central realm.

It is up to you to monitor the son of the old fellow Richen without even knowing it. "

The blond young man smiled slightly, his voice rolled like thunder, and the whole world seemed to be shaking.

Every time a word is uttered, a huge storm is set off in this world.

"The Golden Crow Daoist is absurdly praised. The old Dao can only use this trivial trick and can't be on the stage. Maybe the Daoist Richen has already noticed it, but it is not broken."

On a throne, a figure in a Taoist robe said modestly.

"The little trick?"

"Veteran Yuan Yi, if your six tricks and tricks are all trivial tricks, isn't the Kundong Emperor Jing in this seat just a joke?"

"Yuan Yi is veteran, do you really think it's impossible for us to understand you?"

As soon as this statement was made, the figures on the other thrones sneered.

All present here are giants of the ancient times, and they know each other very well, and who would believe the words of Yuan Yi Lao Dao.

"You guys are not good at this, but you can tell the truth."

The figure in the robe called Qu Dao.

"Well, Yuan Yi Old Road."

The blond young man waved his hand, interrupting the figure in the robe.

This Yuan Yi Lao Dao is in such a way that none of what he said is true. To put it in a bad way, he is well versed in the way of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

In other words, the old and the cunning.

Since his rise all the way, no one has ever figured out his trump card. If the giants of the heavens present, the most feared existence of the blond youth, this old man should be ranked in the top three!

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